Bath Bomb Recipe for Grounding

There is great intention behind the drawing and taking of a bath. The sound of water filling the basin sets the scene for the softening of energy that is about to happen. These moments of anticipated tranquility build for me as the tone of the filling tub changes pitch, declaring it’s time for my first toe-dip into the inviting warmth. Slipping into the water has a way of melting away tension and initiating a sigh of relief, which seems to be more of an involuntary reflex than something I ever mean to do. After a few moments of settling in, I call on one of my favorite bath enhancements to create an even deeper therapeutic experience. Bath bombs are helpful vehicles for aromatherapy and because they are crafted in advance, they are easy to enjoy after a long day.

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Posted by Jessicka

Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp. This body part is often overlooked as we wash our face or shampoo our hair. Taking good care of your scalp by keeping it clean and full of moisture will benefit hair growth, eliminate dry skin issues such as dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Your scalp is an extension of your face so using products such as masks, scrubs, and conditioners that you can easily create at home should be part of your healthy hair and skin regime.

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How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Taking care of your mouth does a lot more for your health than simply preserving your bright smile—a healthy mouth is an important part of a healthy body! There are more and more studies showing how good oral hygiene helps to improve your overall wellness, yet the majority of mainstream oral care products contain a slew of synthetic, and sometimes even harmful, ingredients.

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Posted by Kendle

Building an Herbal Library: Our Favorite Botanical Books

If you ask herbalists, botanists, and body care enthusiasts, most say that building a library of reference and recipe books is one of the most important steps in becoming an expert. Gathering books from professionals who offer their experiences, philosophies, and expertise gives you a strong foundation on which to build your practice.  Here are some of our favorite books on herbal education, aromatherapy, healthy eating, skincare, and growing and foraging plants. 

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Posted by Jessicka

The Art of Forest Bathing 

In my travels as an herbalist, I have witnessed plants used in many ceremonies. One of the first that I learned early in my path was spiritual bathing. Spiritual bathing is using the plants and the elements (fire, water, earth, sound, air, nature) to facilitate wellness on an energetic level. From birth to death, spiritual bathing ceremonies use elements such as incense, sacred water, decocted plants, sound, and even “forest bathing'' to bring balance. In my own practice, I have found it to be one of the most powerful modalities for times of transition and transformation.

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Posted by Lucretia VanDyke

5 Zero-Waste Recipes for Skin and Body Care

I have been on a big “DIY swap” kick lately. It all started with a growing interest in leading a more sustainable lifestyle, which for me, meant finding ways to eliminate single-use and non-recyclable packaging. The DIY aspect of this project was born out of necessity. I knew the easiest way to avoid purchasing products packaged unsustainably was to just make them myself. There were some growing pains of course. I will be the first to admit that I am not always the best at planning ahead, so adjusting from simply buying an item in a store to carving out the time to make the product did not always go smoothly. However, since I have embraced the process, I’m finding it deeply gratifying to craft my own products, especially my own body-care products.

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Posted by Maia

How to Make Massage Oil + Sweet Dreams Blend with Hemp Essential Oil

Massage oils are one of the easiest DIY preparations to craft, which is especially helpful when you consider the host of health benefits that a massage has to offer. While commonly associated with relieving tight or sore muscles, its benefits reach much deeper than that. Massage helps improve blood flow and circulation, bringing fresh oxygenated blood to the body while pushing toxins out of our tissues. Massage is also a great way to ease our over-active minds, offering us the opportunity to breathe deeply, let go, and just be.

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Posted by Jessicka

5 Skincare Recipes with Green Tea

I have been looking for more ways to incorporate green tea into my daily life as summer gets into full swing. Not only are teas like green sencha and matcha nourishing antioxidant sources, they are also amazing additions to any DIY skin care routine. I tend to have dry, sometimes red and irritated skin, especially in the summer after spending hours outdoors in the sun. I’m a gardening and hiking nut and a general outdoor enthusiast, so you can imagine just how much sun my cheeks are getting every day. Green tea has been a wonderful way to soothe my skin and offer it some much-needed relief.

