Why Scientific Botanical Names Matter

A few years ago, my husband and I spent some time in Western Europe and stayed in the home of a local amateur botanist. On one of our many treks through the countryside, she pointed to a lovely little flowering plant with spotted leaves and called it lungwort. Being from the mountains of Western Oregon, I had a “Wait, what?!” moment. Lungwort in my part of the world is a lichen that grows in the canopy of old growth forests. Pulmonaria officinalis is the lungwort I met in Europe, and Lobaria oregana is the lungwort I grew up with—two dramatically different botanicals that share the same common name.

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Posted by Heidi

Achieving TRUE Zero Waste Certification: A Commitment to Sustainability at Mountain Rose Herbs

At Mountain Rose Herbs we work hard every year to maintain the TRUE Zero Waste Certification. Our goal is to reduce our environmental footprint and be leaders in responsible business practices. TRUE stands for Total Resource Use and Efficiency. The program is designed to rate how well a facility performs in maximizing efficient use of resources and reducing material being sent to landfill or incineration (Waste to Energy). 

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Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team: Keeping the Dream Alive

As it grows, a sustainability-minded company strives to become ever more transparent in its actions and accepts accountability for its impact on the environment. The most diligent company will implement a team of individuals from within to analyze these systems, identify potential deficits, and look for ways to mitigate them. Here, at Mountain Rose Herbs, our Green Team does just that.

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Buy Nothing Day: A Stand Against Throw-Away Culture

For many years, we have celebrated Buy Nothing Day. Founded in Canada in 1992, the Buy Nothing Movement arose in protest of mass consumerism and the throw-away culture that accompanies it. The movement has grown and evolved over the past decades to include more than 65 nations. The biggest shopping day of the year—the day after Thanksgiving, or Black Friday—has become the movement’s international day of protest: Buy Nothing Day. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we applaud this effort and wholly support Buy Nothing Day! Overconsumption eats up natural resources and puts our planet in peril. As the Owner and President of Mountain Rose Herbs, I encourage you NOT to shop with us on Friday, November 29, 2024. The fact that we, as a society, have created a national holiday of shopping suggests that our priorities need realignment. Buy Nothing Day is our act of pushback.

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Posted by Shawn

How Protecting Forests Ensures a Future For Wild Food and Medicine

For over 15 years, Mountain Rose Herbs and Eugene, Oregon-based Cascadia Wildlands have worked hand-in-hand to protect the wild ecosystems of the Cascadia bioregion. This partnership, rooted in a shared commitment to environmental preservation, highlights the importance of sustainable practices and the need for ongoing efforts to safeguard public lands. From supporting local conservation projects to ensuring responsible wildcrafting, Mountain Rose Herbs and Cascadia Wildlands have cultivated a symbiotic relationship that strengthens both organizations and benefits Cascadia’s biodiversity.

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Fair Trade Premiums: What They Are & Why They Matter?

Mountain Rose Herbs is honored to work closely with small-scale producers around the world, either directly or through farming cooperatives. Many aspects of farming, wild harvesting, and processing are difficult and prone to outside pressures like natural disasters, market volatility, and climate change. These challenges are why we partner with Fair Trade Certified operations when possible.

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Posted by Thomas K.

Midwest Farm Visit: How Farm Trips Support the Whole Supply Chain

This August, I traveled to rural Minnesota to visit one of our domestic farm partners. Lucky for me, there was a break from the previous week's high humidity and peak mosquito activity, which made for a comfortable visit this time around. I met with Jason, a second-generation farmer and now manager of the organic farm. I began my visit at what they refer to as the “home farm” where I got to see Jason’s childhood home and the land he grew up on. They still grow some crops on four acres of this land, but the bulk of their growing now takes place in other nearby plots.

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Posted by Meghan

Whole Herb vs. Standardized Herbal Supplements: Which is Right for You?

We often get excellent questions and comments from the Mountain Rose Herbs community that inspire us on product ideas, blog writing, and more. We recently had a question about the difference between whole and standardized herbal products and how to choose which to use. We are so glad you asked that! 

