How AHPA Helps Us Offer Safe, High Quality Herbal Creations

What is AHPA?

AHPA (the American Herbal Products Association) is a nonprofit organization made up of over 350 herbal businesses who want to promote the responsible commerce of herbal products. In other words, AHPA is a group of behind-the-scenes herbal experts and enthusiasts who put their companies’ competitive goals aside to work together to make sure that the herbal products available to you online and in stores continue to be safe and healthful.

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

How Herbalism Helps Communities Blossom

I recently attended the New England Women’s Herbal Conference and was struck by the sense of welcome and togetherness that was present throughout the entire event. There was much focus on inclusion and creating space for one another, and I felt compelled to share that spirit beyond the bounds of the conference. I was inspired to help bring more awareness to the strength of the herbal community and how people can be more involved in putting it to good use. Herbalists come in all genders, shapes, sizes, ethnicities, education levels, and from all geographic locations and backgrounds, and we all have something to share with each other.

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Posted by Jessicka

Organic Passionflowers on the Adriatic: An Italian Love Story

Verdant fields of our certified organic passionflower flourish on our Italian farm partner's land. Gianfranco's family has passed down its agricultural wisdom through the generations while inspiring other farmers to embrace organic growing practices.

Gianfranco's kind eyes gaze lovingly at the single passionflower blossom he clutches in his hands. He buries his nose deep in its vibrant purple petals and inhales. “I could have made more money growing other crops,” Gianfranco says through a translator, “But I have a big love—I am in love—with passionflower.”

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Posted by Raychel

How Our New Mill Helps Mountain Rose Herbs Better the Community

Not many businesses today have been around for 30 years, but after more than three decades,
Mountain Rose Herbs is still going strong. The secret to our success is simple: we’re always working to improve ourselves, fine-tuning our quality control processes, sustainability efforts, and customer service while also giving back to our community. In recent years, we realized we had outgrown the capacity of our regional organic herb mill, resulting in bottlenecks that interfered with our ability to achieve our goals. So we decided to build a mill of our own!

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Posted by Jana

How to Read a Certificate of Analysis from Our Quality Lab

A Certificate of Analysis for organic St. John's Wort. 

Many of our wonderful customers have questions about the botanicals we sell, either because of health concerns, curiosity, or personal business reasons. Whatever the question may be, we like to provide our community with assurance that we are selling products that are safe, unadulterated, and exactly as listed on our website. One of the ways we do this is through making a document called a “Certificate of Analysis” (COA), which is available to all of our customers upon request.

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

Why We Go Out of Stock

We know there’s nothing more inspiring for our customers than a fully-stocked apothecary or spice cabinet. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we pride ourselves on providing herbal enthusiasts with a veritable buffet of botanical bounty. Our organic farmers across the world do their very best to support us in that mission, and we are constantly inspired by their ability to provide harvests of such exceptional quantity and quality.

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Posted by Jana

Making Green Dreams a Reality

We’re serious about sustainability at Mountain Rose Herbs. So serious that, for the first time, we’ve decided to enlist a policy expert to help make all our green dreams a reality. We recently sat down with that expert, Jonathan Manton, to find out how he’ll be engaging community leaders to help our farmers grow (and customers get access to) organic, plant-based offerings for generations to come.

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Posted by Raychel

The Origins of Our Organic Herbal Tea Blends


While leading women’s backpacking trips into northern California’s wilderness areas in the late 1980s, Mountain Rose Herbs’ co-owner Julie wanted to create a tea blend that would help hikers relax at the end of an active day. That’s how “Sleeping on Rocks” (now dubbed Fidnemed Nighttime Tea) was born.

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Posted by Raychel

We Are a Bike-Friendly Workplace

The sun was shining and the bicycle wheels were spinning during the 2018 Mountain Rose Herbs Earth Day Celebration. Employees were in an especially festive mood because they were getting free, professional bike tune-ups as a gift from Mountain Rose Herbs!

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Posted by Alyssa

Organic vs. Non-GMO: What's the Difference?

One of the most powerful ways to promote a healthful life is taking ownership of what we put in (and on) our bodies. That's why we work so hard to offer our customers organic and non-GMO botanicals they can trust!  

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Posted by Alyssa

Q & A with Quality Control

When we ask folks why they choose to buy our botanicals, “quality” typically pops to the top of the list. It’s a proud moment when we realize our relentless search for the best organic botanicals is something you value too. That’s why we sat down with Steven, our Quality Assurance & Quality Control Director, to find out what he and his lab coat-wearing team does behind the closed doors of our in-house labthe epicenter of quality here at Mountain Rose Herbs.

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Posted by Raychel


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How AHPA Helps Us Offer Safe, High Quality Herbal Creations

Learn about AHPA (the American Herbal Products Association) and how their work helps to keep herbal products safe for consumers like you! Plus, read about how Mountain Rose Herbs is involved in AHPA and why we were given the award of Herbal Industry Leader in 2015.

January 18, 2019

How Herbalism Helps Communities Blossom

The herbal community is an incredibly powerful and supportive group of people who wish to promote health and wellness to those around them. Learn about some of the creative ways that herbalism nurtures the community and how you can bring that sense of community to your region.

October 31, 2018

Organic Passionflowers on the Adriatic: An Italian Love Story

Meet an Italian passionflower grower whose family has passed down its agricultural wisdom through the generations while inspiring other farmers to embrace organic growing practices. Stories like his inspire Mountain Rose Herbs to develop lifelong relationships with our extraordinary farm partners.

October 25, 2018

How Our New Mill Helps Mountain Rose Herbs Better the Community

Our new herb milling facility will reduce our company’s carbon footprint, create local jobs, and empower us to better serve our customers. Here’s how!

October 4, 2018

How to Read a Certificate of Analysis from Our Quality Lab

Learn how to read a Certificate of Analysis, a document which you can request from our quality control team so you can see which quality control tests were performed on the botanical you are interested in.

September 6, 2018

Why We Go Out of Stock

Ever wondered why one of your favorite herbal goodies isn’t available? Here are the main reasons our botanicals go out of stock (hint: we put quality over quantity).

June 13, 2018

Making Green Dreams a Reality

Learn why we hired a public policy guru to help support our organic farmers and customers' interests for generations to come, and how he'll work for change on our behalf.

May 18, 2018

The Origins of Our Organic Herbal Tea Blends

Get the inside scoop on our handcrafted teas, which infuse ancient wisdom with our team’s personal experiences into each organic herbal tea blend!

May 16, 2018

We Are a Bike-Friendly Workplace

Learn how Mountain Rose Herbs promotes bike commuting and other sustainable transportation alternatives, including an Earth Day celebration with free, professional bike tune-ups!

May 15, 2018

Organic vs. Non-GMO: What's the Difference?

Get informed about the differences between Organic Certification and Non-GMO Project verification, and learn how we use both of these standards to help deliver trustworthy botanicals to our customers!

April 24, 2018

Q & A with Quality Control

Learn how our in-house Quality Control Lab staff at Mountain Rose Herbs achieves such outstanding quality and why it's critical for our customers.

April 6, 2018