Bitter Melon: Herb, Food, and Bitter Ally

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia), also known as bitter gourd, has a long history of use in the herbal tradition of Ayurveda. As its common name suggests, this member of the Cucurbitaceae (cucumber family) is very bitter, unlike its many relatives that so commonly grace our dinner table! Even with its strong bitter flavor, bitter melon is utilized in cuisine and herbalism from many areas of the globe, including East Asia, India, South America, and the Caribbean, and it is one of those special plants that straddles the line between herb and food.

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How to Make an Herbal Electuary

Electuary: just saying it is fun. And after a bit of research, I found out that the word likely comes from the Greek word “ekleikhein”, which means “to lick up.” Or perhaps that’s just one of those constantly regurgitated bits of info that gets passed down from blog to blog. Nonetheless, it’s still a fun factoid worth mentioning. I’ve worked in the herbal industry for a decade now, and over time it’s been fun to see what goes in and out of fashion. Just the other day, my herbalist friend Erika Galentin with Sovereignty Herbs posted on social media about her ginseng leaf electuaries (amazing). I’ve seen a few others post about this ancient herbal tradition over the past few months as well. It occurred to me that after attending countless herbal conferences and taking two herbalism apprenticeships, I’ve managed to never have made one of the simplest of recipes: the electuary. As I explained to one of our photographers here at Mountain Rose Herbs, “It’s basically just powdered herbs mixed with honey.”

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Posted by Mason

What are Resins and Gums in Plants?

The diversity of natural chemical compounds in plants is remarkable. For many years, scientists thought they could be broken down into simple primary and secondary categories: the primary compounds being those that contribute directly to growth and development, and the secondary ones being byproducts that don’t directly contribute to those primary functions. Most of the aromatic oils, gums, and resins that humans have adored for thousands of years fell into this wide category of secondary natural compounds. Why do plants produce them? Understanding the roles these compounds play in plants helps us understand how to use them most effectively. We went to our friend, fourth-generation botanist and plant physiologist Karen Hall, to get a better understanding of natural gums, resins, and gum-resins in plants.

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Posted by Heidi

DIY Extract Blend for Sleep

Have you ever read about an herb, gotten excited about the potential benefits, taken it, and then didn’t feel any sort of effects from it? That’s mostly been my experience with skullcap. I mean, I like the plant, but it’s not the calming nervine rock star that I was hoping it’d be. Of course, there’s many different species of skullcap, so perhaps I just haven’t found the right match for me. For a lot of my friends, skullcap really seems to do the trick. I thought, perhaps someone with my constitution just needed to find another plant ally for those calming nervine effects I was looking for. Fortunately, I ended up stumbling upon blue vervain.

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Posted by Mason

How to Make Turmeric Congee

These days, digestion has become a big topic of conversation. Whether it’s “getting regular,” what fermented foods to eat, or what strain of probiotics are the best, people are talking about their guts and how to get them healthy. For more than three thousand years, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Asian cultures have been using congee, a delicious, digestion-harmonizing dish of porridge. Typically made with rice but also other grains and legumes, congee is pure comfort, especially on cold dreary days.

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Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

Moon milk is one of my favorite beverages for eliciting feelings of peacefulness and serenity. Each sip of this herb-filled heated milk fills my belly with warmth and contentment and acts as the perfect vehicle for me to work in the herbs and spices my body craves. Over the years, I’ve created many moon milk recipes, and have also found some wonderful gems from other genius content creators. One of my favorite moon milk mavens is Stephanie from MyTinyLagunaKitchen. She even has a free ebook with some of her amazing adaptogenic creations that I highly recommend!

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Posted by Jessicka

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

I am a self-proclaimed coffee lover. Unfortunately, however, stimulants don’t work well for me. I can have a 12-ounce cup of coffee at 10 a.m. and still be wide awake at 10 p.m. Over the years, I have gone back and forth between regular coffee and decaf, but then I discovered the enjoyable benefits of herbal coffee substitutes and found a new warm beverage to love–chicory and dandelion root coffee!

