What is CITES & Why is it Important?

Readers of the Mountain Rose Herbs blog know that one of our primary concerns is the ongoing and increasing impact of overharvesting on wild plants. Some of the most popular medicinal herbs in the world—for example, goldenseal, bloodroot, black cohosh, trillium, and osha—are at risk and/or endangered. As well as rampant wildharvesting, these precious botanicals are impacted by land use issues and climate change, which are becoming more problematic. As a bulk herbs company dedicated to putting people, plants, and planet before profit, we believe it is our responsibility to do everything possible to find solutions for our herbal allies. One way we do that is to work within the regulations set forth by CITES—the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Clean and Upcycle Bottles, Jars, & Other Empty Containers

If you’re anything like me, you don’t like to waste. When you enjoy herbal preparations as part of your daily routine, you are bound to wind up with a stockpile of perfectly good containers that can still be used. But how can you make sure they are cleaned well enough to reuse, and how can you continue to put them to use time and time again? Here are some tips and tricks to help you keep those bottles in circulation.

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Posted by Jessicka

The Importance of Sustainable Landscaping for Businesses

Rain had been falling for the better part of the last week but on the morning of Wednesday, December 7th, with the skies partially clear, the Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team was working to enhance the landscape at our new campus. By midday, we had carefully planted two Aspen, 24 Kinnikinnick, 34 Ponderosa, and 250 Camas bulbs into the expanding green space that makes up the western border of the property. Five staff members, working for a total of 10 hours, completed this work as part of our effort to build a vibrant landscape that blurs the lines between the commercial/industrial use of the facilities and an ecosystem that is representative of the southern Willamette Valley.

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Posted by Buck

Mountain Rose Herbs Is Furthering Its Commitment to Sustainability In 2023

People often assume that sustainability is not compatible with the tenets of successful business management. However, Mountain Rose Herbs is an excellent example of how a company can be guided by the principle of putting people, plants, and planet before profit and how business decisions can successfully consider both the environmental and social impact of operational choices and costs. Keeping sustainability at the core of our business practices means we are aware of the full cost of doing business and we make decisions consciously to minimize any negative impact that our company might have on our community, ecosystems, and ultimately the planet. With a history rooted in environmental and social activism, we cannot imagine operating a business any other way.

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Posted by Buck

Why Mountain Rose Herbs Chooses Oregon Tilth as Its Organic Certifier

In 2001, when we moved Mountain Rose Herbs from California to Pleasant Hill, Oregon, we made the move to be closer to our farm partners, wildharvesters, and processors. But another key factor in our decision was Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO), a Corvallis, Oregon nonprofit that was reimagining how the world’s food systems could work better for people and the planet. Founded on the fundamental belief that our food and agricultural systems should be sustainable and equitable, Oregon Tilth has spent nearly fifty years workingfororganic food and farming. 

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Posted by Shawn

Small Gifts & Stocking Stuffers Under $20

Gift-giving can be difficult, especially during the holidays. Finding the right gift at the right price is hard enough, but then layer on crowded parking lots, long shopping lines, and inclement weather, and you have yourself a recipe for holiday stress! We just don’t need that added pressure in our already hectic lives.

With this in mind, I curated a simple list of budget-friendly gift ideas that you can have delivered right to your doorstep. You’ll find the perfect gifts for the health enthusiast, foodie, tea lover, or fragrance connoisseur in your life. (Or for yourself; you also deserve it!)

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Posted by Jessicka

Goldenseal: Planting a Future for One of Our Most At-Risk Herbs

Although goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) was used by First Nations peoples for hundreds of years before Europeans arrived in the Americas, the first written source regarding goldenseal appears in an 1801 series of essays by botanist and physician Benjamin Smith Barton titled Towards a Materia Medica in the United States. Early colonists found a well-established trade network already in place for medicinal herbs, including goldenseal. Indigenous people used it as a dye and also for a variety of health issues, including as a bitter to support digestion, as a skin and eye wash, and as a dental rinse. By the 1830s, goldenseal was also a favorite of practitioners of Eclectic medicine, and demand was increasing exponentially. That demand has never let up and today goldenseal is considered to be one of the most at-risk herbs on United Plant Savers' At-Risk Medicinal Plants List. There is, however, a potentially bright future for goldenseal thanks to innovations in cultivation.

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Posted by Heidi

American Ginseng: A Forest Grown Future

As you know, we spend a lot of time thinking about at-risk herbs and what we can all do to support these botanical allies. The issue of overharvesting in the wild is a key reason why Mountain Rose Herbs is increasingly turning to cultivated herbs when possible and why we support certified organic forest farming, particularly for hard-hit herbs like North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). We know that to ethically procure these valuable botanicals, they must be consciously and mindfully gathered and harvested. We only work with growers and harvesters who have been fully vetted, who we can trust to cultivate, harvest, and handle our plant allies with the respect and care they deserve. With that in mind, we’d like to show you what successful forest farming looks like.

