Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

As a child, I remember delighting in the hot days of August. My brother and I could spend an entire day in the yard leaping through the sprinkler, having rowdy water fights, and just causing general (damp) mayhem. However, the real highlight of any summer day was the moment that the sing-song tones of the ice cream truck floated to us. In my memory, the ice cream truck has an almost mythical quality to it. It would appear with a burst of song at the perfect moment, with an endless bounty of colorful, frozen treats. I recently learned that national creamsicle day is August 14 and I was immediately flooded with countless (sticky) memories from my youth. Pairing my new awareness of the upcoming occasion with the fact that our fearless leader, Shawn Donnille, is an avid Creamsicle® fan, I decided to try my hand at an herbal adaptation of this beloved summer treat that would win over even the most diehard admirers.


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Posted by Maia

Herbalist Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

With the heat and sun come sunburn, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. There are things we can do to prevent these from happening and natural remedies for when they do.

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Homemade Shaving Cream

A good shaving cream can make all the difference in both the quality and comfort of a shave. It’s no wonder then that this homemade shaving cream recipe has been such a longtime favorite of the Mountain Rose Herbs community. Whether youre working on your beard, your head, or a full-body cleanup, the rich texture of this cream feels wonderful on the skin as it nourishes, hydrates, and makes a perfect surface to safely and comfortably shave away unwanted hair.

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Posted by Heidi

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Natural, Herbal, Roll-On Deodorant

Summer being what it is—with all the extra sunshine and outdoor fun—our deodorant choices start to matter in a bigger way. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the potential issues that can come with using deodorants with ingredients like propylene glycol, aluminum, and triclosan, and have been turning more and more to natural deodorants. Unfortunately, while over-the-counter natural deodorants are a safer and more earth-friendly option than those loaded with parabens and chemicals, they are still packaged in mostly non-recyclable plastics that millions of Americans throw away every year. Happily, it’s an easy task to make your own natural, herbal, roll-on deodorant.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Make Slime with Psyllium Husk

Slime—that strange substance that defies Newtons laws of viscosity—has been a staple in store toy aisles for almost 50 years and the DIY versions have been around almost as long. The typical school-science-project slime recipe involves mixing either borax or contact lens solution with PVA glue and water. The science behind it is a chemical reaction between the polyvinyl acetate in the glue and the borate ions in the contact solution or borax, an action called cross-linking that results in a logic-defying substance that is a whole lot of fun to play with. However, fascinating DIY science aside, too much exposure to boron—which is the base of borax, boric acid, and also, ironically, that contact lens solution—can cause respiratory, skin, and eye irritation, and when ingested can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Note the caution on the front of a box of borax detergent: Caution: Eye irritant, may be harmful if swallowed. Needless to say, that DIY slime hack is not ideal for small children, particularly those who tend to taste-test things. Fortunately for the child in all of us, you can make slime from psyllium husk!

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Posted by Heidi

Organic Spinach Powder Benefits + Pizza Crust Recipe

Spinach has been providing humans with bountiful nutrition for more than 2,000 years. By the time this cool-season annual reached western Europe in the 11th - 15th centuries, it was already an established crop and widely cultivated in the Middle East and Asia. It has long been considered the Captain of Leafy Greens,” which is an apt title for this vitamin- and mineral-packed veggie. However, because our bodies cannot metabolize spinach quickly, it can produce gas, bloating, and stomach cramps. This is not to say we shouldn’t eat raw spinach; we absolutely should because it’s loaded with all kinds of other essential nutrients like vitamin C, niacin, potassium, etc. that are more available to our bodies when eaten raw. But to capture all of the benefits of spinach, it behooves us to eat it in other ways as well. Dried spinach is a delicious, high-nutrition option!

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Posted by Heidi

Arnica Hand Balm Recipe for Hard-Working Hands

This time of year, I’m reminded of my love for herbal salves, and in particular, this Gardener's Salve. The blend has been in the Mountain Rose recipe book for many years and is one that I turn to each spring and summer. Between planting, weeding, and pruning, my hard-working hands reach for this DIY hand balm time and time again. Being with the plants does wonders for my emotional wellbeing so taking the proper steps to ensure I can do it in optimal comfort and for many years to come is very important to me.

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Posted by Jessicka

Spicy Paloma Cocktail & Mocktail with Herbs

Cocktails and mocktails provide the perfect opportunity to put our favorite botanicals to creative use. Whether mixed with fresh garden herbs, homemade tinctures, or kitchen spices, mixed drinks are a fun and tasty way to enjoy the benefits of herbs and spices—and to apply our love of herbalism.

