Mountain Rose Herbs: Organic Sourcing from Pacific Northwest Farms

In 2001, we moved Mountain Rose Herbs from California to Oregon to be closer to our farm operations, wild harvesters, and processors. We are proud of the fact that we have nurtured relationships with our Pacific Northwest farm partners for 30-plus years. Today, we source about 75% of our American-grown organic herbs from Pacific Northwest farmers here in the bioregion we call home.

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Posted by Heidi

United Plant Savers: Protecting At-Risk Native Medicinal Plants

If you’ve spent time reading Mountain Rose Herbs blogs, you know that one of our primary concerns is the alarming and increasing loss of native plants. Because of overharvesting, climate change, and habitat destruction, some of the most important medicinal herbs in North America are at risk or endangered, and several are already critically imperiled. We are passionate about finding solutions for these precious botanicals, but like so many important causes on our planet, it takes a village. We need researchers, scientists, data collectors, herbalists, farmers, wildharvesters, state and federal lawmakers, herb suppliers, gardeners, and the list goes on. In addition to all of these essential roles, we need to build connections around the world with other dedicated plant people who may be seeing the same things in their part of the world. We need to understand what plants are at risk and what alternatives we can access. This is where our allies at United Plant Savers (UpS) step in.

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Posted by Heidi

Could Cutting-Edge Farming Practices Be the Answer to Ginseng's Survival?

For more than ten years, Mountain Rose Herbs has been working with United Plant Savers (UpS) and other conservation organizations to address the alarming decline in wild ginseng populations in North America. Despite concerted efforts and the support of federal and state governments, as well as ethical ginseng forest farmers and wildcrafters, the state of this precious botanical in the wild remains precarious due to overharvesting and habitat destruction. With that in mind, we are delighted to say that a new way of farming ginseng is providing hope for the future of Panax quinquefolius!

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Posted by Heidi

A Sustainable Company Culture Starts With Employee Wellness

If you’re at all familiar with Mountain Rose Herbs, chances are you’ve heard us proudly shout from the rooftops that sustainability is always on the brain here. The idea that all life can harmoniously co-exist alongside our planet—absent of imbalance between what is taken and what is provided—is a concept woven deeply into our company’s seams. Whether that be our commitment to organic agriculturefair trade relationships, zero-waste innovationplant and river conservation, or community support, we truly keep sustainability at the forefront of our minds.

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Posted by Hailey

The Value of Fair for Life Certification: A Cacao Case Study

Among the stellar organizations that Mountain Rose Herbs works with, our Fair for Life partnership is one that we are particularly proud of due to the demonstrable good that it does. Its principles impact people and the environments they live and work in around the world, as well as our community here in Eugene, Oregon.

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Posted by Thomas K.

Did You Know That We Are an Oregon Benefit Company?

You already know that Mountain Rose Herbs is a purveyor of organic herbs, essential oils, teas, and exceptional botanical offerings. And you've probably read that we are serious about putting people, plants, and planet before profit with everything we do: from supporting sustainable agriculture to encouraging employee volunteerism. What you may not have known is that in 2018 these values led us to become an Oregon Benefit Company.

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Posted by Maia

Cornucopia Institute: Raising the Bar on Organic Standards

With so many options on the shelf at the grocery store, not to mention the enormous number of food selections from online sources, it is difficult to know that the food we eat is nutritious, delicious, and free of unwanted pesticides or preservatives. We see a lot of hype around one certification or another, with new standards being presented to us all the time. How do we know that the food we put on the table supports the health of our families, communities, and the planet?

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Posted by Buck

Dream Tea Recipe: Herbs for Lucid Dreaming + Deep Sleep

In modern Western culture, people often disregard dreams as mere fluff that our brains discard as we slumber. But throughout history and cultures, humans have valued dreaming in different ways. Dreams are seen as a door or bridge to the spirit world or the subconscious. They are often full of symbology from our lives, become outlets for our deepest concerns and fears, or offer us tools for self-reflection and a map to our current state of mind and heart. Although we can dream at any stage of sleep, our most vivid dreams occur during our REM (rapid eye movement) sleep cycle, so depending on how well we sleep, we may spend more than two hours each night in some form of dream state. Sleep researchers tell us that deep non-REM sleep rests our bodies and refills our tanks to start another day and REM sleep is crucial for dreaming, memory consolidation, emotional processing, and healthy brain development.