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Mountain Rose Herbs’ Alternative-Fuel and Electric Vehicle Fleet

If you’ve been reading along on the Mountain Rose Herbs blog, you know we’re always looking for ways that we can make smart business choices that address climate change and invest in the health and wellbeing of our community and our planet. Committing to our alternative-fuel and electric fleet of company vehicles is one key piece to this commitment.

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Posted by Shawn

Ethical Issues in the Herb Industry: Wildharvesting vs. Cultivation

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we have been in a years-long process of shifting our procurement policies away from wildharvested herbs in favor of cultivated ones whenever possible. This policy was necessitated by the increasing impact of overharvesting on some of the most popular herbs and spices around the world. In some cases, for instance with white sage (Salvia apiana), we have been able to source excellent organic, cultivated options, which means we can continue to offer this herbal ally with a good conscience. In other cases, however, as with false unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum) and trillium (Trillium spp.), we have chosen to discontinue carrying an herb because we simply cannot find an ethical way to procure it. As we are navigating an increasingly complex procurement reality, I want to give you a peek behind the curtain, as it were, into why and how we determine what we can sell while prioritizing the overall wellbeing of people, plants, and planet.

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Posted by Shawn

Bloodroot: How We Can Create a Bountiful Future for an At-Risk Herb

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is one of those herbal allies that has been with North Americans for as long as anyone can remember. For thousands of years, First Nations Peoples used different parts of the plant for a wide variety of issues ranging from skin problems to respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints, and also used it to make dyes. European immigrants, eclectic medicine practitioners, and others learned from the local indigenous peoples and by the early 19th century, bloodroot was officially listed in the United States Pharmacopeia. Today, literally tons of bloodroot are wildharvested every year. Lets talk about the challenges this herbal ally is facing and how we can support its bountiful future.

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

What is CITES & Why is it Important?

We invite you to learn about CITES, the oldest and largest international conservation agreement in the world.

March 13, 2023

How to Clean and Upcycle Bottles, Jars, & Other Empty Containers

Put that stockpile of empty containers back in action with these tips for cleaning and upcycling glass, metal, and plastic containers!

March 8, 2023

The Importance of Sustainable Landscaping for Businesses

The landscaping at all Mountain Rose Herbs facilities focuses on three critical areas: native restoration, ecosystem impact mitigation and remediation, and aesthetic enhancement for the staff and community. Learn how we are incorporating this model into our new campus.

February 8, 2023

Mountain Rose Herbs Is Furthering Its Commitment to Sustainability In 2023

Learn more about how we are expanding the Mountain Rose River Project, how we’re consolidating operations to further reduce our carbon footprint, and how we are investing in our employee wellness plans.

January 21, 2023

Why Mountain Rose Herbs Chooses Oregon Tilth as Its Organic Certifier

Sustainable, equitable food systems require alliances and healthy working relationships. We invite you to learn more about Oregon Tilth Certified Organic.

January 5, 2023

Small Gifts & Stocking Stuffers Under $20

If you are looking for budget-friendly gift ideas for the health enthusiast, foodie, tea lover, or fragrance connoisseur in your life, then look no further than our 2023 small gift guide. All items are between 3 and 20 dollars, making them ideal for small gifts or stocking stuffers!

December 2, 2022

Goldenseal: Planting a Future for One of Our Most At-Risk Herbs

Goldenseal is one of the most at-risk plants in North America. Learn more about a new method of cultivation for goldenseal's sustainable future.

December 1, 2022

American Ginseng: A Forest Grown Future

We are increasingly turning to cultivated herbs and certified organic forest farming to procure at-risk herbs like North American ginseng.
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

September 22, 2022

Mountain Rose Herbs’ Alternative-Fuel and Electric Vehicle Fleet

Committing to an alternative-fuel and electric fleet of company vehicles is part of our commitment to invest in the health of our community and our planet

September 21, 2022

Ethical Issues in the Herb Industry: Wildharvesting vs. Cultivation

Learn more about why we are in the process of shifting our procurement policies away from wild-harvested herbs in favor of cultivated ones whenever possible.

August 16, 2022

Bloodroot: How We Can Create a Bountiful Future for an At-Risk Herb

Bloodroot is an herbal ally that has been with us for as long as anyone can remember. Learn how you can help support its bountiful future.

August 3, 2022