Whole Herb vs. Standardized Herbal Supplements: Which is Right for You?

We often get excellent questions and comments from the Mountain Rose Herbs community that inspire us on product ideas, blog writing, and more. We recently had a question about the difference between whole and standardized herbal products and how to choose which to use. We are so glad you asked that! 

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Posted by Heidi

Saffron Golden Milk Latte Recipe (Vegan)

Saffron, often regarded as the world's most precious spice, offers numerous benefits beyond its captivating flavor and vibrant hue. Packed with various bioactive compounds, saffron can enhance culinary dishes and add a touch of luxury to mealtime. Its rich color and unique aroma make it a sought-after ingredient in traditional and contemporary cuisines. Beyond the kitchen, saffron's historical use in cultures around the world highlights its value in herbalism and holistic wellness practices. It contains bountiful antioxidants and has been known to support many of our body’s natural functions and mood support.

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Posted by Thomas

Mushroom Powder and Mushroom Extract Powder: What’s the Difference?

Mushrooms are often called a superfood because they are so nutrient-dense. They provide protein, fiber, and antioxidants. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. Even when we dehydrate them, they boast amazing nutritional value, which is why dried mushrooms and mushroom powders are such useful pantry items to have on hand. However, some of the most beneficial bioactive components in mushrooms, called beta-glucans—are in the chitin—the mushroom’s cell wall layers—which cannot be broken down by the human digestive system. To access these bioactive components, we must first extract them. Enter mushroom extracts and mushroom extract powders!

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Posted by Heidi

Bitter Orange for Qi Stagnation + Recipe

Welcome! Today, hopefully, you will learn something new about the fruit of the bitter orange tree, which originates in Asia but has been part of “Western” herbal medicine for around 1,000 years. Perhaps better known, at least in some circles, for the production of essential oil from its flowers, the fruit of this tree is considered a very important herb in Chinese medicine. Western herbal medicine, however, has never seen it as a significant herb. As the acclaimed Eclectic physician Harvey Wilks Felter stated in 1922, “[It is] stimulant, carminative and tonic, but [it is] used chiefly as a flavoring agent.”

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How to Make Natural Botanical Dyes for Cotton

Stumbling upon a pristinely white piece of fabric is an uncommon, likely even nonexistent occurrence around my household. White tea towels, clothes, bed sheets, and just about every milky-toned fabric in between has, somewhere down the line, fallen victim to my highly mess-prone and creativity-hungry hands. Whether it be my unintentionally stained coffee tie dye” kitchen towels or my most beloved DIY indigo-dyed pants, altering the original hue of fabrics is one of my favorite ways to express myself creatively.

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Posted by Hailey

The Importance of Iron + DIY Iron Tonic

Iron is at the core of how our bodies function. It's what helps deliver oxygen, keeps our metabolism ticking, and powers our energy levels. But the unfortunate truth is that many of us are running low on this important nutrient, leaving us feeling drained and sluggish.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We love spring in Eugene! However, this is the time our stunning oaks, cedars, pines, and other trees release their pollen. Then we move into gorgeous early summer weather… except that is when the ryegrass and Timothy grasses that are so prevalent in our area join the trees in their pollen-fest. For people who have sensitivities to pollen, spring and summer in our beautiful city can be challenging. The silver lining for herbalism DIYers is this is an opportunity to try your hand at making herbal lozenges that can offer some seasonal relief.

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Posted by Heidi

Oregon Grape Root Monograph: Botany and Benefits

This April, we celebrated our states first Native Plant Appreciation Month, which got us thinking about the incredible botanicals in our ecosystem. We often get the question, “What’s your favorite plant?” While it’s hard to narrow down our lists, one particular herbal ally has resounding popularity amongst our staff: Oregon grape. This year, as Oregon grape kept showing up at the top of our favorites list, obviously wanting to be the spotlight of a story, we decided Native Plant Appreciation Month was a good time to oblige.