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Elemental Perfume Blend with Essential Oils: Earth Goddess Perfume Recipe

As a newly engaged person, I am starting to look at things a bit differently. For instance, creating recipes is a major part of my life, and I find myself experiencing that process through a slightly different lens. Now as well as recipes that I craft for my own use, I am starting to consider party favors and elements to include in my wedding. I've been thinking that a variety of homemade perfumes made with organic ingredients would be a fun zero-waste party favor and they are incredibly easy to scale up and to make in bulk. So, I went to the drawing board with some themes and ideas.

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Posted by Jessicka

Guide to Oil Cleansing + The Best Oils for Your Skin Type

I know that washing your face with oil may sound a little odd at first, but trust me—this ancient secret is a great way to cleanse and nourish your skin! The reason oil cleansing works is basic chemistry: like-dissolves-like. Using nourishing organic oils to clean your face helps break up the grime that gets caught in your skin’s natural sebum while not harming the microbiome of the skin. Ready to get started? Let’s go!

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Posted by Jessicka

Minty Lemongrass Oxymel (Without Vinegar) & Summer Mocktail Recipe

When my husband and I got married, we wanted to offer a full mocktail bar for our wedding guests. I love using oxymels for mocktails: the traditional syrup made from an acid and a sweetener (usually vinegar and honey) lends a complex flavor that up-levels any drink. They are also a yummy way to serve herbs to friends and family.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

This homemade Creamsicle® recipe is a healthier twist on the classic popsicle. This flavorful version is made with Orange Cream Rooibos Tea and will surely delight the senses.

August 14, 2023

Herbalist Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

With the heat and sun come sunburn, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. There are things we can do to prevent these from happening and natural ways to support ourselves when they do.
WRITTEN BY Suzanne Tabert- Guest Writer

August 9, 2023

Homemade Shaving Cream

A good shaving cream is a must for a close, smooth shave. The good news is that it's incredibly easy to make natural shaving cream with organic and nourishing oils and butters!

August 2, 2023

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Natural, Herbal, Roll-On Deodorant

It’s the time of year—full of sun and outdoor fun—when our deodorant choices matter more than ever. Make your own effective, natural, herbal, roll-on deodorant!

July 31, 2023

How to Make Slime with Psyllium Husk

This simple, kid-friendly, psyllium-based slime is pure, natural, safe, and organic. It takes less than 10 minutes to make and is good for hours of fun!

July 15, 2023

Organic Spinach Powder Benefits + Pizza Crust Recipe

Organic spinach powder and flakes are a delicious way to capture the bountiful nutrition of spinach without having to eat bowls full of greens.

July 6, 2023

Arnica Hand Balm Recipe for Hard-Working Hands

Give your dry, tired, and hand-working hands the pampering they deserve by whipping up a batch of soothing hand salve. Ideal for farmers, gardeners, mechanics, and other hard-working folks, this will be a recipe you'll keep around for years to come.

July 3, 2023

Spicy Paloma Cocktail & Mocktail with Herbs

Herbal Academy’s Pirate Paloma puts a spicy twist on the classic Paloma cocktail. Combining warming masala chai spices with refreshing grapefruit and lime, the mixture of spice, citrus, and rum will transport you to a dreamy summer scene.
WRITTEN BY The Herbal Academy- Guest Writer

June 26, 2023

Elemental Perfume Blend with Essential Oils: Earth Goddess Perfume Recipe

Deep and resinous, this botanical perfume blend is grounding and soothing to the senses. Tapping into the element of Earth, this blend was crafted with mostly bottom note oils and has a longer-lasting scent than other perfumes made with essential oils.

June 22, 2023

Guide to Oil Cleansing + The Best Oils for Your Skin Type

Nourishing organic oils are a wonderful way to clean your face and maintain the balance of your skin’s natural sebum. Learn how to make an oil cleanser that’s perfect for your skin type.

June 12, 2023

Minty Lemongrass Oxymel (Without Vinegar) & Summer Mocktail Recipe

Oxymels are a tasty way to infuse your favorite herbal allies and also make a superb mocktail base. This minty vinegar-less oxymel is refreshing, uplifting, and an enjoyable way to beat the summer heat!
WRITTEN BY Amanda Crooke ~ Guest Herbalist

June 9, 2023