Kami- Guest Writer

Kami McBride’s 30 years of teaching herbal medicine is steeped in her calling to inspire a cultural shift that embraces taking care of our bodies with healing herbs, a deep connection with the earth and a lifestyle that passes this knowledge on to our children. She is the is author of The Herbal Kitchen and has taught herbal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing. Kami has helped thousands of families learn to use herbs for their self care to promote natural wellness through the goodness of beneficial plants. Her workshops and online courses fuel the home herbalism movement to revitalize our relationship with the plant world and use herbal medicine for home wellness care. To learn more from Kami and to get your copy of The Herbal Kitchen, visit www.KamiMcbride.com.

Recent Posts

The Importance of Iron + DIY Iron Tonic

Iron is at the core of how our bodies function. It's what helps deliver oxygen, keeps our metabolism ticking, and powers our energy levels. But the unfortunate truth is that many of us are running low on this important nutrient, leaving us feeling drained and sluggish.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Mulled Acai Berry Tea for the Holidays

Ready for a superfood twist on traditional spiced drinks this winter? Try a cup of mulled acai berry tea! Cinnamon, citrus, allspice, ginger, clove, and anise: Can you almost feel the warmth of these herbs and spices? They heat us from within throughout the season of cold and dark. Spiced wine is a family favorite at our winter celebrations, and mulled cider is another seasonal treat.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Herbal Bath Vinegar with Juniper & Rosemary

If I told you there’s a pantry staple that can soothe sore muscles and calm irritated skin, would you guess it’s vinegar? It’s true! From minor aches to dry or itchy skin, I turn to herbal vinegar baths. On its own, a cup or two of vinegar in the tub will leave skin soft and rejuvenated with a healthful glow. But herb-infused vinegars take this concept a step further, using plant constituents to boost the already impressive benefits of a vinegar bath.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Research compiled by Oregon State University has shown that roughly half of the adult population in the United States doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals that leafy greens supply: 52% don’t get the recommended intake of magnesium, 44% don’t get enough calcium, and 43% don’t get enough vitamin C. Although many of us know that we need two to three cups of leafy greens a day to supply our exquisitely complex bodies with the vitamins and minerals needed to carry out cellular processes and repairs, many of us have trouble eating adequate amounts of those greens.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Fruit and Herb-Infused Water Recipes

A huge part of healthy living is about adopting lots of small, daily habits that add up to lifelong wellness. For over 25 years of clinical herbal practice, I have sought out and recommended simple hacks for making good lifestyle choices easier. Infused waters offer a simple way to fit nutrition and wellness support into something we already do every day. We all drink water, after all, so why not add the flavor and benefits of fruits and herbs?

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Soothing Homemade Herbal Foot Soak

Herbal foot soaks are one of my favorite herbal treatment modalities! In my house, we do foot soaks in the evening about once a week, and this habit has become a real treat for my family. It is truly amazing to watch how we all get a little calmer and nicer as we sit there chatting with our feet tucked into little buckets full of herbal tea. My son and I like to play cards—rummy is our card game of choice—and do foot soaks before going to bed and we find it to be a perfect winding-down evening ritual. (Parenting pro tip: herbal foot soaks are a great way to get the kids slopping around in herbs when they are young!) I am known for creating herbal foot soak experiences for family gatherings, birthday parties, holiday celebrations, and whenever we find ourselves just hanging out with friends. Eat, drink, foot soak, and be merry is the motto around here…

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

How to Make Flavored Ghee with Italian Herbs

My husband got a job as a short-order breakfast cook when he was in high school. It was in that restaurant that he learned how to make ghee. I didn’t know this about him until one day, as I was making some herbal ghee, he said, “Oh yeah, ghee makes everything taste better!” He then proceeded to tell me the story of why he was such a master at throwing together a great breakfast. He dished out thousands of meals in that restaurant job, and all the egg dishes were cooked in ghee.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

 As we move into spring and summer, along come the parties and feasts—and thus your chance to surprise and delight your family and friends with the herbal deliciousness and digestive effectiveness of your homemade cordials. There is nothing that signifies a celebration quite like topping off a meal with a round of your own handcrafted herbal liquor.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Lavender-Rosemary Herbal Vinegar for Cooking, Clean-Up & Body Care

My son and I have been studying permaculture, and one of permaculture’s primary principles is called “stacking function,” a concept whereby you’re getting many yields from one element. As a busy mom, simplicity and stacking function have become guiding principles in my own life—"fill two needs with one deed” is my motto, and this also applies to my herbal medicine endeavors. There are many ways to prepare herbs, but few herbal preparations stack function in the way that herbal vinegars do!

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Sprinkle-On Herb & Spice Blends for Four Season Wellness

Herbal sprinkles are a quick and easy DIY project that will help you fit more healthful herbs into your meals. Instead of having your spices tucked away in the cabinet, keep a few versatile blends on your table, and you’ll find that eating herbs at every meal is easy—when they are right in front of you, you can’t help but use them! Pretty soon, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without such a pleasing array of spices at your fingertips to liven up breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Kami- Guest Writer

Kami McBride’s 30 years of teaching herbal medicine is steeped in her calling to inspire a cultural shift that embraces taking care of our bodies with healing herbs, a deep connection with the earth and a lifestyle that passes this knowledge on to our children. She is the is author of The Herbal Kitchen and has taught herbal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing. Kami has helped thousands of families learn to use herbs for their self care to promote natural wellness through the goodness of beneficial plants. Her workshops and online courses fuel the home herbalism movement to revitalize our relationship with the plant world and use herbal medicine for home wellness care. To learn more from Kami and to get your copy of The Herbal Kitchen, visit www.KamiMcbride.com.

Recent Posts

The Importance of Iron + DIY Iron Tonic

Discover how iron impacts your body's energy, metabolism, and oxygen transport, and find a recipe for a DIY Iron Tonic Syrup.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

May 9, 2024

Mulled Acai Berry Tea for the Holidays

Want a superfood twist on traditional spiced cider or wine? A cup of mulled acai berry tea may be the answer!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

November 29, 2023

Herbal Bath Vinegar with Juniper & Rosemary

Vinegar extracts beneficial constituents from herbs and can support a healthy skin microbiome. Make this easy bath soak to pamper yourself.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

September 6, 2023

Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Research shows that about half of U.S. adults don't get enough vitamins and minerals. Enter Pesto—an herbally delicious way to get more of what we need!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

May 24, 2023

Fruit and Herb-Infused Water Recipes

Introduce your family to the delicious, beautiful benefits of naturally flavored infused waters this handy guide!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

June 22, 2020

Soothing Homemade Herbal Foot Soak

Mix up a supportive blend of cooling herbs for a relaxing and rejuvenating herbal foot soak, perfect for winding down on hot summer evenings.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

May 15, 2020

How to Make Flavored Ghee with Italian Herbs

Learn how to create herb-infused ghee to flavor any dish with the help of author and herbalist Kami McBride! Great as a cooking oil or finishing sauce.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

April 14, 2020

3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

Learn how to make a delicious herbal digestif with fennel, coriander, and celery seeds from The Herbal Kitchen by author and herbalist Kami McBride.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

March 31, 2020

Lavender-Rosemary Herbal Vinegar for Cooking, Clean-Up & Body Care

Learn how to make a lavender and rosemary-infused vinegar to be used for body care, culinary, and cleaning applications!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

March 6, 2020

Sprinkle-On Herb & Spice Blends for Four Season Wellness

Herbal sprinkle blends are an easy way to get more healthful herbs into your daily diet. Add these four DIY herbal sprinkles to your table today!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

March 19, 2019