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Posted by Jessicka

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Energy-Supporting Herbs

I don’t think I can emphasize enough how hard it is for me to get out of bed in the mornings—like it is actually a serious problem at times. Part of my brain knows that I am making my morning routine a bit more and more frantic with each horizontal moment that ticks by, but it is so hard to care. What could the outside world possibly offer me that is better than the total warmth and comfort of my snuggly nest? Especially when there is a good book at hand and the world’s laziest dog snoring away next to me. Because of my proclivity for lengthy wakeups, I learned a long time ago that “I’ll just do it in the morning” is one of the rudest things I can do to my future self, so I have gotten into the habit of doing my morning meal prep the night before. Chia seed pudding is the definitive MVP for this practice. It is super quick to make and one of the few foods that is better after sitting overnight in the fridge. For this particular recipe variation, I wanted to try including herbs that pack a little extra oomph to help me show up for the day (however reluctantly) bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

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Posted by Maia

Lemon Essential Oil: 5 Ways to Clean Your Home Naturally

We love lemon essential oil for its wellness benefits, its bright and sugary citrus aroma, and its uplifting and energizing constituents. It’s a wonderful oil in skin and hair care formulas and for diffusing in homes and offices. We also love that this cost-effective oil makes an excellent cleaning agent and leaves our homes smelling deliciously like freshly cut lemons. It’s the 76% (=)-Lionene in lemon oil that makes it so good at polishing furniture and cutting grease and sticky residues. We’re revisiting five of our favorite lemon oil-based cleaning recipes that are easy to make, safe to use, and leave our homes smelling citrus good.

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Posted by Christine

5 Foot Care Recipes for Sandal-Ready Feet


I am a four-season sandal wearer. I love allowing my feet to breathe and the feeling of being unconfined. During rain, shine, and sometimes light snow, my feet are ready to be bare at a moment’s notice. If an impromptu forest bathing opportunity or grounding session calls my name, I don’t have to worry about laces, ties, or the other constricting elements of standard shoes. My feet are free!

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Posted by Jessicka


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Whole Herb vs. Standardized Herbal Supplements: Which is Right for You?

We are often asked about the differences between whole herbs and standardized herbal products. Let’s break down the differences so you can make the best decisions for your wellness goals.

June 7, 2024

Saffron Golden Milk Latte Recipe (Vegan)

Beyond the kitchen, saffron's historical use in cultures around the world highlights its value in herbalism and holistic wellness practices. It contains bountiful antioxidants and has been known to support many of our body’s natural functions.

June 5, 2024

Mushroom Powder and Mushroom Extract Powder: What’s the Difference?

Mushroom powders and mushroom extract powders both offer wellness benefits but are not interchangeable. Learn more about their differences and how to use them for health and wellness.

May 23, 2024

Bitter Orange for Qi Stagnation + Recipe

In Chinese medicine, the immature bitter orange fruit, known as zhĭshí (枳實), is frequently used for qi stagnation or constraint. Try this herbal formulation to help move energy in the mind and body.
WRITTEN BY Thomas Avery Garran, PhD - Guest Writer

May 21, 2024

How to Make Natural Botanical Dyes for Cotton

Discover an eco-friendly alternative to dyeing fabric using botanicals and learn how to make herb-dyed cotton sachets.

May 13, 2024

The Importance of Iron + DIY Iron Tonic

Discover how iron impacts your body's energy, metabolism, and oxygen transport, and find a recipe for a DIY Iron Tonic Syrup.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

May 9, 2024

Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We’re excited for spring and summer weather, the increase in pollen can be challenging for many of us. Try your hand at making herbal lozenges for seasonal support.

May 3, 2024

Oregon Grape Root Monograph: Botany and Benefits

Oregon grape has been used for millennia by Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest. Learn more about this precious plant and how you can ensure its availability for future generations.

April 26, 2024

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Energy-Supporting Herbs

Try this decadent chia pudding recipe for a healthful and energizing start to your morning.

April 25, 2024

Lemon Essential Oil: 5 Ways to Clean Your Home Naturally

We love these five lemon oil-based cleaning recipes that are easy to make, safe to use, and leave our homes smelling citrusy and fresh!
WRITTEN BY Christine

April 16, 2024

5 Foot Care Recipes for Sandal-Ready Feet

Ready to slip into your warm-weather shoes with confidence? These five DIY foot care recipes will help you exfoliate, clean, moisturize, and treat your feet so you can wear your open-toed shoes with comfort and peace of mind.

April 11, 2024