Earth Day Oregon: Celebrating and Protecting Our Environment

A red robin sits majestically on a branch

This year for Earth Day, Mountain Rose Herbs is joining Earth Day Oregon, a coalition of local nonprofit organizations and businesses dedicated to celebrating Earth Day, protecting the environment, and making a positive impact in our communities. Throughout the month of April, Earth Day Oregon serves as a central hub, gathering and showcasing a diverse array of events hosted by nonprofits and businesses across the state. From tree plantings and river cleanups to educational workshops and sustainability fairs, we are thrilled to be part of the Earth Day movement, bringing together so many incredible community members!

For 2024, we are proud to partner with the following organizations for Earth Day Oregon: Friends of Trees, Oregon Wild, and the Wild Salmon Center. Through the month of April and beyond, we are committed to strengthening our relationships with our nonprofit partners while supporting environmental stewardship. Find out more about our nonprofit partners below, and stay tuned to learn about the events and projects we collaborate on this year!

A baby ponderosa awaits it's new home in the ground

Friends of Trees: Since 1989, Friends of Trees has planted almost 1 million trees and native shrubs in neighborhoods and natural areas in six counties across the state. The nonprofit does this by engaging tens of thousands of community members while implementing programs that aim to do this work inclusively and equitably. Their mission is to improve the world and grow healthy communities by planting and caring for trees and natural areas.

Oregon Wild: Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild represents the fish and wildlife, ancient forests, and rich diversity of public lands and landscapes that make this state so special. The nonprofit works to protect and restore parts of the natural world that do not have a human voice, recognizing that humans are interconnected with nature and its systems. Through education, public communications, direct lobbying, grassroots activism, and partnering with allied groups and voices, Oregon Wild will be there to fight for the wild.

Wild Salmon Center: Since 1992, the Wild Salmon Center has worked to protect wild salmon rivers across the Pacific Northwest, including 89 rivers and over 7 million acres of natural and wild fish habitats. This organization is based in Oregon, with programs and campaigns spanning California, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia. By building alliances with local and regional partners, the Wild Salmon Center implements scientific and political strategies to protect iconic species of salmon.

Want to learn more about our sustainability efforts?

Check Out Our First Impact Report!

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Topics: Sustainability


Written by Ashley on April 22, 2024

Ashley Bonn is the Sustainability Communications Specialist for Mountain Rose Herbs. She is deeply passionate about social and ecological justice and has several years of experience in community building. Her sustainability journey began after completing an International Business program and studying abroad in South America, where she became inspired to learn more about equitable practices for regenerative living. In 2016, Ashley moved to Portland, Oregon where she completed a Master’s Degree in Sustainability Leadership and worked for several nonprofit organizations. After living in Portland for seven years, she left the busy city and moved to Eugene to deepen her connection with the land. Ashley enjoys hiking, snowboarding, exploring new places, and seeing live music in her free time.


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Earth Day Oregon: Celebrating and Protecting Our Environment

A red robin sits majestically on a branch

This year for Earth Day, Mountain Rose Herbs is joining Earth Day Oregon, a coalition of local nonprofit organizations and businesses dedicated to celebrating Earth Day, protecting the environment, and making a positive impact in our communities. Throughout the month of April, Earth Day Oregon serves as a central hub, gathering and showcasing a diverse array of events hosted by nonprofits and businesses across the state. From tree plantings and river cleanups to educational workshops and sustainability fairs, we are thrilled to be part of the Earth Day movement, bringing together so many incredible community members!

For 2024, we are proud to partner with the following organizations for Earth Day Oregon: Friends of Trees, Oregon Wild, and the Wild Salmon Center. Through the month of April and beyond, we are committed to strengthening our relationships with our nonprofit partners while supporting environmental stewardship. Find out more about our nonprofit partners below, and stay tuned to learn about the events and projects we collaborate on this year!

A baby ponderosa awaits it's new home in the ground

Friends of Trees: Since 1989, Friends of Trees has planted almost 1 million trees and native shrubs in neighborhoods and natural areas in six counties across the state. The nonprofit does this by engaging tens of thousands of community members while implementing programs that aim to do this work inclusively and equitably. Their mission is to improve the world and grow healthy communities by planting and caring for trees and natural areas.

Oregon Wild: Founded in 1974, Oregon Wild represents the fish and wildlife, ancient forests, and rich diversity of public lands and landscapes that make this state so special. The nonprofit works to protect and restore parts of the natural world that do not have a human voice, recognizing that humans are interconnected with nature and its systems. Through education, public communications, direct lobbying, grassroots activism, and partnering with allied groups and voices, Oregon Wild will be there to fight for the wild.

Wild Salmon Center: Since 1992, the Wild Salmon Center has worked to protect wild salmon rivers across the Pacific Northwest, including 89 rivers and over 7 million acres of natural and wild fish habitats. This organization is based in Oregon, with programs and campaigns spanning California, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia. By building alliances with local and regional partners, the Wild Salmon Center implements scientific and political strategies to protect iconic species of salmon.

Want to learn more about our sustainability efforts?

Check Out Our First Impact Report!

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Wildflowers in bloom


Topics: Sustainability


Written by Ashley on April 22, 2024

Ashley Bonn is the Sustainability Communications Specialist for Mountain Rose Herbs. She is deeply passionate about social and ecological justice and has several years of experience in community building. Her sustainability journey began after completing an International Business program and studying abroad in South America, where she became inspired to learn more about equitable practices for regenerative living. In 2016, Ashley moved to Portland, Oregon where she completed a Master’s Degree in Sustainability Leadership and worked for several nonprofit organizations. After living in Portland for seven years, she left the busy city and moved to Eugene to deepen her connection with the land. Ashley enjoys hiking, snowboarding, exploring new places, and seeing live music in her free time.