10 Zero-Waste Wedding and Party Favors

When you are planning an event, especially one as large as a wedding, there are many things to consider: budget, theme, comfort and, hopefully, sustainability. When it comes to party favors, I’m a big fan of gifting homemade things that are clean, green, and most importantly, useful!

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Posted by Jessicka

Garlic Aioli Recipe with Curry Powder


In my years as a foodie and cook, there are a couple of dishes that it took me forever to master. For instance, I have broken more aioli than I can shake a whisk at. Perhaps you have heard me say before that I dislike projects with finicky details. Needless to say, this trait doesn’t bode well for creating a perfect aioli. I even failed when using a blender. However, a few years ago I had one of those why-didn’t-I-think-of-this-sooner lightbulb moments: I could ask for help! It turns out all kinds of people in my family and friend group are glad to help if the payoff is “homemade mayo.” If you, like me, lack the hand-eye coordination and patience to quickly, constantly whisk a vessel of eggs and lemon juice while simultaneously trying to pour oil very, very slowly, I invite you to grab a buddy to do either the whisking or the pouring. Add some good conversation and the time flies by; the process becomes wonderful instead of aggravating. Then split the resulting creamy wonder that is aioli. This is what true friendships are made of!

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Posted by Heidi

Camping Food for Foodies: No Refrigeration Required

I Googled my symptoms. Turned out I just needed to go camping.

Sometimes the only cure for what ails me is getting away from civilization for a few days, someplace where there is no wifi, I can see a whole sky full of stars, and I can’t hear anything but a river and birds. Whether I’m hiking, backpacking, or car camping, cooler-space is either nonexistent or at a premium, so I appreciate delicious, no-refrigeration-required camping food options. The following three recipes are regulars on my family’s camping season menus. Not only are they delicious, they also happen to be gluten-free and vegan-optional. Enjoy!

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Posted by Heidi

20+ DIY Herbal Recipes You Can Make for Under $10


Affordability is a real issue when it comes to health and wellness. Many of us are living on tight budgets, and that’s not getting any better with the current skyrocketing inflation. One of the things that I love about herbalism is that it empowers me to make better choices for my health and wellbeing without blowing my budget. It’s true that some herbal formulations require ingredients that are beyond what I can purchase, but there are many effective options that fall comfortably in the affordable zone, so I’ve never felt like I missed out because I couldn't buy those pricier options. The following 20+ recipes are perfect examples. From wellness recipes to topical applications and culinary treats, these excellent, affordable formulations have served the Mountain Rose Herbs community well for many years. Enjoy!

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Posted by Heidi

Spicy Margarita Recipe

This spicy margarita recipe with DIY jalapeño simple syrup, homemade citrus margarita mix, and a delicious chili-lime rimming mixture for your glass is going to check all your tastebuds’ boxes. Make the simple syrup and margarita mix ahead of time, refrigerate them until ready to use, and then you can easily shake up a delicious, spicy margarita whenever the occasion calls for it. Organic chili-lime salt and dried jalapeño flakes are the key to these easy, delicious homemade margaritas!

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Posted by Heidi

How to Choose High Quality Herbs and Spices

Recently, as I was making soup with my three-year-old granddaughter and teaching her to pronounce galangal root, I found myself in an extended game of “name that spice.” It turns out you can get through an entire elaborate Thai soup recipe with a toddler in this way; I highly recommend it. It goes something like this: Cute toddler points at spice jar and asks, “What is that spice?” Adult says, “Paprika. Smell it, what do you think?” Cute toddler makes funny face and spies another spice that looks similar. “Is that paprika too?” Adult is impressed. “Good eye, that’s smoked paprika. Does it smell different?” And on it goes like that through the colored jars. In this way, I was reminded that I have so many jars of excellent dried herbs and spices and it’s definitely time to check them for freshness.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

When we make body care formulations, we choose specific oils and butters based on our final goals: consistency, absorption rate, skin type, etc. The same is true for cooking. Fats, like those in culinary oils, are integral to our dishes, not just to keep food from sticking to a pan, but also to affect the final flavor, consistency, texture, and more. Every cooking oil has a unique chemical composition that makes it better at some things than others. This is why one oil might be amazing in a salad dressing or for a lightly sautéed protein, but is a poor choice for grilling or deep-frying. To achieve your cooking goals, it’s important to understand culinary oils and fats. And an important element of that understanding is the smoke point.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

It is mighty cliché to start a health and wellness blog with a Hippocrates quote, but I am willing to sacrifice originality for truth. The old adage “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still worthy of repeating some 2,400 years after it was first uttered and despite centuries of medical and health advances, it is still relevant today. In this modern age, especially in America, many of us are living with nutritional deficiencies and are at a higher risk of experiencing food-related illnesses.