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Posted by Heidi

Demonstrating Our Vision: The Mountain Rose Volunteer Program

At Mountain Rose Herbs, our commitment to sustainability goes beyond the products we provide. It extends to fostering a deep connection with our community and the environment through our employee volunteer program. This unique initiative offers each of our team members 24 paid hours annually to volunteer at local nonprofit organizations, enabling us to make a meaningful impact while fostering a culture of giving and teamwork.

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Posted by Ashley

Pedaling Towards a Greener Future

Spring is in full bloom, and there’s no better time to tune up your bike, tighten your laces, or get your bus pass than in May – because May is bike Month! Here in Eugene, your vibrant city comes alive with the spirit of cycling, thanks to the fantastic efforts of the City of Eugene Transportation and their regional partners. From free rides to exciting events, and engaging classes, Bike Month is a celebration of all things cycling, designed to showcase the many benefits of biking and to encourage everyone to join in the fun.

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Posted by Ashley

Turning the Tide on Trash: From Zero Waste to a Circular Economy

When it comes to waste, we know the basics: reduce, reuse, recycle. But the real question is, how do we transition from these fundamentals to a truly circular system? As the Sustainability Specialist at Mountain Rose Herbs, I am deeply committed to advancing our Zero Waste Program. This means that from the office to the warehouse to the production floor, we collect and sort every piece of discarded material that would normally end up in the landfill. Along with being the first company in Oregon to be certified, achieving the highest TRUE Zero Waste certification level (Platinum) was a significant milestone in 2016, and we have maintained this standard ever since. But even as we reach this goal year after year, our dedication to waste reduction continues to grow.

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Posted by Ashley


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Why Scientific Botanical Names Matter

It’s not important to know every botanical name, but it's helpful to know how to look them up. Learn about Herbs of Commerce and why Latin binomials matter!

March 18, 2025

Achieving TRUE Zero Waste Certification: A Commitment to Sustainability at Mountain Rose Herbs

At Mountain Rose Herbs we work hard every year to maintain our TRUE Zero Waste Certification. Learn what this certification means and how it equates to a healthier, more sustainable world.
WRITTEN BY Joseph Schneiderhan

December 30, 2024

Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team: Keeping the Dream Alive

Learn how the Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team helps improve sustainability within each department of the company.
WRITTEN BY Joseph Schneiderhan

November 29, 2024

Buy Nothing Day: A Stand Against Throw-Away Culture

Black Friday sales promote overconsumption that impacts our earth. Learn how to participate in Buy Nothing Day and push back against throw-away culture.

November 25, 2024

How Protecting Forests Ensures a Future For Wild Food and Medicine

The partnership between Mountain Rose Herbs and Cascadia Wildlands is rooted in a shared commitment to environmental preservation and access to wild plants for generations to come.
WRITTEN BY Spencer McIntyre- Guest Writer

November 11, 2024

Fair Trade Premiums: What They Are & Why They Matter?

Fair Trade Certification protects and fairly compensates the most vulnerable actors in the supply chain. Learn how Fair Trade premiums can make a big impact on farm communities around the world.

November 4, 2024

Midwest Farm Visit: How Farm Trips Support the Whole Supply Chain

Come on a virtual journey to visit one of our Midwest farm partners and learn how these one-on-one connections support everyone along the herb supply chain.

September 19, 2024

Whole Herb vs. Standardized Herbal Supplements: Which is Right for You?

We are often asked about the differences between whole herbs and standardized herbal products. Let’s break down the differences so you can make the best decisions for your wellness goals.

June 7, 2024

Demonstrating Our Vision: The Mountain Rose Volunteer Program

Through our Employee Volunteer Program, we offer 24 paid hours for employees to volunteer at local nonprofit organizations, enabling us to make a meaningful impact while demonstrating our values. Find out more about our vision for the future!

June 4, 2024

Pedaling Towards a Greener Future

Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we incentivize our employees to opt for sustainable commute options. This reduces our collective carbon footprint and fosters a culture of environmental stewardship.

May 28, 2024

Turning the Tide on Trash: From Zero Waste to a Circular Economy

The journey towards a circular economy requires a cultural shift. We must change the way we perceive and handle waste, both individually and collectively.

May 20, 2024