How Contract Farming Supports the Entire Supply Chain

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we feel it is our responsibility to ensure all the botanicals we offer support the entire supply chain. This includes the farmers, the harvesters, and those who call upon them in times of need. One of the strategies we employ to ensure a steady and sustainable supply of organic herbs and spices is contract purchasing. This means that we make projections of our community’s needs, sometimes before the seeds even go into the soil, so that farmers can better rely on the sale of their crops and we can ensure people will have access to what they need to support their health and wellness goals.

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Posted by Meghan

The Four Pillars of UDSA Organic & Why They Matter

People often struggle to understand what “organic” means, and consumer research has revealed that many are not familiar with the regulatory and enforcement processes that uphold the organic seal. In response to this, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has come up with four easy-to-understand pillars that make up the USDA organic label. Each pillar highlights a key component of the National Organic Program's (NOP) process for developing and enforcing organic regulations.

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Saffron Latte Recipe


If you’re looking for a new warm drink to try this fall, a saffron latte might be just what you need. It’s warm and comforting, with a touch of decadence. The floral notes of saffron, mixed with a hint of vanilla and spice, create a delightful balance in this recipe.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

DIY Sheet Mask Recipe for Dry Skin

Sheet masks are one of my favorite at-home spa skin care recipes to make. For those of you who may not have heard of them before, sheet masks are a skin care treatment that uses a piece of fabric soaked in a solution that is intended to bring a host of benefits to the skin. They can be found in just about any store that sells skin care products, but they come at the price of additional preservatives for shelf stability and single-use packaging. They also range in price, with the inexpensive ones including less than natural ingredients and the expensive ones being well...expensive! This is why I opt to make my own.

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Posted by Jessicka

Warming Fall Drink: Golden Milk Latte with Rose

The first chilly winds of fall have reached western Oregon, signaling the hottest days of summer are coming to an end. With the change in season upon us, I am looking for ways to cozy up, nest in, and find warmth. One of my favorite fall practices is the process of making hot herbal drinks on the stove. I enjoy the time of stirring my colorful herbs and thinking about all of the wonderful ways they support my wellness as they dance around the pot. Luckily, Mountain Rose Herbs recently released their newest tea blend just in time for fall. With a warm, rooty aroma and a smooth but gently spicy flavor, the new Golden Milk Tea is the perfect addition to my want of all things warm and cozy.

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Posted by Gracie

Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

When mineral-rich rocks, natural weathering, and the span of a few hundred years become intertwined, the Earth provides a fine-grained material known as natural clay. For millennia, cosmetic clays have been utilized throughout nearly all ancient and traditional beauty regimens for their beneficial properties and applications for many skin types. The earliest use of cosmetic clay, or “medicinal earth”, dates back to the Stone Age by the oldest known early humans, Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis. Experts theorize the concept of using clay was sparked as our ancient ancestors witnessed animals instinctively bathing in mineral-rich mud. These early humans are believed to have mirrored the behavior with a natural clay earth pigment known as ochre to aid in wound healing and soothing irritations. Cosmetic clays have since evolved alongside humans and are a prevalent resource in traditional healing methods throughout Ayurveda, ancient Egyptians, and Indigenous American populations.

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Posted by Hailey

Benefits & History of Castor Oil + Salve Recipe

You may be familiar with castor oil for its long-standing reputation within the beauty industry as the secret weapon for maintaining luscious hair and providing deep moisture and protection for the skin. However, you likely aren’t as familiar with this precious oil’s fascinating history and countless additional applications. Along with being an effective humectant for scalp and hair, castor oil has been utilized throughout history in everything from cosmetics to leather tanning. Interestingly enough, castor oil has in recent years even been considered as a desirable substitute for petroleum resources used in the fuel production industry!

