Homemade Immune-Supporting Root Beer

Who doesn’t love a frosty, foamy root beer on a hot day? From drive in burger joints to movie theaters, root beer is the classic American drink. However, the corporate world has turned root beer into a cheap artificial drink full of high fructose corn syrup and other artificial flavors. Real homemade root beer is full of healthful and flavorful herbs.

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Posted by Dr. Glen Nagel

Fruit and Herb-Infused Water Recipes

A huge part of healthy living is about adopting lots of small, daily habits that add up to lifelong wellness. For over 25 years of clinical herbal practice, I have sought out and recommended simple hacks for making good lifestyle choices easier. Infused waters offer a simple way to fit nutrition and wellness support into something we already do every day. We all drink water, after all, so why not add the flavor and benefits of fruits and herbs?

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Golden Milk Powder Blend + Latte Recipe

Haldi—or turmeric, as we know it—has been used as a beneficial herb for thousands of years. Ayurvedic practitioners consider turmeric to be important for overall good health and have traditionally used it to support joint mobility, digestion, and circulation, among other bodily processes.* Haldi doodh (haldi=turmeric and doodh=milk), sometimes referred to as golden milk,is a sippable turmeric infusion that offers an exceptional and traditional way to enjoy the benefits of turmeric—but the spice blend used in this beverage can be enjoyed in countless other ways as well!

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Posted by Heidi

Best Herbs for Men's Health

This time of year—coming up on Father’s Day—I take some extra time to appreciate how blessed I have been in the quality of the men who have played significant roles in my life. I was raised by an excellent single father, I’m married to the best of husbands, and I’m privileged to be mother to two fantastic sons. From the time I was a little girl, “my” men have always had my back, believed in me, lifted me up, and supported my dreams. So when it comes to their health, I’m serious about providing everything I can to support their overall well-being.

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Posted by Heidi

Memory Zest Tea with Brain-Boosting Nootropic Herbs

When you're hit by an afternoon slump, creative block, or some other difficulty that mires the mind, how do you get unstuck? Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we like to get our creative juices flowing again with a cup of organic Memory Zest herbal tea! This blend is an essential fixture in our break room, where many of our team members seek out the cognitive support of its nootropic herbs to power through the workday.

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Posted by Kendle

10 Best Herbs & Spices for Brewing Beer

Humans have been brewing beer for millennia, and in that time, we have incorporated countless ingredients into our ferments. From bright, citrusy witbiers to rich herbal gruits, there’s a flavor profile to suit most any taste—and many of the ingredients to achieve it can be found in your home apothecary or kitchen spice rack!

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Posted by Kiley

Organically Grown Stinging Nettle + Nutritious Infusion Recipe

In our neighboring state of Washington lies one of our organic farms—650,000 acres of herbal splendor amidst an otherwise desert landscape. Thanks to the pristine Columbia River, this region has an unlimited supply of the highest quality water any agricultural operation could desire. Here, head farmer Phil has the space and resources to grow one of our most popular herbs: stinging nettle.

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Posted by Raychel

Wildcrafted Dandelion Tea & Cake Recipes

Dandelions tell us that spring is here! Often among the first flowers to emerge, especially in northern climates, dandelions bring important early nectar to honeybees and lift the hearts of all who anticipate longer days and warmer temperatures. The golden orbs fill lawns and meadows and even appear between the cracks in concrete. Dandelion is both tenacious and generous, and is one of our most-needed plant medicines.

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3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

 As we move into spring and summer, along come the parties and feasts—and thus your chance to surprise and delight your family and friends with the herbal deliciousness and digestive effectiveness of your homemade cordials. There is nothing that signifies a celebration quite like topping off a meal with a round of your own handcrafted herbal liquor.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

How to Prepare Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea

Matcha tea is trending everywhere, from tantalizing treats such as cheesecake, lattés, and buttery shortbread, to skin nourishing facial masks and scrubs. What once started as a traditional cup of ceremonial tea has now become a cross-cultural phenomenon. Matcha is made from finely powdered, high-quality green tea leaves, and its healthful benefits, paired with its rich, earthy flavor, make it an intriguing addition to almost any kind of recipe.

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Posted by Kendle

3 Recipes with Smoky Lapsang Souchong Tea

The use of tea in cooking is an ancient and common practice in China and Japan for adding depth to a variety of dishes. For dishes as varied as steamed rice, tea eggs, soups, and desserts, there are endless recipes to experiment with by adding tea.

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Posted by Tiana


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Homemade Immune-Supporting Root Beer

When you think of root beer, you might imagine the high-sugar, artificially sweetened variety that you buy in a can or in a restaurant as part of a root beer float. Learn to make your own root beer with real, healthful ingredients and roots that support your immune system.
WRITTEN BY Dr. Glen Nagel

August 14, 2020

Fruit and Herb-Infused Water Recipes

Introduce your family to the delicious, beautiful benefits of naturally flavored infused waters this handy guide!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

June 22, 2020

Golden Milk Powder Blend + Latte Recipe

Make a batch of your own homemade golden milk powder blend to add healthful and vibrant turmeric spice to drinks, desserts, and more.

June 3, 2020

Best Herbs for Men's Health

Support men’s health, vitality, and overall well-being with organic teas, extracts, and other herbal good-ies that provide antioxidants, vitamins, and more.

May 22, 2020

Memory Zest Tea with Brain-Boosting Nootropic Herbs

Freshen your mind with our organic cognitive support tea! This minty blend is powered by nootropic herbs like ginkgo, rosemary, and brahmi.

May 6, 2020

10 Best Herbs & Spices for Brewing Beer

Brewing beer requires patience and creativity. Here are 10 unique ingredients to inspire your next recipe from an award-winning homebrewer.

April 17, 2020

Organically Grown Stinging Nettle + Nutritious Infusion Recipe

Meet the Pacific Northwest farmers who grow our organic nettle leaf, an herbal powerhouse perfect for nourishing infusions and more!

April 9, 2020

Wildcrafted Dandelion Tea & Cake Recipes

Learn how to forage for dandelion flowers and make them into a delicious dandelion maple syrup cake (and brew a healthful root decoction to match!).
WRITTEN BY Emily Han & Rosalee de la Forêt

April 7, 2020

3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

Learn how to make a delicious herbal digestif with fennel, coriander, and celery seeds from The Herbal Kitchen by author and herbalist Kami McBride.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

March 31, 2020

How to Prepare Ceremonial Grade Matcha Tea

Want to enjoy matcha like you might in a traditional Japanese tea house? Learn about the tools and techniques for blending up a delicious and creamy cup!

February 4, 2020

3 Recipes with Smoky Lapsang Souchong Tea

Try these 3 tea-infused recipes with lapsang souchong, a smoky black tea that can add culinary complexity to your whole menu, from cocktails to cuisine!

January 12, 2020