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Posted by Gracie

Homemade Diaper Cream with Herbs

My grandbaby is now officially a toddler: talking up a storm, climbing everything, and making all day every day an adventure. I am realizing that this little sweetie might very well be the last baby in our family for a long time, so I am being extra conscious to appreciate every moment of development and growth. Last week my son stopped by to pick up a few more jars of homemade diaper balm to take home with him, and I made a mental note that I’d better start infusing some more olive oil because they’ll need another batch of ointment before this little one is potty trained. As we were waving our boy out the door, my husband asked me, “How much diaper salve do you suppose you’ve made in your life?” Three children, a grandchild, and a lot of friends’ babies later, I can’t even begin to guess. Gallons upon gallons I suppose.

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Posted by Heidi

Organic Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding

When I was having my children, folks used to say that women forget the pain of childbirth and also the pain that can accompany the first days or weeks of nursing a newborn. Having had and nursed three children, I will attest that this “halo effect,” as it is sometimes called, is not true, at least for me. My youngest child is 30 years old, and I still remember those long, hard hours of labor and the first tender days of nursing my babies. Yes, those memories are colored by the beautiful remembrance of the enormous wash of love and protectiveness I felt for those brand-new little beings, but to this day I still cringe when I remember the sensation of a days-old baby latching on to nurse, and how nipples that started out tender quickly became painfully sore from the near-constant attention of a new infant with super-suckle powers. I said it then, and it still holds true: a baby-safe nipple cream is a lifesaver.

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Posted by Heidi

DIY Foot Soak with Herbs

There has been a lot of talk about self-care lately, and with good reason. With this last year weighing heavily on many of us, there is a renewed focus on the ways in which we can offer ourselves some TLC. One of my favorite ways of having a quiet moment with myself this time of year is to go on long walks and hikes. Nothing brings me a sense of calm more than adventuring outside with my pup. Unfortunately, my feet do not seem to feel that same serenity after a long walk, and recently my attention was brought to one area of my body that I routinely neglect—my feet!

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Posted by Maia


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Bath Bomb Recipe for Grounding

Enhance bath time with this grounding forest-themed bath bomb recipe, it’s a great way to practice self-care.

September 20, 2021

Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Find tips and recipes to help you condition your scalp and prevent dry, flaky skin and dandruff.
WRITTEN BY Janice Cox, Guest Writer

September 13, 2021

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Studies show that good oral hygiene improves overall wellness. Check out some easy recipes and extra tips for creating your very own DIY toothpaste and natural mouthwash!

September 9, 2021

Building an Herbal Library: Our Favorite Botanical Books

Looking for new reads for the body, kitchen, and home? Here are our favorite botanical books, there's something here for everyone!

August 5, 2021

The Art of Forest Bathing 

Learn how to create a spiritual experience by using the energy and wisdom of the forest.
WRITTEN BY Lucretia VanDyke

June 30, 2021

5 Zero-Waste Recipes for Skin and Body Care

Try your hand at these fun DIY recipes that add a sustainable twist to commonly used personal care products.

June 8, 2021

How to Make Massage Oil + Sweet Dreams Blend with Hemp Essential Oil

Learn how to make a basic unscented massage oil, how to make massage oils with essential oils, and find a soothing massage oil recipe for sleep.

June 8, 2021

5 Skincare Recipes with Green Tea

Learn how to make 5 simple skin care recipes with green tea.

June 2, 2021

Homemade Diaper Cream with Herbs

This easy DIY herbal diaper ointment brings the herbal powers of calendula, comfrey, and Oregon grape to the fight against moisture and bacteria.

May 27, 2021

Organic Nipple Cream for Breastfeeding

It's normal in the first weeks of nursing to experience soreness and inflammation. Make an easy DIY nipple cream to support your nipples.

May 20, 2021

DIY Foot Soak with Herbs

Expand your selfcare routine by pampering your feet with a homemade, herbal foot bath.

May 11, 2021