25+ DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

Each year when Mother's Day rolls around, I seek gifts that will make Mom feel loved and appreciated. I also aim to get her gifts that she will actually use. You would think I'd have it down to a science by now, but as May rolls around each year, finding the right gift seems to get even harder. Maybe it's because the older I get, the more I appreciate my Mom and want her to know that, or maybe it's that I've gifted her so many things over the years that I want it to be different. What I do know is that she most enjoys my homemade gestures of love. She knows I took my time to make her something, tailored it to her preferences, and created things she can use instead of things that will collect dust or create clutter. 

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Posted by Jessicka

Earth Goddess Lotion + How to Convert a Recipe by Measuring in Parts

I love the shoulder seasons—spring and fall, planting and harvest—because they connect me deeply to the earth. This year, I wanted to celebrate that connection with an aroma change-up to my usual body lotion recipe. I tend to be a keep-it-simple sort of woman when using essential oils in skin- and haircare recipes. For my purposes, I usually reach for lavender and call it good.  So, to create the earthy, fertile aroma I wanted this season, I turned to an essential oil blend formulated by someone with more expertise in blending aromas: Mountain Rose Herbs’ marketing lead, Jessicka. I combined my tried-and-true lotion recipe with her Earth Goddess perfume essential oil blend. The result is luscious and season-perfect!

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Posted by Heidi

5 Foot Care Recipes for Sandal-Ready Feet


I am a four-season sandal wearer. I love allowing my feet to breathe and the feeling of being unconfined. During rain, shine, and sometimes light snow, my feet are ready to be bare at a moment’s notice. If an impromptu forest bathing opportunity or grounding session calls my name, I don’t have to worry about laces, ties, or the other constricting elements of standard shoes. My feet are free!

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Posted by Jessicka

Natural DIY Hair Spray with Rosemary and Mint

I recently spent a night at a hotel with an outdoor saltwater soaking pool. I didnt see much of the hotel itself because I could not convince my body that there was even one good reason to leave the buoyant 102°F saltwater paradise. I braided my hair ahead of time with the—in hindsight ridiculous—idea that maybe I could keep it dry, but by the time I finally conceded I needed to go to bed, it was thoroughly wet. So I toweled it dry-ish, ran a brush through it, and fell into bed for a deep, restful sleep. I woke up in the morning to voluminous hair that had fabulous waves. As I stood in front of the mirror blinking in confusion, it dawned on me that I had inadvertently given my hair a sea salt treatment… which reminded me that I could do this at home for significantly less money with DIY sea salt hair spray!

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Posted by Heidi

Understanding Aroma Notes for Essential Oil Blending: Base Notes

The art of essential oil blending is a delicate and thoughtful process that I often compare to the individual layers added to a painting. Just as each brush stroke on a canvas gradually builds on the layer of paint underneath to create a harmonious result, crafting essential oil blends applies the same principle. In the world of perfumery and essential oil blending, the three commonly recognized “paint” layers are known as fragrance notes, which encompass top notes, middle notes, and base notes. At the foundation of these blended layers, you will find base notes.

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Posted by Hailey

Brightening Berry and Honey Face Mask & Exfoliant

This year, I set out to create a natural skin care treatment for my dull and dry winter skin. So I took to my crafting space to work on a mask and scrub that was brightening and cleansing. After several iterations, I created one that I’m quite excited about, and I think you all are going to enjoy it, too.

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes for Dark & Light Hair

There has been a lot of buzz lately around DIY and natural hair care. In the previous weeks, we've shared no-poo recipes, DIY hair rinses, and fermented rice water treatments. A perfect pairing to all those homemade hair care products is having a dry shampoo to get you in between "washes."

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Whether your unique mane coils into bouncy ringlets, twists into wild waves, or cascades down as straight as a pin, you’ve undoubtably experienced bad hair days. On too many occasions to count in my life, I’ve stumbled out of bed in the morning and glanced into the mirror to find a sight only explainable by a bird crafting a nest out of my frazzled locks overnight. After reaching for every fancy spritz and spray buried in my cabinets, I’d more often than not be left with relatively tamed frizz, greasy roots, and a wafting heavy perfume fragrance that was less than desirable. Inevitably, I would succumb to the classic slicked-back ponytail or throwing my mop of hair under a big hat on days such as these.

