Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We love spring in Eugene! However, this is the time our stunning oaks, cedars, pines, and other trees release their pollen. Then we move into gorgeous early summer weather… except that is when the ryegrass and Timothy grasses that are so prevalent in our area join the trees in their pollen-fest. For people who have sensitivities to pollen, spring and summer in our beautiful city can be challenging. The silver lining for herbalism DIYers is this is an opportunity to try your hand at making herbal lozenges that can offer some seasonal relief.

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Posted by Heidi

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

As the springtime sun begins to shine through the clouds and blossom-speckled botanicals make their annual debut, there is no better time of year to celebrate the profoundly magical flora that surrounds us. Each year, the first Saturday of May we celebrate Herb Day. This holiday is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Throughout existence, plants have served as a lifeline of oxygen, energy, food, and medicine that play a crucial role in the future and longevity of Earth’s living creatures. For thousands of years, plants have been utilized around the globe as an integral healing resource that has shaped the world of herbal wellness we know today.

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Posted by Hailey

Four Thieves Vinegar + Four Thieves Vinaigrette Recipe

Back when we developed our DIY Four Thieves® Essential Oil Blend recipe for diffusing and external use, we received a lot of questions about taking the blend internally. We never recommend ingesting essential oils because they are too highly concentrated. However, the herbs that are the foundation of the not-edible essential oil blend are also a perfect foundation for a very edible (and delicious) herbal vinegar. Four Thieves vinegar is wonderful for culinary, body-care, and wellness recipes and is also an effective vinegar-based spray cleaner that just so happens to have a delightful aroma. Plus, there is something particularly satisfying about putting your personal spin on a classic formulation that has been part of the herbal lexicon for 500 years. This infused vinegar is a longtime Mountain Rose Herbs favorite!

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Posted by Heidi

Oregon Grape Root Monograph: Botany and Benefits

This April, we celebrated our states first Native Plant Appreciation Month, which got us thinking about the incredible botanicals in our ecosystem. We often get the question, “What’s your favorite plant?” While it’s hard to narrow down our lists, one particular herbal ally has resounding popularity amongst our staff: Oregon grape. This year, as Oregon grape kept showing up at the top of our favorites list, obviously wanting to be the spotlight of a story, we decided Native Plant Appreciation Month was a good time to oblige.

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Posted by Jessicka

Lemon Essential Oil: 5 Ways to Clean Your Home Naturally

We love lemon essential oil for its wellness benefits, its bright and sugary citrus aroma, and its uplifting and energizing constituents. It’s a wonderful oil in skin and hair care formulas and for diffusing in homes and offices. We also love that this cost-effective oil makes an excellent cleaning agent and leaves our homes smelling deliciously like freshly cut lemons. It’s the 76% (=)-Lionene in lemon oil that makes it so good at polishing furniture and cutting grease and sticky residues. We’re revisiting five of our favorite lemon oil-based cleaning recipes that are easy to make, safe to use, and leave our homes smelling citrus good.

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Posted by Christine

Superfood Jelly: Hawthorn & Bilberry Jelly Recipe + Canning Directions

Right around Spring Equinox, I start to take inventory of what is in my apothecary, what needs to be used in the next few months, and what needs to be replaced now. This timing is serendipitous because as winter comes to a close and summer’s nutritious fresh berries are still months away, I start to crave the bright flavor and nutritious zing of freshly made superfood jelly. Hence, the end of March is my annual dried berries jelly-making time. This year, I was excited to find that my dried hawthorn berries and bilberries are on the 2024 refill list. These two superfood berries, particularly in combination, are perfect for early spring jelly-making and result in one of my all-time favorite jellies. One batch carries my family happily into summer.

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Posted by Heidi

Sang: A Child's Resilience Unearthed in the Heart of Appalachia

Nestled deep within the heart of the mighty Appalachia lies a mystical plant known by locals as "sang," carrying within its essence both age-old wisdom and an irresistible allure as ancient as the very mountains that cradle it. Its roots, twisted and gnarled, hold a value that transcends mere currency in these rugged hills, and its elusive nature and revered properties have woven it into the fabric of Appalachian folklore. As a child, captivated by the tales spun by my Uncle Tom, I yearned to uncover the secrets of this mountain herb.

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Posted by Thomas

Make Your Own Gin with Dried Herbs + Elderflower Gin Cocktail Recipe

We live in a time when being a foodie is a celebration. As the more middle-class cousins to gourmets and gastronomes, we foodies have the same discriminating palates and passion for flavor, experimentation, and a mix of food cultures to help us build our skills and develop our cooking hobbies. Were also very good at cooking on a budget. In the world of mixologists—a particular breed of foodie—making gin is the perfect representation of this. Its crazy-easy, doesnt take long, and you end up with excellent alcohol without breaking the bank.

