5 Tips for Preserving Homemade & Natural Body Care Products

When seeking out natural alternatives to store-bought body care and wellness products, it can be hard to know how to create shelf-stable versions of store-bought staples at home. In fact, some of the most common questions we receive from our friends and customers relate to naturally preserving homemade botanical goodies.

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Posted by Raychel

Guide to MCT / Fractionated Coconut Oil + 4 Ways to Use It

While many of us are familiar with solid coconut oil with its myriad of uses in our everyday lives, some may be less acquainted with its liquid counterpart known as fractionated or MCT coconut oil.

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Posted by Kendle

Our Top Recipes of 2018

While looking forward to a fresh new year, it’s important to take a moment to reflect on the past and the lessons learned along the way. We had a blast creating a variety of botanically inspired recipes for you, from natural body care formulations to herbal remedies that will keep you well all year long. Here are seven selections from 2018 that really stood out:

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Posted by Raychel

Our Mood-Changing Aroma Sprays for Body, Home & More!

Since prehistoric times, humanity has sought out scented botanicals to create perfumes for anointing the body and burning as incense. From ancient Egyptians using enfleurage of fragrant flowers to create unguents that would melt in the heat and sweeten body odor, to modern perfume houses and the dizzying array of creations they offer, scented preparations are an essential part of the human experience.

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Posted by Miriam

Holiday-Inspired Orange Body Care Recipes

I love the scents of the holiday season. Nothing compares to the fresh, crisp scent of peppermint, or the warm, inviting, and spicy scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves—nothing, that is, except the sweet scent of oranges mingling with spices and chocolate. That distinctive fragrance always evokes childhood memories of my mom and me handcrafting those lovely orange pomander ornaments, made by sticking cloves directly into an unpeeled orange in creative designs. It’s a beloved holiday tradition that I have carried over to my own family!

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Posted by Christina Anthis

Ginger Cookie DIY Lip Balm Recipe

Lip balm is about as much of a staple in my life as water. While some might say that I’m addicted to it, I like to think I’m a connoisseur. Whatever you want to call my love for happy, hydrated lips, I simply cannot go without my beloved stick of soft, smooth goodness. And with a habit like mine, it’s far more cost effective and fun to make my own lip balm than to stock up at the store. Tinkering with different recipes is one of my favorite pastimes; after all, a person can never have too many flavors of
lip lusciousness!

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY Herbal Salt Scrub for Merry and Bright Skin

Midwinter holidays are my favorite time of the year. I adore having a reason to
craft gifts for my loved ones, and I find it so much more satisfying to dance and sing around my kitchen like a happy elf while I concoct individualized creations for everyone on my list, than to fight through traffic and crowds to purchase mass-produced goods.

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Posted by Miriam

Herbal Homemade Gift Guide: 10 Easy DIY Gift Ideas for the Holidays

The holidays are almost upon us, so we’ve curated some of our favorite culinary and natural body care recipes to inspire your homemade gift giving this year. From homemade decor, to natural body care formulas, to kitchen staples, most of these DIY projects can be done in a day, and none takes more than a week. Even if you’ve put off your holiday crafting a little longer than you intended, there’s still time to whip up some botanical bounty to surprise and delight everyone on your list!

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Posted by Jana

DIY Toning Coffee Body Butter

Ever since I joined the Mountain Rose Herbs team, I’ve been dabbling in making my own body care products (and loving it!). DIY goodies are easier to make than you might think, and they’re completely customizable to your unique needs and aroma preferences. With the abundance of beautiful and healthful botanicals available in my workplace, it didn’t take long for little jars of homemade body butter to start appearing on my desk, office shelves, and nearby countertops. I find body butter to be a wonderful everyday moisturizer for my (often dry) Mediterranean skin.

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Posted by Meghan

How to Make Your Own Mustard Bath Herbal Soak

When the evenings grow chilly and all your friends seem to have the sniffles, a warming mustard bath is just the herbal experience you need! It might seem strange to replace bubble bath mix with mustard seed powder, but mustard bath salts have been used since ancient times to stimulate skin circulation and rejuvenate tired muscles. I also find them very relaxing and helpful during those “under-the-weather” days. With a wonderful, invigorating aroma, this recipe includes many time-tested bathing favorites, like Epsom salt, sea salt, baking soda, and essential oils.

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

DIY Cuticle Oil for Natural Nail Care

Keeping your hands and cuticles well hydrated is the key to keeping them looking great! If your cuticles are not well moisturized, they're more prone to splitting or breaking, leaving your finger beds vulnerable to infection and injury. Maintaining well hydrated cuticles is what keeps them strong and manageable. 

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Posted by Jana


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

5 Tips for Preserving Homemade & Natural Body Care Products

Learn how to preserve your handcrafted and natural body care formulations with these five easy tips! We've got several plant-based additions and prep tips to extend the shelf life of your favorite creations.

January 10, 2019

Guide to MCT / Fractionated Coconut Oil + 4 Ways to Use It

Curious about our fractionated MCT coconut oil? This versatile oil keeps its liquid form and is easy to incorporate into all kinds of recipes. We have a few ideas to help you get started!

December 28, 2018

Our Top Recipes of 2018

Revisit the best of 2018 with our most popular recipes of year! These how-to guides are perfect for getting started with natural body care, herbal remedies, soap making, and more!

December 18, 2018

Our Mood-Changing Aroma Sprays for Body, Home & More!

Bring the benefits of natural scent into your daily routine with aroma sprays that can brighten your mood, help you relax, focus, and more. These essential oil-based fragrances are excellent as body mists, room and car sprays, or linen sprays!

December 11, 2018

Holiday-Inspired Orange Body Care Recipes

This holiday season, bring the festive, sweet scent of oranges into your life with these easy-to-make DIY citrusy body care products. These make the perfect holiday gifts!
WRITTEN BY Christina Anthis

December 6, 2018

Ginger Cookie DIY Lip Balm Recipe

If you’re looking for soft and supple lips this holiday season, this gingerbread lip balm recipe is just the trick. Infused with soothing marshmallow root, this ultra hydrating blend, coupled with the bright notes of fresh ginger, will uplift your spirits and keep your lips happy and healthful!

November 30, 2018

DIY Herbal Salt Scrub for Merry and Bright Skin

The midwinter holidays give us the opportunity to craft gifts for loved ones. Rather than fighting traffic and crowds this year, craft an easy Merry and Bright Salt Scrub that encourages your favorite people to make time for self-care.

November 28, 2018

Herbal Homemade Gift Guide: 10 Easy DIY Gift Ideas for the Holidays

It’s not too late to whip up some unique homemade holiday gifts for 2018! We’ve gathered some of our favorite recipes to give you the inspiration you need.

October 30, 2018

DIY Toning Coffee Body Butter

Learn how to make your own scrumptious whipped body butter at home with all-natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa wafers, and coffee beans. Plus, get tips on how to use your butter, how to adjust the fragrance, and how to achieve that perfect fluffy consistency!

October 26, 2018

How to Make Your Own Mustard Bath Herbal Soak

Make your own warming mustard bath for rainy and “under-the-weather days” and learn how to customize it to your own needs. Create your own healthful blend using organic mustard seed powder, Epsom salt, and other organic ingredients, including aromatic essential oils.

October 12, 2018

DIY Cuticle Oil for Natural Nail Care

Protect your nails and cuticles with this nourishing cuticle serum recipe with hydrating argan oil and stimulating organic essential oils. Use regularly to keep your nail beds looking and feeling amazing!

October 6, 2018