Yaupon: Rediscovering America’s Forgotten Tea

Sooner or later, everything old is new again. This saying has been sneaking into our day-to-day a lot over the last couple of years as people are rediscovering “old” methods of being more self-sufficient and resilient in these challenging times. One of our favorite old-new “discoveries” is yaupon tea. When our Mountain Rose Herbs tea team was introduced to yaupon, we—like most Americans—had no idea that there was a naturally caffeinated tea plant native to North America. This fact is astounding when you consider that yaupon tea was the drink of choice for literally thousands of years. This delicious tea is supremely sippable and, thanks to plentiful theophylline and theobromine (as well as a host of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.), provides a smooth caffeine boost and focus without the jitteriness that can come from coffee.

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Posted by Heidi

Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

By now, if you’ve been following along with my seasonal cocktail recipes here on the Mountain Rose Herbs blog, you know I have a passion and something of a reputation for making herb-infused spirits. This year on the Spring Equinox, I started thinking about what I wanted to create to celebrate the end of winter. Something fun and fresh, with herbal goodness. Also, I happened to have a couple bottles of my favorite artisan gins hanging about, Desert Juniper from Bendistillery and another from Thinking Tree. So: spring, gin, relief after a long winter. Obviously, my version of an herbal gin fizz was in order.

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Posted by Shawn

Hemp Milk Recipe + Chocolate and Strawberry Flavor Variations

Whether you are lactose intolerant or not, learning to make different non-dairy “milks” is a fun way to vary up the nutrients you’re getting in your diet. For instance, hemp seeds contain magnesium and a host of other minerals, as well as a nice profile of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Out of all the nut milks I’ve tried, hemp milk is easily my favorite. It’s got an unparalleled nuttiness that I enjoy quite a bit. I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention the sustainability of hemp production. Hemp production requires less water than dairy farming, is beneficial to the soil, and can be easily grown organically. 

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Posted by Mason

DIY Extract Blend for Sleep

Have you ever read about an herb, gotten excited about the potential benefits, taken it, and then didn’t feel any sort of effects from it? That’s mostly been my experience with skullcap. I mean, I like the plant, but it’s not the calming nervine rock star that I was hoping it’d be. Of course, there’s many different species of skullcap, so perhaps I just haven’t found the right match for me. For a lot of my friends, skullcap really seems to do the trick. I thought, perhaps someone with my constitution just needed to find another plant ally for those calming nervine effects I was looking for. Fortunately, I ended up stumbling upon blue vervain.

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Posted by Mason

Hard Apple Cider Cocktail Recipe

Spring is the perfect time for a simple, satisfying craft cocktail. This cassis cider cocktail brings authentic flavors and intentionality to the bar cart, beginning with ingredients that make you feel good. Finnriver’s special release, Black Current Social Justice Cider (available in the NW Cider Club Discover Washington Box) lends a deep garnet color, with semi-sweet fruit and tannin structure. Herbal bitters, from Mountain Rose Herbs add bright flavor elements, while supporting digestive function. The result is a delightful craft cider cocktail with pre-meal digestif qualities that can lead seamlessly into your evening meal.

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Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

Moon milk is one of my favorite beverages for eliciting feelings of peacefulness and serenity. Each sip of this herb-filled heated milk fills my belly with warmth and contentment and acts as the perfect vehicle for me to work in the herbs and spices my body craves. Over the years, I’ve created many moon milk recipes, and have also found some wonderful gems from other genius content creators. One of my favorite moon milk mavens is Stephanie from MyTinyLagunaKitchen. She even has a free ebook with some of her amazing adaptogenic creations that I highly recommend!

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Posted by Jessicka

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

I am a self-proclaimed coffee lover. Unfortunately, however, stimulants don’t work well for me. I can have a 12-ounce cup of coffee at 10 a.m. and still be wide awake at 10 p.m. Over the years, I have gone back and forth between regular coffee and decaf, but then I discovered the enjoyable benefits of herbal coffee substitutes and found a new warm beverage to love–chicory and dandelion root coffee!

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Posted by Anna

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

With the holidays soon upon us, it’s time to start preparing for my seasonal lycii (goji) berry winter cocktail. As I mentioned in the fall, my adventures with herb-infused spirits started with a remarkable hibiscus-infused martini that I had at one of my favorite local brewpubs. I was so inspired; I now have a stock of mason jars full of herb-infused liquors ready for whatever mood my friends and family might be in. For the holiday season, I wanted to create an herb-infused cocktail that would have a brilliantly red, festive color and a delicious sweet-tart flavor profile. Healthful lycii berries turned out to be the perfect answer!

