Bee's Knees Mocktail with Lemon Balm

The older I get, the less often I seem to want alcohol. Over the last couple of years, I have been better at listening to my body, and have leaned into the low-alcohol lifestyle. The biggest conundrum for me was not wanting to miss out on hosting or attending social events that were drink-focused. It was for this reason that I decided to get good at crafting tasty and unique zero-proof cocktails. Giving myself and others the option to skip the booze is a great way to still enjoy the act of sipping and chatting with friends and family without the negative effects of alcohol. Plus, it opens up a new way to bring herbs into everyday life. (Who doesn’t want that?)

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Posted by Jessicka

Saffron Latte Recipe


If you’re looking for a new warm drink to try this fall, a saffron latte might be just what you need. It’s warm and comforting, with a touch of decadence. The floral notes of saffron, mixed with a hint of vanilla and spice, create a delightful balance in this recipe.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Blended Chocolate & Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

In this modern day and age, it can feel increasingly tricky to find a topic that all humans see eye to eye on. However, the timeless combination of peanut butter and chocolate seems to be something that nearly everyone can agree is an irresistible match made in dessert heaven. Something about smooth, nutty peanut butter intertwined with rich, decadent chocolate is a treat worth savoring for even the pickiest of tastebuds.

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Posted by Hailey

Elderberry Ginger Simple Syrup and Mocktail Recipe

Fruity fizzy drinks are a staple in my household. As much as we love water, there is something extra satisfying about a fizzy beverage— the sound and sensation of carbonation bring a kind of magic and celebration to the very mundane act of imbibing. My partner and I have even taken to adding agave nectar to flavored sparkling water to satisfy both our craving for effervescence and our sweet tooth. This simple method of creating a bare-bones mocktail inspired me to try my hand at crafting an herbal variation to bring a bit more glamour and some seasonal wellness to our fizzy drink routine.

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Posted by Maia

DIY Sheet Mask Recipe for Dry Skin

Sheet masks are one of my favorite at-home spa skin care recipes to make. For those of you who may not have heard of them before, sheet masks are a skin care treatment that uses a piece of fabric soaked in a solution that is intended to bring a host of benefits to the skin. They can be found in just about any store that sells skin care products, but they come at the price of additional preservatives for shelf stability and single-use packaging. They also range in price, with the inexpensive ones including less than natural ingredients and the expensive ones being well...expensive! This is why I opt to make my own.

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Posted by Jessicka

Baked Herbal Falafel

Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, enticingly aromatic, and bursting with earthy flavors–falafel is truly a rhythmic waltz for the tastebuds. In Egypt and Sudan, falafel is referred to as taʿmiya, which loosely translates to “small tasty thing,” and it’s safe to say that anyone who has tried falafel will concur that these fritters are indeed miniature yet mighty delicious bites of bliss. The unique flavor profile of falafel is attributed to a blend of chickpeas, herbs, lemon, garlic, onion, or shallot and a mouth-watering array of spices such as cumin, coriander, and cayenne.

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Posted by Hailey

Warming Fall Drink: Golden Milk Latte with Rose

The first chilly winds of fall have reached western Oregon, signaling the hottest days of summer are coming to an end. With the change in season upon us, I am looking for ways to cozy up, nest in, and find warmth. One of my favorite fall practices is the process of making hot herbal drinks on the stove. I enjoy the time of stirring my colorful herbs and thinking about all of the wonderful ways they support my wellness as they dance around the pot. Luckily, Mountain Rose Herbs recently released their newest tea blend just in time for fall. With a warm, rooty aroma and a smooth but gently spicy flavor, the new Golden Milk Tea is the perfect addition to my want of all things warm and cozy.

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Posted by Gracie

Midwest Farm Visit: How Farm Trips Support the Whole Supply Chain

This August, I traveled to rural Minnesota to visit one of our domestic farm partners. Lucky for me, there was a break from the previous week's high humidity and peak mosquito activity, which made for a comfortable visit this time around. I met with Jason, a second-generation farmer and now manager of the organic farm. I began my visit at what they refer to as the “home farm” where I got to see Jason’s childhood home and the land he grew up on. They still grow some crops on four acres of this land, but the bulk of their growing now takes place in other nearby plots.

