Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Ask anyone who knows me, and they will confirm my long-standing reputation for being experimental in the kitchen. Since I was old enough to hold a spatula and use my mom’s stand mixer, there aren’t many recipes I haven’t tried from the stacks of cookbooks scattered throughout my childhood home. One of the earliest culinary experiments I can recall was attempting to make gnocchi from scratch, and let's just say, the result was not the most palatable or even edible. The idea struck my developing brain when I forgot about a boiling pot of pasta on the stove, leaving me with mushy, unappetizing noodles. Scratching my head as I tried to think of an innovative way to salvage my overcooked pasta, I remembered a new food I had recently discovered on a grocery store trip with my family: gnocchi. At the time, my assumption of gnocchi was that they were oddly shaped pasta balls, so I decided to blend up the mushy pasta and shape the mixture into gnocchi balls. Fool-proof and ingenious, right? Wrong. My “gnocchi” turned out to be anything but gnocchi, and I nearly broke our cheap blender in the process. Unsurprisingly, my family and I wound up digging through the depths of our freezer for dinner that night.

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Posted by Hailey

Seaweed Bouillon Recipe

During a video shoot in Portland, Maine, I had the opportunity to explore the world of wild-harvested organic seaweed. The pristine coastline and sustainable harvesting practices showcased by local foragers deeply impressed me. Witnessing the care and respect given to these marine plants inspired me to incorporate more seaweed into my cooking. The versatility and rich umami flavor of seaweed made it an exciting ingredient to experiment with in various recipes.

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Posted by Thomas

Zesty Herbal Salad Dressing with Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has become a beloved ingredient in many kitchens and is often celebrated for its distinct tangy flavor, versatility, and wellness properties. Originating from fermented apple juice, this golden liquid has a rich history in culinary and household applications. Its sharp taste complements a variety of dishes, and in my household, is a staple for homemade salad dressings. 

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Posted by Thomas

Non-Alcoholic Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

During the initial brainstorming phase for this blog, I’ll admit that I felt a tad silly for attempting to emulate a mocktail of a gin fizz. After all, the first word in this classic cocktail’s name is the primary ingredient that I could not utilize in an alcohol-free version. As a big fan of gin's complex, piney flavor, I knew it would take some trial and error to recreate such a uniquely flavorful alcohol alternative. Along with the absence of the usual star ingredient in a gin fizz, I also wanted to make this mocktail vegan. With over a decade of being vegan under my belt, that was the easy part!

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Posted by Hailey

Chocolate & Ashwagandha Protein Bites

One of my favorite daily indulgences is a piece of rich, organic dark chocolate paired with crunchy almonds. It's a combination that satisfies my sweet tooth, boosts my spirits, and keeps me on a healthy snack track. So, I began a quest to find the perfect way to incorporate chocolate with healthy organic herbal goodness, resulting in these irresistible no-bake ashwagandha chocolate bites. Imagine sinking your teeth into a treat with cookie dough's soft, chewy texture, the warm, aromatic kick of chai-inspired spices, and that beloved, intense dark chocolate flavor!

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Posted by Thomas

3 Superfood Smoothie Recipes Powered by Plants

As I move and shake my way out of cool-weather hibernation (and try to shed some extra winter insulation), smoothies become the perfect breakfast and/or lunch for me. These nutritious drinks keep me feeling light, but still nourished and focused, and I love discovering new ingredients to add to my favorite blended recipes.

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Posted by Jessicka

25+ DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

Each year when Mother's Day rolls around, I seek gifts that will make Mom feel loved and appreciated. I also aim to get her gifts that she will actually use. You would think I'd have it down to a science by now, but as May rolls around each year, finding the right gift seems to get even harder. Maybe it's because the older I get, the more I appreciate my Mom and want her to know that, or maybe it's that I've gifted her so many things over the years that I want it to be different. What I do know is that she most enjoys my homemade gestures of love. She knows I took my time to make her something, tailored it to her preferences, and created things she can use instead of things that will collect dust or create clutter. 

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Posted by Jessicka

Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We love spring in Eugene! However, this is the time our stunning oaks, cedars, pines, and other trees release their pollen. Then we move into gorgeous early summer weather… except that is when the ryegrass and Timothy grasses that are so prevalent in our area join the trees in their pollen-fest. For people who have sensitivities to pollen, spring and summer in our beautiful city can be challenging. The silver lining for herbalism DIYers is this is an opportunity to try your hand at making herbal lozenges that can offer some seasonal relief.