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Posted by Shawn

Guarana Seed Benefits & Stimulating Hot Cocoa Recipe

In our modern western culture, caffeine makes our world go round. There is nothing quite like waking up to the gurgling aroma of coffee percolating in a machine while my mouth waters and my brain begs for that bitter taste to fully wake me up. One of my pleasures in working at Mountain Rose Herbs has been finding alternative ways of getting those caffeine boosts, including our organic black, organic white, and green teas, yaupon (the only North American plant to contain caffeine), and organic yerba mate. However, there is one plant that surpasses all of these in its stimulating abilities – guarana seed.

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Posted by Anna

Fall Cocktails: Elder Bellini Recipe with a Mocktail Option

As autumn is now officially here, my mind has turned to the supportive power of elder berries. Elderberry syrup is obviously a tried and true ally for immune system support*, but elder berries also make an excellent base for cocktails and mocktails. My Elder Bellini recipe is one such fall cocktail that provides both remarkable flavor and immune system support*. I must admit that it isn’t exactly an “herbal cocktail” per se—because it is made with herb-infused spirits, it is ostensibly an extract that is added to juice to impart a slight herbal flavor in a full-bodied cocktail. The beauty of this method is that you can make the infusion ahead of time, so you have your elderberry-infused base on hand whenever you get the urge for a remarkably beautiful, delicious cocktail.

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Posted by Shawn

Summer Cookout Menu: Recipes & Inspiration

When the thermometer starts to register in the 80s and 90s, my mind takes up residence in the shade of my patio, situated near the grill and not too far from the drinks’ cooler. For foodies like the folks in my family, backyard cookouts mean long lazy days brushing a perfect protein with a tangy sauce over a slow fire. It means tossing together colorful, herby appetizers and barbecue side dishes, imbibing in a newly invented icy drink, and whipping up a batch of homemade ice cream to go with pie. Other than a loose plan of when we want to eat, we let the day guide itself. We just sink into the mindful, soul nurturing process of preparing a meal to eat outside. I think of this time as some of the very best summer medicine.

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Yaupon: Rediscovering America’s Forgotten Tea

Have you tried a cup of yaupon tea yet? Yaupon is the only naturally caffeinated tea plant native to North America. Learn about this American classic.

April 15, 2021

Herbal Gin Fizz Recipe

Spring has sprung, and it's time for the next seasonal cocktail recipe by our own Shawn Donnille - a fun, fresh herbal gin fizz to celebrate the season!

April 1, 2021

Hemp Milk Recipe + Chocolate and Strawberry Flavor Variations

Learn how to make a delicious, nutritious and sustainable nut milk with hemp seeds. Also, try the recipes for chocolate hemp milk, and strawberry hemp milk.

March 23, 2021

DIY Extract Blend for Sleep

Learn how to make a calming nervine extract blend for bedtime with blue vervain, chamomile and ashwagandha.

March 5, 2021

Hard Apple Cider Cocktail Recipe

Learn how to make a cocktail with hard apple cider and bitters. This is a great drink to enjoy as is, or as a pre-meal digestif.
WRITTEN BY Jana Daisy-Ensign - Guest Writer

March 3, 2021

Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

This tasty moon milk recipe is filled with herbs, spice, and everything nice. Each sip of this warm evening milk will take you further into a state of peace and prepare you for a restful sleep.

February 3, 2021

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

Want the coffee taste and benefits but avoiding caffeine this year? Try making a roasted chicory coffee substitute for a caffeine-free coffee alternative!

January 27, 2021

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

Goji berries bring healthful properties and brilliant, festive color to holiday cocktails. Learn how to infuse spirits and make craft beverages to share in good company.

December 12, 2020

Guarana Seed Benefits & Stimulating Hot Cocoa Recipe

What is guarana seed anyway? Learn about the stimulating benefits of guarana seed and how you can use it.

December 2, 2020

Fall Cocktails: Elder Bellini Recipe with a Mocktail Option

An elderberry bellini or mocktail brings immune system support to the fall cocktail hour. Learn an easy DIY way to infuse vodka or juice with elderberries and lemon peel.

October 20, 2020

Summer Cookout Menu: Recipes & Inspiration

Looking for inspiration for your summer cookout or backyard barbecue? Here are some of our favorite recipes featuring herbal goodness to inspire you!

August 17, 2020