Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp. This body part is often overlooked as we wash our face or shampoo our hair. Taking good care of your scalp by keeping it clean and full of moisture will benefit hair growth, eliminate dry skin issues such as dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Your scalp is an extension of your face so using products such as masks, scrubs, and conditioners that you can easily create at home should be part of your healthy hair and skin regime.

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How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Taking care of your mouth does a lot more for your health than simply preserving your bright smile—a healthy mouth is an important part of a healthy body! There are more and more studies showing how good oral hygiene helps to improve your overall wellness, yet the majority of mainstream oral care products contain a slew of synthetic, and sometimes even harmful, ingredients.

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Posted by Kendle

10 Tips for Starting and Running a Natural Products Business

As a bulk supplier of organic ingredients, we work with many businesses in the natural products industry. Part of our business relationship with these other organizations includes an exchange of tips and insights about running a company in an always-changing landscape. I want to share with you some of what I have learned about business development in my years with Mountain Rose Herbs. Whether you are considering starting a business, want to grow the one you have, or you’re simply interested in how successful companies thrive, these are some of the most helpful tips I have learned along the way.

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Posted by Shawn

How to Make Smreka: A Fermented Juniper Berry Drink

I’m always looking to expand my palate and learn new recipes from across the globe. Bonus points if they’re simple, and extra bonus points if they’re fermented. I was beyond delighted to discover a recipe for the Bosnian fermented beverage “smreka” which fits both of those specs. I first learned about this recipe from Sandor Katz’s classic (and must have) book The Art of Fermentation. Fermented foods are known to have a beneficial effect on your gut health, and thus, your overall health. In short, the good bacteria found in fermented food assists in the digestion process. As they say, “You aren’t what you eat, you’re what you digest."

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Posted by Mason

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Immune System Support

Each year as winter approaches, I reliably find my patients asking me about the best herbal remedies to use during the cold weather months. One of the most common questions I encounter is, “What nutritional preparations can I use to help keep my family strong and healthy throughout the sniffle season?”. There's a wide array of herbs well-suited to addressing specific and general winter wellness goals, but one of my favorite, tried-and-true choices for general immune support is the elderberry.

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Summer Cocktail: A Refreshing Herbal Highball

It’s hot in Oregon this summer. Really, really hot. Which means it’s time for my favorite cooling herbal cocktail. When the thermometer is pushing uncomfortably into the 90s (and just don’t even get me started on our recent 111 day here in Eugene), I start thinking about a good hibiscus highball. The beauty of this highball is that it uses ingredients I always have on hand and gives me easy options to customize flavors for different people with my choices of tea and ginger beer. I like to use our Hibiscus High Tea because it is full of some of my favorite herbal allies and I love the cooling power and gorgeous, deep red of hibiscus. Sometimes I also brew up a Lemon Tea or Vanilla Rooibos for a delicious change of pace. Enjoy!

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Posted by Shawn

Understanding Herbal Actions and How They Support the Microbiome

We now know that microflorae in our gut, which have evolved in a symbiotic relationship with us over time, directly influence—either positively or negatively—every aspect of our health and wellbeing, including our digestion, immune functions, neurological and emotional health, hormonal balance, cardiovascular strength, and more. Attracting beneficial microflorae (the ones that flip the genetic switches toward health and balance) is a matter of making healthy food and lifestyle choices. In other words, what we eat tips the scales towards wellbeing or dis-ease. When we choose to eat an organic plant-based diet high in phytonutrients, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, we attract a much more diverse, healthy, and resilient microbiome, which in turn strengthens our defenses against illness and unhealthy aging. In this line of defense, carminative, nervine, bitter, and demulcent herbs can be leveraged much like secret agents who step in to fend off undesirable effects.

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Homemade Hop Ginger Brew

To me, there aren’t many drinks more refreshing than a well-crafted ginger beer, especially during these hot summer months. There’s something so delightful about the balance between the ever-so-slight sweetness, the spicy zing of ginger, and the carbonation. Ever on a quest to try new DIY culinary experiments, I thought it’d be fun to attempt a homemade version of this soda.