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Posted by Hailey

Bronzing Facial Serum with Sea Buckthorn Oil

This nourishing facial serum is a very special one in my recipe book. Made with four of my favorite skin care oils, this blend is deeply hydrating and yields a lovely bronzing hue that can be tailored to many skin tones. The star of this recipe is sea buckthorn oil, which in my opinion, is an underutilized oil that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. While most skin care oils are pressed from the seeds of a given plant, sea buckthorn oil is pressed from the seeds and berries which yields a vibrant golden hue and contains abundant antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Sea buckthorn oil also contains linoleic acid which has been shown to support the skin’s lipid barrier,  helping to reduce overall moisture loss. For all of these reasons, it remains high on my list of favorite skin care ingredients.

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Posted by Jessicka

Tea Blending & Ceremony

Sometimes I formulate my morning tea blend the night before, placing my tea-set on my desk so I’m ready to sip and write first thing. Other days, I blend in the predawn darkness as water boils, fingers caressing rough pu’erh 普爾, soft chrysanthemum, fragrant tulsi

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Shampoo Powder Recipe with Shikakai

One of the many perks of working at Mountain Rose Herbs is that I am always being introduced to new ingredients. As a person who loves making sustainable and cost-effective DIY recipes, I was intrigued when I began learning about organic soap pod powder. At first glance, I thought this was a powdered form of deseeded soap nuts, from which I make my semi-famous liquid laundry soap. But upon a closer look, I realized it was an entirely different plant!

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Moisturizing Skin Serum

Skincare is all about balance. This is the basis of each natural skin care class that I teach. We should never be in battle with our skin, but rather, aim to help it maintain the balance it seeks. The cosmetics industry tells us the opposite. It tells us to use this cream for "anti-aging" or that treatment to "fight acne". They also push us into using harsh, drying soaps for our skin, especially oily skin. But did you know that oily skin is most commonly the skin’s natural defense to being too dry skin? In other words, the cleansers used to get rid of oil are actually perpetuating the problem.  

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Posted by Jessicka


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How Contract Farming Supports the Entire Supply Chain

There is a lengthy process that goes into bringing each of the 500+ sustainable and organic botanicals to you when you need them. Learn how contract farming supports farmers, the environment, and you.

October 21, 2024

The Four Pillars of UDSA Organic & Why They Matter

Research has revealed that many people are unfamiliar with the regulatory and enforcement processes that uphold organic certification. Learn more about the pillars of organics and what they mean to Mountain Rose Herbs.
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

October 16, 2024

Saffron Latte Recipe

Looking for a new fall beverage? This delightful latte marries the decadent notes of saffron with perfectly balanced vanilla and spice.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

October 9, 2024

DIY Sheet Mask Recipe for Dry Skin

Sheet masks are incredibly easy to craft and making your own allows you to customize the ingredients to match your skin type. Try this moisturizing sheet mask recipe for dry skin!

September 27, 2024

Warming Fall Drink: Golden Milk Latte with Rose

Looking for a warm and spiced herbal beverage this autumn? Try this decadent and health-supporting golden milk latte recipe with rose!

September 24, 2024

Guide to Types of Cosmetic Clay & Their Uses

Explore the benefits and differences of 5 common cosmetic clays and learn how to use them in recipes.

September 11, 2024

Benefits & History of Castor Oil + Salve Recipe

Elevate your skin and hair care routines with castor oil! Learn about the history of this special oil and try your hand at making a castor oil salve recipe.

September 6, 2024

Bronzing Facial Serum with Sea Buckthorn Oil

"Glow up" with this DIY bronzing facial oil. You can tailor the tone to balance your skin or use it as an evening hydration treatment.

September 1, 2024

Tea Blending & Ceremony

Explore the art of tea blending and ceremony. Our dear friend Jiling Lin shares some of her favorite ways to mindfully blend and brew tea using traditional ingredients and vessels.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

August 29, 2024

Shampoo Powder Recipe with Shikakai

Learn how to make a shampoo powder recipe for a sustainable, inexpensive alternative to liquid shampoos.

August 14, 2024

DIY Moisturizing Skin Serum

Natural skin care is all about balance and hydration. Learn how to make your own moisturizing skin serum for soft and radiant skin.

August 1, 2024