Moonbeam and Sunshine Bath Bomb Recipes

Each holiday season, I create new recipes to give as homemade gifts. My goal is to come up with crafts that are scalable, promote self-care and wellness, and are unique and useful. This year, I decided to create a bath bomb set themed after two of my favorite forces in the sky; the moon and sun. These recipes call upon the calming and reflective aspects of the moon and the uplifting and energy-giving qualities of the sun. Both recipes are created with skin-loving herbs and essential oils to help one settle into a restful slumber or bring more life and energy to the body.  

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Posted by Jessicka

2024 DIY Gift Guide + Free Herb-Inspired Gift Tag Template

Each year, when I make my holiday gift list, I aim to meet a set of criteria. Offerings that are thoughtful, personal, and useful are amongst the most important to me. I have generally found that homemade gifts are more appreciated than things I can find in mass quantities at any big box store. Small-batch DIY gifts also allow customization, making them personalized for your beloved recipient. It can also help to keep waste out of landfills.

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Posted by Jessicka

50+ Holiday Gifts for Herbalists, Tea Lovers, Skin Care Enthusiasts & More

The holidays have fallen upon us, and what better way to celebrate the season than by gifting the home herbalist in your life with a thoughtful present that inspires their passion for plants? Whether your loved ones are just embarking on their herbal journey or are a seasoned herbalists in their craft, we've put together a holiday gift guide that will offer useful, thoughtful, and sustainable gifts for all types of herbal enthusiasts. From evocative essential oils kits for the aroma-aficionado, Ayurvedic skin care for the enlightened, or gourmet spice blends for the herbal chef, this guide highlights a plethora of unique herb-inspired gift ideas. From the Mountain Rose Herbs family to yours, we wish you a wonderful, joyful, and festive holiday season with the ones you love most.

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Posted by Hailey

Herbs for Mental and Emotional Stagnation

We have all at one time or another, had the feeling of being stuck in our heads and emotions. This kind of stagnation is a human experience that often results from a trauma; past, present, or anticipated. During the holiday season, this can manifest more easily, so having some herbal allies “on call” can empower us with supportive tools for these times of need.

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Posted by Jessicka

Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team: Keeping the Dream Alive

As it grows, a sustainability-minded company strives to become ever more transparent in its actions and accepts accountability for its impact on the environment. The most diligent company will implement a team of individuals from within to analyze these systems, identify potential deficits, and look for ways to mitigate them. Here, at Mountain Rose Herbs, our Green Team does just that.

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Menstrual Self-Care: Tea Blends For the Full Moon Cycle

The connection between the moon's phases and the menstrual cycle is rooted in various cultures across history. This connection is grounded in the observation of natural rhythms and cycles, which were often personified and mythologized to explain and connect human experience with the divine and natural world. The word menstruation derives from the Latin and Greek word for moon, mene.

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Buy Nothing Day: A Stand Against Throw-Away Culture

For many years, we have celebrated Buy Nothing Day. Founded in Canada in 1992, the Buy Nothing Movement arose in protest of mass consumerism and the throw-away culture that accompanies it. The movement has grown and evolved over the past decades to include more than 65 nations. The biggest shopping day of the year—the day after Thanksgiving, or Black Friday—has become the movement’s international day of protest: Buy Nothing Day. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we applaud this effort and wholly support Buy Nothing Day! Overconsumption eats up natural resources and puts our planet in peril. As the Owner and President of Mountain Rose Herbs, I encourage you NOT to shop with us on Friday, November 29, 2024. The fact that we, as a society, have created a national holiday of shopping suggests that our priorities need realignment. Buy Nothing Day is our act of pushback.

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Posted by Shawn

Herbal Compound Butter Recipes (2 Ways)

Compound butter is believed to be of French origin, though there is no doubt in my mind that herbs have been incorporated into butter and fats long before they were first attributed to fine French cuisine. While butter gets a bad rap for its high fat content, fat is essential for our bodies and like all things in life, it’s about moderation! With compound butter, not only are you adding herbs and spices for flavor, but you are also incorporating the beneficial constituents of those plants into your culinary preparations. Am I insinuating that this is a health-food recipe?Not at all. But I do believe that a balanced diet that includes herbs and spices at every turn is important.