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Posted by Heidi

Herbal Irish Coffee

I love a good Irish coffee. The conundrum, however, is that I generally limit my daily caffeine consumption to a morning espresso and I don’t want whiskey for breakfast, so it’s hard to figure out when to have said Irish coffee. St. Patricks Day is almost here and I'll be getting together in the afternoon with my coffee-loving friends and family, which will include traditional, festive Irish coffee. Happily, my talented mixologist of a husband recently got inspired by a tin of Mountain Rose Herbs herbal coffee. I wasn’t sure what he was up to tinkering away in the kitchen, and then he came out with this creamy glass of pure ambrosia. Although I am not generally an all-caps kind of woman, this herbal Irish coffee recipe is, OMG SO GOOD. Bonus: I can drink a glass in the evening and still get a good night’s sleep.

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Posted by Heidi

Hasselback Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, & More + Herbal Seasoning Recipes

It’s the time of year when I’m working my way through the last of our stored root vegetables and winter squash looking for ways to extend their lifespan and nutrition. With this in mind, I spent an afternoon last weekend hasselbacking. In its simplest form, hasselbacking is a special cutting method for raw vegetables (also some fruits and even bread) before roasting. The most common version is Hasselback potatoes: the Potato à la Hasselbacken or, in Swedish, hasselbackspotatis. The glory of this cutting/cooking method is that it allows you to get flavorful fats and your favorite herbs and spices down inside the food so all that deliciousness gets roasted in. Plus, hasselbacking makes your food so pretty!

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Posted by Heidi

The Oral Tradition of Caribbean Herbalism


The Caribbean islands, scattered between North and South America, are a hotspot of weather, plant biodiversity, and culture. Islands range from tropical rainforests to chilly mountain peaks, some densely saturated with remote mogotes: isolated, steep-sided mounds on otherwise flat plains. The high humidity and rainfall contribute to a lush flora and fauna. There are over 11,000 discovered plant species, 189 amphibian species, and 564 bird species. The Caribbean’s herbal traditions are rooted in this abundance of biodiversity.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Horehound, Goldenrod, & Elderflower Herbal Drops for Seasonal Support

We’re excited for spring and summer weather, the increase in pollen can be challenging for many of us. Try your hand at making herbal lozenges for seasonal support.

May 3, 2024

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

Herb Day is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Check out these 9 fun ways to celebrate the plants this Herb Day.

May 3, 2024

Four Thieves Vinegar + Four Thieves Vinaigrette Recipe

This herb-infused vinegar based on the classic Four Thieves recipe is perfect for delicious homemade vinaigrette, body care, or a spray cleaner!

April 30, 2024

Oregon Grape Root Monograph: Botany and Benefits

Oregon grape has been used for millennia by Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest. Learn more about this precious plant and how you can ensure its availability for future generations.

April 26, 2024

Lemon Essential Oil: 5 Ways to Clean Your Home Naturally

We love these five lemon oil-based cleaning recipes that are easy to make, safe to use, and leave our homes smelling citrusy and fresh!
WRITTEN BY Christine

April 16, 2024

Superfood Jelly: Hawthorn & Bilberry Jelly Recipe + Canning Directions

We love the bright flavor and nutritious zing of superfoods jelly! Make your own with nutritious, dried organic bilberries and hawthorn berries.

April 3, 2024

Sang: A Child's Resilience Unearthed in the Heart of Appalachia

"I had not only found 'sang' but also uncovered a newfound sense of resilience—a resilience that would carry me through the trials and triumphs of life."

April 2, 2024

Make Your Own Gin with Dried Herbs + Elderflower Gin Cocktail Recipe

Did you know you can easily make your own delicious gin? No still required! All it takes is a good neutral spirit and high-quality herbs.

March 27, 2024

Herbal Irish Coffee

If you love Irish coffee but don’t want the heavy caffeine dose that comes with it, try this delicious cocktail with Mountain Rose Herbs herbal coffee.

March 11, 2024

Hasselback Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, & More + Herbal Seasoning Recipes

If you’ve ever eaten a Hasselback potato, you know how delicious they are! Up your cooking game by learning how to hasselback with herbal salts & blends.

March 4, 2024

The Oral Tradition of Caribbean Herbalism

"The knowledge my family and others have about the plants on the island is not a niche concept that makes them herbalists or healers; it is the common knowledge of a people about the world they inhabit."
WRITTEN BY Brandon Ruiz- Guest Author

February 18, 2024