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Posted by Hailey

How to Go "No Poo" with Easy Herbal Hair Rinses

Have you heard of "no 'poo" and scratched your head in wonder about what this means? While the term is definitely not my favorite, the philosophy behind it is worth exploring. It refers to moving away from using expensive commercial shampoos and conditioners, which often contain harsh synthetic fragrances, sodium laureth sulfate, propylene glycol, and other creepy ingredients from mystery labs around the world. Because we trust that such products will make our hair gorgeous, we drench ourselves in weird chemicals without knowing how they affect our overall health. Plus, think of the millions of plastic bottles from all the hair care products we use that end up in recycling bins or landfills.

But we HAVE to use shampoo, right?—Wrong!

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Posted by Jessicka

Fermented Rice Water Hair Treatment with Herbs

Fermented rice water has a long history of use in Asia as a hair rinse. When we soak or cook rice, we capture the natural inositol from the grain in the water. Inositol is a form of sugar that our bodies naturally produce to provide structure to our cells, and is also found in some foods, including grains and legumes like rice. Inositol-rich rice water, especially when fermented, also carries proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids believed to support a healthy scalp, hair strength, and shine. Want to take it up another notch? Infuse rice water with hair-loving herbs! 

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Posted by Heidi

Fire Zodiac Perfume Recipe with Essential Oils

Over the past few months, I have been working on an elemental perfume series. I first tapped deep into the soil to find inspiration for an Earth Goddess blend. From there, I dove into the sea to create a whimsical Mermaid Blend made with “juicy” ylang ylang and brisk bay laurel. Then I soared amongst the clouds to create a blend with “go-with-the-flow” vibes that was crafted with ravensara and coriander. The last stop on this aromatic journeywas to be fire, and I had been waiting patiently for inspiration to strike me. Boy did it ever! My community was hit with a bad ice storm that resulted in hundreds of fallen trees and dangerous conditions. I was stuck at home without electricity or internet for several days and was fully reliant on my wood-burning stove for heat, cooking, and entertainment. During this time, I became deeply reacquainted with fire. 

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Posted by Jessicka


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

25+ DIY Gifts for Mother's Day

If you're looking for a Mother's Day Gift that is homemade, useful, and able to be tailored to the special Mom(s) in your life, look no further than this list of DIY gift ideas!

May 6, 2024

Earth Goddess Lotion + How to Convert a Recipe by Measuring in Parts

Spring is the season for lush, sensual Earth Goddess lotion. This easy recipe is also perfect for measuring in parts to change aroma profiles.

April 24, 2024

5 Foot Care Recipes for Sandal-Ready Feet

Ready to slip into your warm-weather shoes with confidence? These five DIY foot care recipes will help you exfoliate, clean, moisturize, and treat your feet so you can wear your open-toed shoes with comfort and peace of mind.

April 11, 2024

Natural DIY Hair Spray with Rosemary and Mint

Sea salt hair spray is an easy, natural way to embrace beachy volume and texture. Learn how to make and use an herb-inspired salt spray without damaging your hair.

March 20, 2024

Understanding Aroma Notes for Essential Oil Blending: Base Notes

Learn how to craft well-balanced and long-lasting aroma blends by understanding the foundation of essential oil blending: base notes!

March 18, 2024

Brightening Berry and Honey Face Mask & Exfoliant

If you're looking for a natural skin care treatment to brighten dull and dry winter skin, this face mask may be for you!

March 15, 2024

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes for Dark & Light Hair

Learn how easy it is to make and use natural dry shampoo to freshen up oily hair with no single-use cans required! Our shampoo powder recipes are just a stir and a shake away.

March 8, 2024

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Smooth and detangle your locks with this easy-to-make herbal hair care spray, and discover the endlessly customizable potential of DIY hair care!

February 25, 2024

How to Go "No Poo" with Easy Herbal Hair Rinses

Trying to ditch the shampoo as part of a healthier hair care routine? Try these three easy herbal hair rinse recipes!

February 15, 2024

Fermented Rice Water Hair Treatment with Herbs

Infusing rice water with hair-loving herbs adds herbal goodness to an age-old hair rinse recipe. Here’s how to make a fermented rice water hair rinse!

February 2, 2024

Fire Zodiac Perfume Recipe with Essential Oils

Fire is about warmth, strength, creativity, and transformation. This essential oil perfume blend celebrates the strength and passion of zodiac fire signs.

January 25, 2024