How to Choose High Quality Herbs and Spices

Recently, as I was making soup with my three-year-old granddaughter and teaching her to pronounce galangal root, I found myself in an extended game of “name that spice.” It turns out you can get through an entire elaborate Thai soup recipe with a toddler in this way; I highly recommend it. It goes something like this: Cute toddler points at spice jar and asks, “What is that spice?” Adult says, “Paprika. Smell it, what do you think?” Cute toddler makes funny face and spies another spice that looks similar. “Is that paprika too?” Adult is impressed. “Good eye, that’s smoked paprika. Does it smell different?” And on it goes like that through the colored jars. In this way, I was reminded that I have so many jars of excellent dried herbs and spices and it’s definitely time to check them for freshness.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

When we make body care formulations, we choose specific oils and butters based on our final goals: consistency, absorption rate, skin type, etc. The same is true for cooking. Fats, like those in culinary oils, are integral to our dishes, not just to keep food from sticking to a pan, but also to affect the final flavor, consistency, texture, and more. Every cooking oil has a unique chemical composition that makes it better at some things than others. This is why one oil might be amazing in a salad dressing or for a lightly sautéed protein, but is a poor choice for grilling or deep-frying. To achieve your cooking goals, it’s important to understand culinary oils and fats. And an important element of that understanding is the smoke point.

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Posted by Heidi

The Benefits and Botany of Amla

I would like to introduce a lovely tree that many people reading this may not have had the opportunity to see in real life. It is one whose medicine is often referenced and shared among herbalists of all levels. Many know this tree and its fruit from its role in some of the most beloved herbal formulas hailing from the Indian sub-continent and the traditional medicine cultural heritage known as Ayurveda.

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How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

It is mighty cliché to start a health and wellness blog with a Hippocrates quote, but I am willing to sacrifice originality for truth. The old adage “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still worthy of repeating some 2,400 years after it was first uttered and despite centuries of medical and health advances, it is still relevant today. In this modern age, especially in America, many of us are living with nutritional deficiencies and are at a higher risk of experiencing food-related illnesses.

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Posted by Jessicka

10 Underused Herbs for Wellness

As a reader of our blog, you may be somewhat familiar with a plant or two (or maybe a lot more than that). Herbal allies like echinacea and lavender have become household names, but what about some of the more uncommon herbs in circulation? While Mountain Rose Herbs is a purveyor of many familiar spices, we are also proud to provide an assortment of lesser-known organic herbs. Many of these underused herbs make effective substitutes for popular staples and are a fun and unique addition to the home apothecary. As always, we recommend consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner and conducting your own research before using new or unfamiliar herbs. Read More
Posted by Elise

Botanical Fixatives in Natural Perfumes

When you first start wearing botanical perfumes, you may notice how brief the aromatic lifespan of some blends are. Sometimes this is the desired effect or is simply the result of formulations that are restricted primarily to top notes. Other times, it’s preferable to have the perfume linger so as to enjoy the shapeshifting nature of the aromatic dry down, as each layer of scent molecules is revealed and then evaporates at varying speeds. Done well, this creates a complex symphony of aroma that leaves one marveling at the multi-faceted nature of the fragrance.

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Posted by Kiva- Guest Writer

Osha: A Supportive, but At-Risk Plant Ally

Photo courtesy of Susan Leopold, PhD, Executive Director at United Plant Savers.

Osha root (Ligusticum porteri) has been in use as an herbal medicine, incense, food, and for ceremonial purposes for thousands of years. When European colonists arrived in North America, osha was already being widely used by First Nations People in the American Southwest and Mexico to treat a variety of conditions, particularly those involving the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The Zuni people chewed the root in healing rituals and the Tarahumara people used it ritualistically in protection ceremonies. This herbal ally has been generously gifting itself to humans on our continent for millennia, and its renown has spread to other parts of the world. Unfortunately, this increasing popularity has shined a light on osha’s one significant problem—virtually all commercial osha is wildharvested because this independent herb doesn’t do well as a cultivated crop. This limitation combined with the ever-increasing demand for osha has many herbalists concerned about the viability and long-term sustainability of this precious botanical. Let’s take a deeper dive into osha.