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Posted by Meghan

Overnight Oats With Pumpkin Spice

I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. The saying is perhaps a bit cliché, but I understand why it is so often repeated. Breakfast is quite literally the breaking of the fast that our bodies naturally assume while we sleep at night. Upon waking we are rested but also somewhat depleted. Breakfast helps to replenish our glucose and delivers nutrients that are vital for maintaining healthy energy levels and alertness throughout the day. Understanding the importance is the easy part, finding time for a meal in the midst of a “mad dash” morning is a bit harder. I have found that making my morning meal the night before is the best way to ensure I’ll have that oh-so-precious breakfast time. Naturally, the buzz surrounding overnight oats caught my attention instantly!

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Posted by Maia

How to Make a Blueberry Lavender Shrub + Mocktail Recipe

If you love including apple cider vinegar in your food and beverages, there are a few fun herbal preparations that you can accessibly make at home. Vinegars are a great way to work with herbs and can be very customizable depending on your own palate and what’s in season. One of my favorite methods of working with herbal vinegars is by making herbal shrubs.

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Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

When mineral-rich rocks, natural weathering, and the span of a few hundred years become intertwined, the Earth provides a fine-grained material known as natural clay. For millennia, cosmetic clays have been utilized throughout nearly all ancient and traditional beauty regimens for their beneficial properties and applications for many skin types. The earliest use of cosmetic clay, or “medicinal earth”, dates back to the Stone Age by the oldest known early humans, Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. Experts theorize the concept of using clay was sparked as our ancient ancestors witnessed animals instinctively bathing in mineral-rich mud. These early humans are believed to have mirrored the behavior with a natural clay earth pigment known as ochre to aid in wound healing and soothing irritations. Cosmetic clays have since evolved alongside humans and are a prevalent resource in traditional healing methods throughout Ayurveda, ancient Egyptians, and Indigenous American populations.

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Posted by Hailey


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Bee's Knees Mocktail with Lemon Balm

We have put an alcohol-free, herbal twist on a Bee's Knees craft mocktail! It's easy to make and can be crafted in bulk for your next gathering.

October 15, 2024

Saffron Latte Recipe

Looking for a new fall beverage? This delightful latte marries the decadent notes of saffron with perfectly balanced vanilla and spice.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

October 9, 2024

Blended Chocolate & Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

Learn how to make grab-and-go blended chocolate peanut butter overnight oats that are so delicious it just might change the minds of lifelong oatmeal haters.

October 3, 2024

Elderberry Ginger Simple Syrup and Mocktail Recipe

Learn how to make an herbal simple syrup and mocktail for seasonal wellness!

October 1, 2024

DIY Sheet Mask Recipe for Dry Skin

Sheet masks are incredibly easy to craft and making your own allows you to customize the ingredients to match your skin type. Try this moisturizing sheet mask recipe for dry skin!

September 27, 2024

Baked Herbal Falafel

Learn how to make mouth-watering baked herbal falafels with spinach and nettles for added nutrition.

September 25, 2024

Warming Fall Drink: Golden Milk Latte with Rose

Looking for a warm and spiced herbal beverage this autumn? Try this decadent and health-supporting golden milk latte recipe with rose!

September 24, 2024

Midwest Farm Visit: How Farm Trips Support the Whole Supply Chain

Come on a virtual journey to visit one of our Midwest farm partners and learn how these one-on-one connections support everyone along the herb supply chain.

September 19, 2024

Overnight Oats With Pumpkin Spice

Try this decadent overnight oats recipe for a healthful and seasonal start to your autumn mornings.

September 18, 2024

How to Make a Blueberry Lavender Shrub + Mocktail Recipe

Learn how to make an herbal sipping vinegar and mocktail with tasty herbs and fruit!
WRITTEN BY Alex Queathem Payne- Guest Author

September 13, 2024

Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

Explore the benefits and differences of 5 common cosmetic clays and learn how to use them in recipes.

September 11, 2024