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Posted by Mason

How to Make Quick-Pickled Vegetables + Homemade Pickling Spice Recipe

It’s the season of fresh and vibrant produce, and as my garden bounty gets close to being harvested, the anticipation of pickling season has me dreaming of all the food preservation projects I will be undertaking. I look forward to donning my kitchen apron and preserving the fruits (and vegetables) of my labor. While I whole-heartedly love canning, sometimes it’s nice to knock a little time off the process. I can’t tell you how many all-nighters I have pulled in the name of saving all the produce, but as I get a bit older, I don’t bounce back from those long nights quite as fast as I used to. One of my tricks for saving a considerable amount of time is quick pickling!

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Posted by Jessicka

Building an Herbal Library: Our Favorite Botanical Books

If you ask herbalists, botanists, and body care enthusiasts, most say that building a library of reference and recipe books is one of the most important steps in becoming an expert. Gathering books from professionals who offer their experiences, philosophies, and expertise gives you a strong foundation on which to build your practice.  Here are some of our favorite books on herbal education, aromatherapy, healthy eating, skincare, and growing and foraging plants. 

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Posted by Jessicka

How to Make Natural Dog Shampoo with Soothing Tea Base

The 4-leggers in my household are not entirely pro-bath. Our terrier mix loves life after a bath; she runs madly about the house with pure joy. During the bath, however, she looks like we’re torturing her. We’re just grateful she stands still for it because her “little brother” is a corgi-mix built for escape. He is slippery and wily when wet and groans out his woes the entire bath time. And then there is the big queen-to-rule-them-all kitty who needs regular brushing and occasional “spot cleaning” assistance with her thick double coat because one cat tongue is simply not enough to manage it all. This crew loves to sleep on the foot of our bed, so whatever dirt and smells they’ve tucked away throughout the day end up on my handmade quilts. Simple answer: regular baths, right? The double-conundrum is that good pet shampoo is ridiculously expensive, and I am also on a quest to stop buying plastic packaging (apparently, there is a rule somewhere that dog shampoo must be sold only in plastic bottles that I cannot recycle here in Oregon). Fortunately, it’s easy and inexpensive to make good homemade dog shampoo with gentle, sustainable ingredients I always have on hand.

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Find tips and recipes to help you condition your scalp and prevent dry, flaky skin and dandruff.
WRITTEN BY Janice Cox, Guest Writer

September 13, 2021

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Studies show that good oral hygiene improves overall wellness. Check out some easy recipes and extra tips for creating your very own DIY toothpaste and natural mouthwash!

September 9, 2021

10 Tips for Starting and Running a Natural Products Business

Learn 10 tips for starting and running a business in the natural products sector.

September 3, 2021

How to Make Smreka: A Fermented Juniper Berry Drink

Learn how to make Smreka, a traditional Bosnian drink made from fermented juniper berries.

September 3, 2021

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Immune System Support

Get Dr. Tieraona Low Dog's pro tips for making elderberry syrup, a popular herbal folk remedy for supporting immune health during the sniffle season.
WRITTEN BY Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., R.H.

August 25, 2021

Summer Cocktail: A Refreshing Herbal Highball

When the weather turns hot, a refreshing highball cocktail made with cooling herbal tea is our summer drink of choice.

August 19, 2021

Understanding Herbal Actions and How They Support the Microbiome

Learn how to utilize the principles of herbal actions to help support the microbiome and find a simple gut-soothing recipe for the morning.
WRITTEN BY Crystal Dawn Silas, MD- Guest Writer

August 19, 2021

Homemade Hop Ginger Brew

Learn how to make a refreshing ginger beer with a hops simple syrup.

August 17, 2021

How to Make Quick-Pickled Vegetables + Homemade Pickling Spice Recipe

Learn how to preserve your garden bounty with this quick pickle recipe and find a recipe for homemade pickling spice.

August 11, 2021

Building an Herbal Library: Our Favorite Botanical Books

Looking for new reads for the body, kitchen, and home? Here are our favorite botanical books, there's something here for everyone!

August 5, 2021

How to Make Natural Dog Shampoo with Soothing Tea Base

Make easy homemade dog shampoo and give your budget and the planet a break while providing your canine friend(s) with a soothing natural shampoo.

August 2, 2021