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Posted by Heidi

Four Thieves Vinegar + Four Thieves Vinaigrette Recipe

Back when we developed our DIY Four Thieves® Essential Oil Blend recipe for diffusing and external use, we received a lot of questions about taking the blend internally. We never recommend ingesting essential oils because they are too highly concentrated. However, the herbs that are the foundation of the not-edible essential oil blend are also a perfect foundation for a very edible (and delicious) herbal vinegar. Four Thieves vinegar is wonderful for culinary, body-care, and wellness recipes and is also an effective vinegar-based spray cleaner that just so happens to have a delightful aroma. Plus, there is something particularly satisfying about putting your personal spin on a classic formulation that has been part of the herbal lexicon for 500 years. This infused vinegar is a longtime Mountain Rose Herbs favorite!

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Posted by Heidi

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Energy-Supporting Herbs

I don’t think I can emphasize enough how hard it is for me to get out of bed in the mornings—like it is actually a serious problem at times. Part of my brain knows that I am making my morning routine a bit more and more frantic with each horizontal moment that ticks by, but it is so hard to care. What could the outside world possibly offer me that is better than the total warmth and comfort of my snuggly nest? Especially when there is a good book at hand and the world’s laziest dog snoring away next to me. Because of my proclivity for lengthy wakeups, I learned a long time ago that “I’ll just do it in the morning” is one of the rudest things I can do to my future self, so I have gotten into the habit of doing my morning meal prep the night before. Chia seed pudding is the definitive MVP for this practice. It is super quick to make and one of the few foods that is better after sitting overnight in the fridge. For this particular recipe variation, I wanted to try including herbs that pack a little extra oomph to help me show up for the day (however reluctantly) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

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Posted by Maia

Superfood Jelly: Hawthorn & Bilberry Jelly Recipe + Canning Directions

Right around Spring Equinox, I start to take inventory of what is in my apothecary, what needs to be used in the next few months, and what needs to be replaced now. This timing is serendipitous because as winter comes to a close and summer’s nutritious fresh berries are still months away, I start to crave the bright flavor and nutritious zing of freshly made superfood jelly. Hence, the end of March is my annual dried berries jelly-making time. This year, I was excited to find that my dried hawthorn berries and bilberries are on the 2024 refill list. These two superfood berries, particularly in combination, are perfect for early spring jelly-making and result in one of my all-time favorite jellies. One batch carries my family happily into summer.

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Learn how to make herbal gnocchi from scratch and discover the endless possibilities of incorporating herbal powders into your favorite recipes.

July 25, 2024

Seaweed Bouillon Recipe

The versatility and rich umami flavor of seaweed make it an exciting ingredient to have in your pantry. This easy shelf-stable seaweed bouillon recipe brings a nutritional boost to mealtime.

July 19, 2024

Zesty Herbal Salad Dressing with Apple Cider Vinegar

This summer salad dressing combines zesty apple cider vinegar with aromatic herbs like basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and marjoram. It's the perfect compliment to your fresh summer greens!

July 3, 2024

Non-Alcoholic Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

With more of us ditching the alcohol these days, we were inspired to transform a botanical gin fizz into an herbal booze-free alternative that was also vegan! You are going to love this refreshing herbal mocktail.

June 20, 2024

Chocolate & Ashwagandha Protein Bites

Interested in adding more herbs into your daily diet? This hearty snack recipe will satisfy the tummy and provide energy, even when you're on the go!

June 18, 2024

3 Superfood Smoothie Recipes Powered by Plants

These three smoothie recipes will help you fit nutritious greens, berries, and mushrooms into your diet for a tasty snack or meal that's great on the go!

June 12, 2024

25+ DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

If you're looking for a Mother's Day Gift that is homemade, useful, and able to be tailored to the special Mom(s) in your life, look no further than this list of DIY gift ideas!

May 6, 2024

Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We’re excited for spring and summer weather, the increase in pollen can be challenging for many of us. Try your hand at making herbal lozenges for seasonal support.

May 3, 2024

Four Thieves Vinegar + Four Thieves Vinaigrette Recipe

This herb-infused vinegar based on the classic Four Thieves recipe is perfect for delicious homemade vinaigrette, body care, or a spray cleaner!

April 30, 2024

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Energy-Supporting Herbs

Try this decadent chia pudding recipe for a healthful and energizing start to your morning.

April 25, 2024

Superfood Jelly: Hawthorn & Bilberry Jelly Recipe + Canning Directions

We love the bright flavor and nutritious zing of superfoods jelly! Make your own with nutritious, dried organic bilberries and hawthorn berries.

April 3, 2024