Homemade Herbal Sitz Bath

When I was a child, I was thrown from a horse and spent many years thereafter challenged by lower back and radiating leg pain. With time and maturity, as well as changes in my diet and appropriate exercise, I’ve put those pain-days behind me, but I’ve carried forward some of the best solutions that I learned from the experience. One of my favorites of these is the soothing comfort of an old-fashioned herbal sitz bath. Often used to relieve issues related to post-birth discomfort, etc., a sitz bath is also ideal for easing general lower-body soreness and fatigue.

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Posted by Heidi

Best Essential Oils for Hair Care

Essential oils are growing in popularity. With uses ranging from green cleaning to DIY skin and body care, it’s no wonder they are becoming a staple in cabinets and home apothecaries around the world. One of the uses that I have been appreciating lately is the incorporation of these precious oils in hair care. In addition to helping with the maintenance of healthy hair and scalp, they also provide an aromatherapy experience during self-care time. Plus, I take the opportunity to swap synthetic fragrances for pure oils any chance I can get.

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Rosehip Face Moisturizer for a Radiant Complexion

Roughly every 24 hours, we roll out of bed and ready ourselves to take on another round of life. We call this “facing the day,” and with good reason. We experience a huge portion of our lives face-first—the sun, wind, and wet of the weather; the scents, textures, and flavors of our daily meals; the touch of a loved one’s kiss on our cheek; the critical informational exchanges conveyed through our expressions—and each of these encounters leaves its mark of experience behind. That’s A LOT of responsibility for one small part of the body to handle, so it’s important to give your complexion the nutrients it needs to repair and fortify itself for the storms, sensations, and smiles ahead!

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Posted by Jana

Homemade Sweet Basil Lip Scrub

Of all of the DIY skin and body care products I love to make, share, and write about, lip care products are easily my favorite. It sounds trivial, and it might be, but I have a lip balm recipe for just about every season, mood, and occasion. It’s something that I use so often, it brings me great joy to create new, unique ways of delivering it. And since lip products are so easy to make in bulk, they are always great gifts to share with family members or friends.

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Posted by Jessicka

Mama’s Homemade Belly Butter

Pregnancy is obviously a profoundly life- and body-changing event. Particularly as we move into the second and third trimester, when our babies are growing at super-speed, our bodies make remarkable changes to accommodate the little people who set up house in our wombs. Our joints, muscles, and organs all have to sacrifice space or need to stretch in challenging ways. The most obvious of these changes is what happens to our bellies. Our stomach skin must expand tremendously and can end up feeling stretched to its limits, with skin that is tight, dry, and itchy. And then once that precious child is born, our skin must reverse course, which takes time and has its own set of discomforts. Happily, a good balm helps a lot! Homemade belly butter made with soothing, organic butters and skin-loving herbal oils relieves discomfort and redness and helps the skin maintain its elasticity during and after pregnancy. Best of all, this balm for hard working mamas is easy and economical to make, so you can always have it on hand when you need it.

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Posted by Heidi

Rose Foaming Face Wash for Dry Skin

In my early 20’s, I began to experience blemishes, breakouts, and red, splotchy skin. This turned into a difficult and embarrassing time for me and I became increasingly self-conscious. In an effort to take control of the situation, I tried many different soaps known to be “good for acne”, tea tree spot treatments, and other things that I thought were supposed to help. At my wits end, I scheduled an appointment with a local esthetician. During my initial consultation with her, she informed me that my issue was dry skin, and all of the things I had been trying were actually driving me further down the rabbit hole instead of giving my skin the help it was asking for. I learned that dry skin can lead to occasional blemishes just like overly oily skin does! This revelation saved my skin and my sanity.

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Posted by Jessicka

8 Essential Oils for Love and Romance

The olfactory magic of essential oils is a very personal journey. In many ways, the power of scent and the power of devotion are bound inextricably together. They can illicit passionate and intoxicating sensations, pure comfort and relaxation, or a feeling of deep connection. Each of these oils celebrates this communion of the senses with earthy, sensual essential oils that have been crafted to inspire closeness and affection. We invite you to relax your hard-working mind, envelop your senses, enhance your self-appreciation, and create memorable moments through scent.

