Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe

When it comes to surviving Oregon’s notoriously dark and damp winters, mornings definitely find me protectively clinging to a steaming mug of full-bodied, locally-roasted coffee. But when warm weather rolls around, my solar-powered self craves something cooler (and less high-octane) to provide a light boost to my day. I’ve found a number of traditional and herbal iced tea recipes that often fit the bill, but when I really want to treat myself, I take the time to whip up a special treat: a chilled organic matcha tea latte.

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Posted by Jana

4 Thirst-Quenching Botanical Lemonades

When summer serves up blue skies with long hot days, I crave lemonade. And not the kind that comes from a powdered mix packed with preservatives, colorants, and artificial sweeteners, but real, fresh-squeezed lemonade. The perfect balance of bright acidity, light tartness, and a hint of sweetness that I long for simply can’t be accomplished any other way. Plus, making freshly-squeezed lemonade only takes a few minutes, and it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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Posted by Kiley

Why We Pay Our Employees to Get Out and Volunteer

What is it about putting your hands into the soil that feels so good? How about wading barefoot through a stream, or breathing fresh ocean air? Being in nature is simply revitalizing. That’s one of the fundamental reasons we offer our employees the opportunity to get paid for getting outside and restoring natural areas through the Mountain Rose River Project

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Posted by Alyssa

What is Cacao? Your Tasty Alternative to Processed Cocoa!

I love chocolate. I read that Trisha Yearwood once remarked, “I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the days that I’m not eating chocolate cake. But I do particularly like those days when I am eating chocolate cake.” This quote stuck in my mind, because that’s it exactly — that’s my relationship with all things chocolate!

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Posted by Heidi

Creamy Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

My first taste of green tea ice cream was after a feast at a Japanese restaurant. Although I was stuffed to the brim, the waiter convinced me to be adventurous and try a scoop. I thought there was no room left in my stomach, but then I tasted a bite, devoured that scoop, and thought about ordering another! The grassy, floral, and fruity notes paired perfectly with a creamy sweetness and a touch of vanilla. I skipped the second scoop and spent the drive home thinking about how to make my own.

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Posted by Kiley

Lemon Lavender Thyme Bars

As herbs begin to emerge from the garden boxes that we built last summer, and the lavender we started from seed two years ago sends out fragrant new leaves and flowers, our bees become visible once more, busying themselves among our homestead's first brilliant blooms. Reminders of life-renewed spring forth everywhere I look, from the returning plants and flowers, to the bees buzzing from blossom to blossom, to my own little "gardening companion", my cat Theo, who playfully rolls around near me as I carefully transplant vegetable starts into the freshly tilled soil. Our chickens seem to enjoy these brighter days as well, leisurely sunbathing and picking at fresh grass outside of their coop. I savor every beautiful sight, sound, and aroma that surrounds me at this most exciting time of the year — there truly is no greater time than summer in the Willamette Valley!

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Posted by Tiana

Ayurvedic Cooling Drink with Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Never heard of amla before? Let me be upfront: it’s very sour! But more importantly, it’s regarded in the Ayurvedic tradition as having cooling properties. Also known as amalaki or Indian gooseberry, it’s a great choice for balancing any heat that comes your way. Although organic dried amla powder is most commonly known as one of the three herbs that make up the popular Ayurvedic blend called triphala, it has other herbal and culinary uses too!

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

Making Educated Choices: Plant Families & Allergens

While the leaves, roots, flowers, barks, and seeds we know as herbs are derived from plants found all around us, this does not mean that everyone can and should ingest every herb. It can be challenging to know what is safe, what dosages are recommended, and where to turn to find the answers. Finding trusted sources of herbalism information or knowing when to consult an expert can seem overwhelming, but it is so important to do the research before charging full steam ahead!

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Posted by Mason

"Ech and Roots"-Inspired Herbal Decoction Recipe

Although I love herbal infusions , I often crave the earthy and grounding taste of a root decoction.   Decoctions take a bit more time and effort to brew than infusions , but they are better for extracting the herbal goodness from hard roots, barks, and berries than an herbal infusion. Decoctions are typically simmered, as opposed to herbal infusions in which hot water is poured over leafy herbs or flowers and left to steep. Read More
Posted by Miriam

DIY Essential Oil Roll-On Perfume Blends for Summer

Sweet, sublime summer! After many long months of rain and cloudy skies, I am ecstatic to finally enjoy some warmth and sunshine. From making tea pops to camping, there are so many enjoyable activities to squeeze into the short number of sunny months here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

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Posted by Miriam

Why We Go Out of Stock

We know there’s nothing more inspiring for our customers than a fully-stocked apothecary or spice cabinet. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we pride ourselves on providing herbal enthusiasts with a veritable buffet of botanical bounty. Our organic farmers across the world do their very best to support us in that mission, and we are constantly inspired by their ability to provide harvests of such exceptional quantity and quality.

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Posted by Jana


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Iced Matcha Tea Latte Recipe

Cool off and perk up with our favorite refreshing, natural energy drink for summer: a vegan-optional iced matcha green tea latte!

July 18, 2018

4 Thirst-Quenching Botanical Lemonades

Traditional fresh-squeezed lemonade is a true summer treat. But why stop there? Kick things up a notch with one of our four herb-inspired lemonade recipes.

July 17, 2018

Why We Pay Our Employees to Get Out and Volunteer

Learn why we fund employee volunteerism that betters the planet, and see how the Mountain Rose River Project, our grassroots action group, provides hands-on opportunities to restore our local riparian ecosystems.

July 11, 2018

What is Cacao? Your Tasty Alternative to Processed Cocoa!

Learn how chocolate-lovers worldwide use this revered ancient plant as a wholesome and tasty substitute for conventional cocoas, coffee, and more!

July 11, 2018

Creamy Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Organic matcha powder is the perfect way to achieve a robust green tea flavor and a vibrant green color in homemade green tea ice cream. It's also got a nice caffeine kick for an ice cream party that won't quit!

July 5, 2018

Lemon Lavender Thyme Bars

Celebrate summer with bright, fragrant Lemon Lavender Thyme Bars that will add a little sunshine to your day, no matter what time of year you make them. Bonus: these delicious bars can easily be made vegan or gluten-free!

July 5, 2018

Ayurvedic Cooling Drink with Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Learn how to use Ayurvedic amla powder to make a refreshing and cooling drink for summer! Similar to an herbal lemonade or herbal Gatorade, this blend of herbs and spices is the perfect mix for a healthful drink during hot months!

July 4, 2018

Making Educated Choices: Plant Families & Allergens

Get a few tips from our herbal experts on what to consider before you choose an herb to use for yourself and your family. When it comes to botanicals, it's important to make educated choices and know which herbs will work best for you!

July 3, 2018

"Ech and Roots"-Inspired Herbal Decoction Recipe

Herbal decoctions are a great way to get the most out of herbal blends that contain hard roots, barks, or berries. Enjoy this recipe from our archives, a supportive blend of echinacea and other roots!

June 25, 2018

DIY Essential Oil Roll-On Perfume Blends for Summer

Summer is a perfect time to change up your fragrance to harmonize with warm weather days and evoke feelings of wellbeing. Find inspiration with these easy and fun ways to make DIY aromatherapy roll on scents for summer!

June 22, 2018

Why We Go Out of Stock

Ever wondered why one of your favorite herbal goodies isn’t available? Here are the main reasons our botanicals go out of stock (hint: we put quality over quantity).

June 13, 2018