Expanding Community Connections with the Tilth Alliance

Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Tilth Alliance community garden and classroom in Seattle. This visit was more than just a work trip — it was a chance to deepen our roots in Washington, expand our reach, and build lasting connections with a community that shares our passion for sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

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Posted by Ashley

Exploring a Fresh Start at the Pacific Northwest Organic Center

In the picturesque mountains of Skagit Valley, Washington, I had the opportunity to attend the inaugural Field Day of the Pacific Northwest Organic Center (formally Cascadian Farm) organized by the Rodale Institute. This event brought together a community of researchers, farmers, students, and educators—all united by a shared passion for organic agriculture. The Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit researching and sharing regenerative organic farming practices that restore soil health, fight climate change, and fix the food system.

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Posted by Ashley

Cultivating Consciousness with Oshala Farm

Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Oshala Farm for their annual Herb Camp – a weekend brimming with educational workshops, nourishing food, and remote camping in the lush Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. This beautiful event united plant lovers from all walks of life to delve deeper into herbalism and farming, spark inspiration, and engage in hands-on experiences with the plants. As the sun reached its peak, we gathered beneath an ancient and weathered oak tree for a powerful opening circle, where we honored the Indigenous peoples of this land, and we were reminded of the need to listen to the earth's stories and its age-old wisdom.

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Posted by Ashley

Partnering to Preserve our Wild Lands

Nature is a powerful ally when it comes to our health and wellness. She is a vibrant living entity deserving of our respect and protection. That's why we're proud to partner with Cascadia Wildlands, an active force among environmental conservation nonprofits working to protect wild ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. Together, we share a vision of restored old-growth forests, rivers full of wild salmon, flourishing wolf populations, and communities enriched by biodiversity and sustainable practices within the Cascadian bioregion. 

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Posted by Ashley

Uplifting Voices for Social Justice & Sustainability

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we recognize the essential role of considering the human experience at every level of our business. Our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is more than just words. We understand the importance of supporting underrepresented communities and are proactively building strong partnerships with those who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).

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Posted by Ashley

Partnering to Protect Pollinators

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we believe that nurturing our community and environment go hand in hand. This philosophy is at the heart of our partnerships with local nonprofit organizations who align with our values in land stewardship and environmental justice. One of those partners is Beyond Toxics, an Oregon-based key player dedicated to building a community-driven environmental justice movement in Oregon. Beyond Toxics empowers communities affected by pollution and climate change by working to protect our precious pollinators, restore native plants, and foster a healthier, more sustainable world.

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Posted by Ashley

Demonstrating Our Vision: The Mountain Rose Volunteer Program

At Mountain Rose Herbs, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond the products we provide. It extends to fostering a deep connection with our community and the environment through our employee volunteer program. This unique initiative offers each of our team members 24 paid hours annually to volunteer at local nonprofit organizations, enabling us to make a meaningful impact while fostering a culture of giving and teamwork.

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Posted by Ashley

Pedaling Towards a Greener Future

Spring is in full bloom, and there’s no better time to tune up your bike, tighten your laces, or get your bus pass than in May – because May is bike Month! Here in Eugene, your vibrant city comes alive with the spirit of cycling, thanks to the fantastic efforts of the City of Eugene Transportation and their regional partners. From free rides to exciting events, and engaging classes, Bike Month is a celebration of all things cycling, designed to showcase the many benefits of biking and to encourage everyone to join in the fun.

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Posted by Ashley

Turning the Tide on Trash: From Zero Waste to a Circular Economy

When it comes to waste, we know the basics: reduce, reuse, recycle. But the real question is, how do we transition from these fundamentals to a truly circular system? As the Sustainability Specialist at Mountain Rose Herbs, I am deeply committed to advancing our Zero Waste Program. This means that from the office to the warehouse to the production floor, we collect and sort every piece of discarded material that would normally end up in the landfill. Along with being the first company in Oregon to be certified, achieving the highest TRUE Zero Waste certification level (Platinum) was a significant milestone in 2016, and we have maintained this standard ever since. But even as we reach this goal year after year, our dedication to waste reduction continues to grow.

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Posted by Ashley

Benefit and Beyond: Company-Supported Agriculture

At Mountain Rose Herbs, our independence allows us to keep corporate social responsibility at the heart of our values. That’s why changing our corporate charter to become an Oregon Benefit Company in 2018 was a natural step for us, formalizing our commitment to making a measurable positive impact on both our employees and our community. Not only did we formalize this change in our legal documents, but under Oregon law we are required to form goals, assess our progress, and report on our activities annually. With accountability at the forefront, we decided to choose B Lab’s rigorous Impact Assessment tool as the third-party standard by which to gauge our impact.

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Posted by Ashley

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

As the springtime sun begins to shine through the clouds and blossom-speckled botanicals make their annual debut, there is no better time of year to celebrate the profoundly magical flora that surrounds us. Each year, the first Saturday of May we celebrate Herb Day. This holiday is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Throughout existence, plants have served as a lifeline of oxygen, energy, food, and medicine that play a crucial role in the future and longevity of Earth’s living creatures. For thousands of years, plants have been utilized around the globe as an integral healing resource that has shaped the world of herbal wellness we know today.

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Posted by Hailey


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Expanding Community Connections with the Tilth Alliance

Find out how we are deepening our roots, expanding our reach in Washington, and building lasting connections with community partners who share our passion for sustainability and regenerative organic agriculture.

September 4, 2024

Exploring a Fresh Start at the Pacific Northwest Organic Center

Find out how the Rodale Institute is exploring regenerative organic practices in the Pacific Northwest.

August 2, 2024

Cultivating Consciousness with Oshala Farm

The commitment to cultivating with consciousness ensures that every herb is grown with care, dedication, and a profound love for the land. Learn how Oshala Farm grows herbs that support community health, and well-being.

July 12, 2024

Partnering to Preserve our Wild Lands

Nature is a powerful ally when it comes to our health and wellness. That's why we are proud to partner with environmental nonprofits working to protect wild ecosystems.

July 1, 2024

Uplifting Voices for Social Justice & Sustainability

Find out how we are taking action for social justice by amplifying voices through our Free Herbalism Project and partnering with new organizations advocating for sustainability.

June 16, 2024

Partnering to Protect Pollinators

Pollinators, such as bees, play a crucial role in our ecosystems. By partnering with local organizations that support our values, we can help protect the precious pollinators we depend on.

June 11, 2024

Demonstrating Our Vision: The Mountain Rose Volunteer Program

Through our Employee Volunteer Program, we offer 24 paid hours for employees to volunteer at local nonprofit organizations, enabling us to make a meaningful impact while demonstrating our values. Find out more about our vision for the future!

June 4, 2024

Pedaling Towards a Greener Future

Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we incentivize our employees to opt for sustainable commute options. This reduces our collective carbon footprint and fosters a culture of environmental stewardship.

May 28, 2024

Turning the Tide on Trash: From Zero Waste to a Circular Economy

The journey towards a circular economy requires a cultural shift. We must change the way we perceive and handle waste, both individually and collectively.

May 20, 2024

Benefit and Beyond: Company-Supported Agriculture

While many have heard of Community-Supported Agriculture, we are taking it one step closer to home with Company-Supported Agriculture.

May 8, 2024

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

Herb Day is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Check out these 9 fun ways to celebrate the plants this Herb Day.

May 3, 2024