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Posted by Christine

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray with Four Thieves® Essential Oil Blend

Clean hands are the guardians of health. And while washing your hands with warm soapy water is always best, sometimes life doesn’t allow for that luxury. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where right after you touch something, you have this inexplainable urge to wash your hands? Sometimes you can just feel when something is icky. Having found myself with this reaction more in the past few months, it solidified my practice of carrying homemade hand sanitizer everywhere I go.

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Posted by Jessicka

Top 10 Recipes of 2020

2020 has been a year of rediscovery. As we have all been limiting trips to public places, many of us have found more interest in cooking and in creating DIY products to use around the home. It was fascinating to take a look at our top recipes of the year and reflect on just what our herbal community has found to be the most helpful in 2020. The silver lining to this year is that, although it has been difficult, we are more resilient than we were yesterday, and we will continue to learn and grow every day forward. We hope you enjoy this recipe roundup as living proof of our collective vision for a healthy and sustainable tomorrow. Cheers to a hopeful new year!

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Posted by Jessicka

Solid Perfume Recipes (Calming & Revitalizing Blends)

 Over the years, I’ve noticed that many natural fragrances don’t last quite as long as their chemical-laden counterparts. So, what is one to do when you don’t want to compromise a natural lifestyle to achieve an enjoyable, long-lasting fragrance? In my years-long journey of creating and testing homemade skincare and aromatherapy products, I’ve learned that not only are solid perfumes incredibly handy, but their texture also helps them stay on the skin longer.

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Posted by Jessicka

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

Looking for holiday gift ideas and activities for at-home kids? Me too! As a mother of a five-year-old I am constantly on the prowl for engaging, fun, and educational activities. After years of teaching nature education, I have found some useful tips to engage kids of all ages, abilities, and group sizes! 

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Posted by Anna


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Homemade Herbal Sitz Bath

There's nothing like the soothing comfort of an old-fashioned herbal sitz bath to ease lower-body soreness and fatigue. Create a sitz bath in your own tub.

May 7, 2021

Best Essential Oils for Hair Care

Essential oils are a wonderful addition to your hair care routine. With uses ranging from cleansing, conditioning, dandruff relief, and aromatherapeutic benefits, they make great substitutes for synthetic fragrances and harsh chemicals.

May 3, 2021

DIY Rosehip Face Moisturizer for a Radiant Complexion

Rosehip oil has long been prized in the world of natural body care as a lightweight and versatile moisturizer for the face. Whip up a batch of this rosehip face moisturizer recipe from natural wellness blogger Renee Byrd of Will Frolic for Food and let your complexion shine!

April 27, 2021

Homemade Sweet Basil Lip Scrub

This exfoliating lip scrub helps remove dry and unwanted skin to uncover the soft and supple layers just below. Easy and inexpensive to whip up, they are crucial to your DIY lip care routine.

March 24, 2021

Mama’s Homemade Belly Butter

Pregnancy and birth are joyous events, but Mama’s stomach skin can feel stretched to its limits. Try this easy homemade belly butter to relieve discomfort.

March 15, 2021

Rose Foaming Face Wash for Dry Skin

This foaming face soap is perfectly suited for those with dry skin. Made with luscious oils known to leave the skin dewy and hydrated, this recipe makes a great routine in between oil cleansing.

March 8, 2021

8 Essential Oils for Love and Romance

Explore the eight best essential oils for love. Evoke passion, warmth, and affection for others or yourself!
WRITTEN BY Christine

January 29, 2021

DIY Hand Sanitizer Spray with Four Thieves® Essential Oil Blend

This quick and easy hand sanitizer spray offers a convenient and sustainable solution to hand sanitizing on-the-go.

January 6, 2021

Top 10 Recipes of 2020

From tasty bites to luscious skincare, find our top 10 recipes from 2020!

December 28, 2020

Solid Perfume Recipes (Calming & Revitalizing Blends)

Learn how to make solid perfume that is ideal for creating a long-lasting scent. You can also make perfume into DIY perfume sticks on-the-go application.

December 15, 2020

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

It’s time for DIY holiday crafts! Looking for ways to engage your kids and need holiday gifts? These fun holiday crafts for kids will check both boxes.

December 9, 2020