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Posted by Heidi

9 Tips for Buying and Using Essential Oils

In November of 2021, Mountain Rose Herbs opened our first Aroma Bar, an essential oil marketplace right here in our hometown of Eugene. The Aroma Bar is designed to engage the senses as people explore the art and science of pure, natural aromatherapy. This boutique shop offers high-quality, ethically sourced essential oils and personal aromatherapy products to provide you with the resources you need to harness the powerful potential of scent in your personal journey. No surprise, our new venture means we are getting a lot of questions from people who are beginning to explore essential oils and aromatherapy as part of their personal wellness plan. With that in mind, I want to share eight of the most frequently asked questions and some of my favorite tips for using and storing essential oils.

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Posted by Christine

Vegan Poke Bowl Recipe with Seaweed and Sesame

This vegan poke bowl recipe is healthy, filling, and makes the perfect addition to your weekly meal plan. It takes a bit of planning, but sure does pay off. Cook the rice and tempeh, make the sauce, and chop the veggies ahead of time in preparation for the work week. Then, simply combine the ingredients for protein-rich lunches or dinners sprinkled with organic nori flakes and organic sesame seeds. You can also assemble these bowls in individual containers and have premade delicious meals throughout the week. In my house, high-vitamin, protein-packed, easy-to-digest poke bowls are a perfect vegetarian option for meatless Mondays.

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Posted by Alyssa

East Asian Herbal Liniment + Poultice Recipe

My acupuncture clinic is perhaps similar to a martial arts studio. Nobody punches or kicks in my clinic, at least not on purpose, but I support people as they fight through aches and pains from injuries both acute and chronic. After treating pain-related conditions with acupuncture, I often aid recovery by rubbing a liniment, or Die Da Jiu (跌打酒), into achy joints and tissues. The aromatic herbs and precious resins in this formula scent my treatment room like an ancient apothecary, while moving stuck traumas, helping tissues release their stored issues, and lending a golden glow to affected areas.

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Benefits and History of Slippery Elm Bark + Tea Recipe

Slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) is one of the best known medicinal tree barks. It has a history of use that goes back thousands of years—North American First Nations people utilized slippery elm for a variety of health issues and introduced it to European colonists, who quickly incorporated it into their pharmacopoeia. As cited in Henry H. Gibson’s American Forest Trees, published in 1913, it became a household remedy which most families in the country provided and kept in store along with catnip, mandrake, sage, dogwood blossoms, and other rural remedies which were depended upon to rout diseases in the days when physicians were few..... Today, when physicians are more plentiful, it continues to be a profoundly effective mucilaginous demulcent that is a standard in western herbalism. Let’s take a moment to talk about this ancient ally. 

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Choose High Quality Herbs and Spices

The best quality dried botanicals have superior flavor, nutrient value, and food safety. Learn why product testing is key and how to test for freshness.

May 20, 2022

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

Every cooking oil has a unique composition that makes it better at some things than others. Learn how to choose the best oils for all of your culinary masterpieces.

May 13, 2022

The Benefits and Botany of Amla

Learn about the mighty amla tree and how its superfood status makes it a must-have staple for your home apothecary.
WRITTEN BY Sarah Wu - Guest Writer

May 11, 2022

How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

Learn how to add more herbs to your diet with these easy-to-make herbal salt recipes.

April 7, 2022

10 Underused Herbs for Wellness

Explore 10 underused herbs that are little-known but wonderful substitutes for more popular herbal allies. These uncommon herbs are sure to spark your herbal curiosity.

March 28, 2022

Botanical Fixatives in Natural Perfumes

Learn about the most common fixatives for natural perfume and how to use fixatives for DIY aromatherapy blending.
WRITTEN BY Kiva- Guest Writer

March 15, 2022

Osha: A Supportive, but At-Risk Plant Ally

Learn more about osha and how you can help take pressure off this important, at-risk herbal ally. 

February 23, 2022

9 Tips for Buying and Using Essential Oils

Eight tips for buying and using essential oils. Covering some of the most frequently asked questions about essential oils.
WRITTEN BY Christine

January 31, 2022

Vegan Poke Bowl Recipe with Seaweed and Sesame

Try out this Vegan Sesame Poke Bowl with Seaweed recipe that uses marinade and baked tempeh, a great source of protein.

December 28, 2021

East Asian Herbal Liniment + Poultice Recipe

Make your own East Asian Medicine Die Da Jiu liniment and keep this topical preparation handy to meet the inevitable slings and arrows of an active life.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

December 17, 2021

Benefits and History of Slippery Elm Bark + Tea Recipe

Slippery elm bark has been used for thousands of years for a variety of health issues. Learn more about this powerful demulcent.

October 28, 2021