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Posted by Anna

DIY Menthol Eucalyptus Rub: A Balm to Soothe You

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on a store-bought chest rub? When you’re congested, bleary-eyed, and feeling like death warmed over, reading ingredients is not high on the priority list, but it’s also not comforting to find out that you just rubbed a semisolid soup of petroleum products onto your skin in order to give your respiratory passages some relief. The classic over-the-counter chest rubs are often less than 10% herbal ingredients, and approximately 90% petrolatum in the form of petroleum jelly, which is generally combined with turpentine. When petrolatum is not refined properly or entirely, as is sometimes the case in the U.S., it can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens particularly when used over a period of time. There are of course excellent petrolatum-free chest rubs on the market with all the herbal benefits and no carcinogenic ingredients. But why purchase something that you can easily make at home in 15 minutes and for less money?

Shop Organic Menthol Crystals

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Posted by Heidi

Mushrooms for Wellness

In herbalism, herb is the root word. Of course, herbalism encompasses much more than herbs such as basil or rosemary. It also includes tree barks, roots, seeds, and even non-plant life such as mushrooms. I know some herbalist friends who are downright repulsed by mushrooms, but there’s another type of herbalist who is entranced and enamored with these fungal friends. I happen to be one of those weirdos. While I'm not a mycologist, I’ve always enjoyed learning about and including mushrooms in my diet and herbal lifestyle because of their health benefits, lore, and mystery. Science confirms that there are a great many benefits to consuming mushrooms. Let’s explore a few of these mushroom allies.

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Posted by Mason

Top 10 Recipes of 2020

2020 has been a year of rediscovery. As we have all been limiting trips to public places, many of us have found more interest in cooking and in creating DIY products to use around the home. It was fascinating to take a look at our top recipes of the year and reflect on just what our herbal community has found to be the most helpful in 2020. The silver lining to this year is that, although it has been difficult, we are more resilient than we were yesterday, and we will continue to learn and grow every day forward. We hope you enjoy this recipe roundup as living proof of our collective vision for a healthy and sustainable tomorrow. Cheers to a hopeful new year!

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Posted by Jessicka

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Winter Wellness

In Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) Five Element theory, water is the element of winter and it governs the kidney and bladder meridian channels. Welcome to the north, place of coldness, the Great Mystery, that liminal place between birth and death, hibernation, and gentle yet powerful underground transformation. Miles and miles of infinite expansive water flows, seen and unseen, across the planet. 60% of our bodies are water. 

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Bitter Melon: Herb, Food, and Bitter Ally

Learn all about the benefits of the bitter melon gourd. This plant ally has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, as well as a food staple.
WRITTEN BY Lisa Olson - Guest Writer

March 23, 2021

How to Make an Herbal Electuary

Learn how to make and use an herbal electuary. These recipes are super simple to make, and it stores your herbal powders for later use in a convenient way.

March 17, 2021

What are Resins and Gums in Plants?

What are natural resins and gums in plants and what is the difference between them? Let’s talk about gums, resins, and gum resins.

March 11, 2021

DIY Extract Blend for Sleep

Learn how to make a calming nervine extract blend for bedtime with blue vervain, chamomile and ashwagandha.

March 5, 2021

How to Make Turmeric Congee

Learn how to make delicious, digestion-harmonizing rice porridge, also known as congee. This Asian staple is pure comfort, especially on cold dreary days.
WRITTEN BY Sarah Kate Benjamin- Guest Wrtier

February 24, 2021

Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

This tasty moon milk recipe is filled with herbs, spice, and everything nice. Each sip of this warm evening milk will take you further into a state of peace and prepare you for a restful sleep.

February 3, 2021

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

Want the coffee taste and benefits but avoiding caffeine this year? Try making a roasted chicory coffee substitute for a caffeine-free coffee alternative!

January 27, 2021

DIY Menthol Eucalyptus Rub: A Balm to Soothe You

A menthol rub is an effective, gentle way to soothe congestion and respiratory symptoms. Make this easy, DIY, organic vapor rub recipe to have at home.

January 26, 2021

Mushrooms for Wellness

Get an introduction to several of the most well-studied and beneficial mushrooms. Learn about the mushroom’s health benefits as well as the best way to prepare them.

January 19, 2021

Top 10 Recipes of 2020

From tasty bites to luscious skincare, find our top 10 recipes from 2020!

December 28, 2020

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Winter Wellness

Learn wellness tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to stay healthy during the winter months. There are many tonic herbs that you can take to fortify your immune system and thrive during these restful months.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

December 24, 2020