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Posted by Jessicka

Carrot Cake Snack Bars

Carrot cake is one of those things in life that you either hate or love. For those who identify with the latter (including myself), there is something so uniquely comforting about the warming spices, complex textures, and subtle earthy sweetness that make carrot cake the truly delectable dessert it is. The one downside to carrot cake is that although the addition of a vegetable may elude the impression of being healthy, it is still a cake after all. But what if you could harness all that beloved carrot cake goodness into a nourishing, satisfying, and convenient grab-and-go snack? Enter—carrot cake breakfast bars!

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Posted by Hailey

How to Make Vanilla Extract

Vanilla is both unassuming, yet utterly magical. As a child, I remember believing that vanilla was a plain or even boring flavor. Now as an adult, I realize that nothing could be further from the truth. With its delicate and creamy flavor, vanilla is not only enchanting on its own, but it also has the power to draw out and enhance any other flavor that it is paired with. I find myself adding vanilla extract to matcha, hot cocoa, coffee, moon milk, oatmeal, chia pudding, and, of course, almost all my baking projects. With such a variety of uses, it is no wonder that I like to make sure that vanilla extract is well-stocked in my cupboard, which is why I have taken to crafting my own in larger batches. Vanilla extract is surprisingly easy to make at homeall you need is whole vanilla beans, alcohol, and a jar. It also makes an awesome DIY gift!

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Posted by Maia

How Protecting Forests Ensures a Future For Wild Food and Medicine

For over 15 years, Mountain Rose Herbs and Eugene, Oregon-based Cascadia Wildlands have worked hand-in-hand to protect the wild ecosystems of the Cascadia bioregion. This partnership, rooted in a shared commitment to environmental preservation, highlights the importance of sustainable practices and the need for ongoing efforts to safeguard public lands. From supporting local conservation projects to ensuring responsible wildcrafting, Mountain Rose Herbs and Cascadia Wildlands have cultivated a symbiotic relationship that strengthens both organizations and benefits Cascadia’s biodiversity.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Moonbeam and Sunshine Bath Bomb Recipes

This bath bomb set was inspired by two powerhouses in the sky; the sun and moon. The sun bath bomb recipe features uplifting ingredients to brighten spirits while the moon bath bomb recipe calls upon calming ingredients to help support a restful slumber. Happy pampering!

December 11, 2024

2024 DIY Gift Guide + Free Herb-Inspired Gift Tag Template

Find DIY gift inspiration with this DIY gift guide, complete with a FREE gift tag template. Choose from over 50 homemade gift ideas for foodies, herbalists, essential oil lovers, and natural product enthusiasts.

December 10, 2024

50+ Holiday Gifts for Herbalists, Tea Lovers, Skin Care Enthusiasts & More

Find the perfect present for the plant lover in your life. This holiday gift guide offers a variety of unique gift ideas for herbalists, natural body care enthusiasts, foodies, bookworms, and more!

December 4, 2024

Herbs for Mental and Emotional Stagnation

We've all been "stuck in a rut" at some point in our lives. Learn about some herbal allies that can support us through these times.

December 2, 2024

Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team: Keeping the Dream Alive

Learn how the Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team helps improve sustainability within each department of the company.
WRITTEN BY Joseph Schneiderhan

November 29, 2024

Menstrual Self-Care: Tea Blends For the Full Moon Cycle

Wax and wane with your body's natural rhythms. These carefully formulated tea blends support the different phases of a menstrual (moon) cycle.
WRITTEN BY Inga Iwanowska- Guest Writer

November 26, 2024

Buy Nothing Day: A Stand Against Throw-Away Culture

Black Friday sales promote overconsumption that impacts our earth. Learn how to participate in Buy Nothing Day and push back against throw-away culture.

November 25, 2024

Herbal Compound Butter Recipes (2 Ways)

Bring flavor, color, and the benefits of herbs to the dinner table with these simple compound butter recipes.

November 19, 2024

Carrot Cake Snack Bars

Indulge in the comforting, warming flavors of carrot cake with these carrot cake snack bars that will keep your sweet tooth satisfied and belly nourished.

November 15, 2024

How to Make Vanilla Extract

Learn how to make potent vanilla extract for cooking, baking, and skin care.

November 13, 2024

How Protecting Forests Ensures a Future For Wild Food and Medicine

The partnership between Mountain Rose Herbs and Cascadia Wildlands is rooted in a shared commitment to environmental preservation and access to wild plants for generations to come.
WRITTEN BY Spencer McIntyre- Guest Writer

November 11, 2024