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Posted by Maia

Mountain Rose Herbs Wins 100 Best Green Companies to Work for in Oregon (2022 & 2023)

Since its inception, Mountain Rose Herbs has put plants, people, and planet before profit. Led by these values, weve been a longtime leader on the list of green companies, helping to positively shape the herbal industry with environmentally focused initiatives. Our core values revolve around sustainability and as such, weve implemented innovative programs in energy efficiency, zero waste, and alternative commuting incentives.

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Posted by Jessicka

Seed Stewardship Project: How You Can Help At-Risk Plants

At Mountain Rose Herbs, botanicals are our business, and the industry has been growing year over year as more people realize the health-supporting benefits of our plant allies. Sounds great, doesn’t it? In many ways, this is a wonderful return to valuing the abundance the natural world has to offer while utilizing the myriad benefits that botanicals provide. Unfortunately, the ongoing and increasing impact of overharvesting wild plants has left many of our native populations at significant risk of decline or even extinction. For this reason, we have invested our time and energy in striking a balance between increasing the availability of the number of botanicals we offer and supporting the conservation of the most at-risk plant varieties. 

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Posted by Buck

Mountain Rose Herbs Offers 100% Paid Medical Premium Coverage

Believe it or not, employee wellness programs have existed for the better part of the last 100 years. For much of this history, the programs have focused on the physical aspect of health while ignoring other facets of an individual’s wellbeing including mental health and work/life balance. In the past, wellness programs often included structured times throughout the workday to stretch or get some exercise, but research shows that programs such as these are often underutilized by the employees themselves. Why is this, and what have these attempts at workplace wellness been missing? At Mountain Rose Herbs, we recognize that the workday is just a fraction of the lives we all lead. If we want company-sponsored initiatives to effectively promote health and wellbeing, they must extend beyond the office to improve the overall quality of life.

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Posted by Buck


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Mountain Rose Herbs: Organic Sourcing from Pacific Northwest Farms

Did you know Mountain Rose Herbs sources about 75% of our American-grown organic herbs from farmers in our bioregion?

January 2, 2024

United Plant Savers: Protecting At-Risk Native Medicinal Plants

Learn how Mountain Rose Herbs uses United Plant Savers' Species At-Risk List and List of Herbs & Analogs to help make ethical purchasing decisions.

November 22, 2023

Could Cutting-Edge Farming Practices Be the Answer to Ginseng's Survival?

There is a new way of farming ginseng that provides hope for the future of Panax quinquefolius!

November 17, 2023

A Sustainable Company Culture Starts With Employee Wellness

Discover the connections between personal wellness and sustainability and how Mountain Rose Herbs promotes a wellness-oriented company culture. 

November 14, 2023

The Value of Fair for Life Certification: A Cacao Case Study

The social programs that our suppliers undertake with Fair for Life funds touch on everything from providing educational opportunities to empowering women with training to start their own farm operations.

November 8, 2023

Did You Know That We Are an Oregon Benefit Company?

Imagine a world in which businesses provide a public benefit and a positive impact on society and the environment. Learn how Mountain Rose Herbs is making that world a reality by becoming an Oregon Benefit Company!

August 13, 2023

Cornucopia Institute: Raising the Bar on Organic Standards

Learn about the Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit consumer education and watchdog organization helping to ensure a future for organic certification.

August 7, 2023

Dream Tea Recipe: Herbs for Lucid Dreaming + Deep Sleep

This herbal tea recipe blends mugwort with other balancing herbal allies that support healthful rest and dream recall. Wishing you sweet and memorable dreams!

July 27, 2023

Mountain Rose Herbs Wins 100 Best Green Companies to Work for in Oregon (2022 & 2023)

In an anonymous state-wide survey, employees voted Mountain Rose Herbs in the top 25 Best Green Companies to Work for in Oregon in 2022 and 2023. We take our environmental and social responsibilities seriously and are honored to employ a team that values it as much as we do.

July 25, 2023

Seed Stewardship Project: How You Can Help At-Risk Plants

The goal of the Seed Stewardship Project is to raise awareness about at-risk plants that need our support. We hope that a solution-oriented approach of supplying free seeds to those able to plant them will help rebuild populations of these special plants.

July 13, 2023

Mountain Rose Herbs Offers 100% Paid Medical Premium Coverage

We are all aware that the cost of living and healthcare have increased dramatically over the past few years. The Mountain Rose Herbs’ leadership team has been committed to finding ways that we can support our employees in the face of these increases.

July 6, 2023