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Posted by Jessicka

How to Season Cast Iron + Cast Iron Conditioner Recipe


Many of us who are cast iron cooks have read reams of advice about the proper way to season our cast iron pots and pans. To use soap or not when washing, which oils to choose, using a burner vs. the oven, whether or not to add salt—this is one of those topics that people have strong feelings about. I get it, because two of my cast iron skillets were handed down to me from my grandmother, who received them as a wedding gift in 1917. She spent decades perfecting their seasoning. Those skillets came to me in mint condition and they arrived with the stipulation that I maintain their perfection for all the years of my life and teach the next generation how to continue on in the same vein. No pressure or anything!

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Posted by Heidi

Energy-Packed Breastfeeding Snacks

Becoming a new parent comes with immense joy and, let’s face it, some pretty stressful stuff too. After nine months of pregnancy—and for some of us, it’s closer to ten months—you get to greet the newest addition to your family, and the journey begins. There is so much that goes into caring for a little human, and motherhood has its unique challenges. Feeding your babe so they thrive is right up there with concerns about postpartum healing, mood swings, sleep deprivation, and what to put on that soft baby skin. For me, breastfeeding was a priority. It was also sort of scary and intimidating.

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Posted by Alyssa

How to Make Homemade Tortillas with Nettles

Whenever I am cooking, I am always thinking of ways to add more plants and nutrition. I like to challenge myself to have at least ten different plants represented in every meal. It’s a challenge I learned from Rosalee de la Foret. It is actually trickier than expected. However, in all of our lineages, somewhere we have ancestors who lived more directly with the land. These relatives consumed many more phytonutrients than what we are accustomed to—I am sure many more than ten per meal—so it can be done. Adding nettles to tortillas is a delicious new way to add one more plant to your meals.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

10 Zero-Waste Wedding and Party Favors

If you are looking for some unique wedding and party favor ideas that are affordable, easy to make in bulk, and error-proof, then you will enjoy these 10 sustainable gift ideas.

July 30, 2022

Garlic Aioli Recipe with Curry Powder

This Mountain Rose Herbs aioli recipe uses extra virgin organic olive oil and organic grapeseed oil and features a little spicy twist of curry powder.

July 29, 2022

Camping Food for Foodies: No Refrigeration Required

These vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free camping food recipes are perfect for day hikes, backpacking, or car camping. Grab the tent, let’s go!

June 30, 2022

20+ DIY Herbal Recipes You Can Make for Under $10

Affordability is a real issue when it comes to health and wellness. Explore these 20+ effective recipes that you can make for $10 or less.

June 27, 2022

Spicy Margarita Recipe

If you love margarita night and you appreciate the sizzle of jalapeños, we’ve got a margarita recipe for you!

June 1, 2022

How to Choose High Quality Herbs and Spices

The best quality dried botanicals have superior flavor, nutrient value, and food safety. Learn why product testing is key and how to test for freshness.

May 20, 2022

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

Every cooking oil has a unique composition that makes it better at some things than others. Learn how to choose the best oils for all of your culinary masterpieces.

May 13, 2022

How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

Learn how to add more herbs to your diet with these easy-to-make herbal salt recipes.

April 7, 2022

How to Season Cast Iron + Cast Iron Conditioner Recipe

Learn how to properly season your cast iron skillet, how to choose the best oil to season cast iron, and how to make a DIY cast iron conditioner.

March 5, 2022

Energy-Packed Breastfeeding Snacks

This breastfeeding snack recipe is a great source of protein and fiber and has no single-use packaging!

February 14, 2022

How to Make Homemade Tortillas with Nettles

Learn how to make traditional Mexican tortillas with a nutritious twist!
WRITTEN BY Leslie - Guest Writer

January 17, 2022