Herbs for Health: 11 Superfood Powders to Sprinkle Into Your Diet

Powdered herbs—whether we speak of culinary spices like cinnamon and garlic powder or nutritive herbs like acai, nettle leaf, and mushrooms—bring together the best of several worlds. They are highly nutritious, easily absorbed by our bodies, wonderfully convenient, and versatile in how we can use them. When stored correctly, herbal powders retain their nutrients, fiber, and flavor for about a year. And they are supremely easy to use. We can cook with them, make tea from them, add them to smoothies and juices, put them in capsules, or simply take them with water. They can also be added to skin and hair-care products and used as poultices for everyday insect bites/stings or minor abrasions. For many of us, herbal powders are the first herbs we ever used: in the form of the dried spices and herbs we add to our food for flavor. Let’s take a look at some of the healthful powdered herbs that are as easy to incorporate into our daily lives as adding salt and pepper to a meal.

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Posted by Heidi

Herb-Infused Simple Syrup Recipe Using Dried Herbs

Simple syrups are a fun and surprisingly useful ingredient to keep on hand in your refrigerator, especially when they are infused with your favorite herbs. A lot of people think of mocktails or cocktails when they think of simple syrups, and that’s definitely a good use for them. But they are equally wonderful added to carbonated water, as sweetener in tea, brushed on cakes or cupcakes, drizzled on yogurt or pancakes, and more. They are called “simple” syrup for a reason—if you can boil water, you can make simple syrup. And infusing simple syrups with herbs takes them from being a good ingredient to an amazing one! 

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Posted by Heidi

Mushroom Bouillon Powder and Paste + Homemade Seasoning Salt Recipe


My youngest son loves ramen: both the hand-pulled noodle restaurant version and the instant kind. His passion for instant ramen is left over from his first foray, years ago, into the adult world of supporting himself on minimum wage. Thankfully, as hes matured, hes become more concerned about eating real food without the MSG, tBHQ, and astronomically high sodium content that is typical in grocery store ramen. But quick easy ramen is still the food he reaches for when he’s in a hurry and needs a fast meal… which explains my quest to develop an easy, healthy, homemade bouillon powder/paste that he can add to his noodle bowls in place of those unhealthy flavor packets that come in store-bought instant ramen noodles.

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Posted by Heidi

Ashwagandha: Uses and Benefits + Tasty Recipes

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) a plant highly praised in the Ayurvedic tradition, is in the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family. It’s been said that the herb may give both energy and calmness to those plagued with physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. The species name somnifera means sleep-inducing, whereas ashwagandha comes from the Sanskrit words “ashva” and “gandha,” meaning “horse smell” since some think the roots of this calming plant smell like a horse. To each their own in the smell department; however, being a trophorestorative herb, it can bring “horselike” strength and vitality when used consistently over time.  Ashwagandha has also been known to have a positive effect on cortisol levels due to real and perceived stress triggers and their subsequent physical and emotional symptoms. With stress being a way of life for many, the release of stress may also result in increased vigor and energy.

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Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Many of us experience busy mornings, juggling personal preparations with the needs of our children and other responsibilities. But it’s important to make time for breakfast, to give your body something substantial to solidly start your day. By making blends ahead of time, you can quickly and easily nourish yourself with either a hearty oatmeal blend or a lighter chia blend, topped with nuts. You

can also mix and match my “power powder” herbal blends according to your seasonal needs and individual constitution. Have fun, create something delicious in bulk, and store it in a big jar to easily and quickly satisfy your daily breakfast needs! 

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Small Gifts & Stocking Stuffers Under $20

Gift-giving can be difficult, especially during the holidays. Finding the right gift at the right price is hard enough, but then layer on crowded parking lots, long shopping lines, and inclement weather, and you have yourself a recipe for holiday stress! We just don’t need that added pressure in our already hectic lives.

With this in mind, I curated a simple list of budget-friendly gift ideas that you can have delivered right to your doorstep. You’ll find the perfect gifts for the health enthusiast, foodie, tea lover, or fragrance connoisseur in your life. (Or for yourself; you also deserve it!)

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Posted by Jessicka

Homemade Rosehip Jelly Using Dried Rosehips + Vintage Thumbprint Cookie Recipe

I love rosehips. I love the way they look on rose shrubs and how they remain bright points of color as the gray of winter approaches. I love how they feed wildlife when it’s cold. I love the nutritional and healthful gifts they offer. And I particularly love how those tart little hips are perfect for jellies, jams, and syrups. I don’t always have time in the fall to harvest and clean fresh hips, so I am always grateful for dried rosehips when winter finally arrives and I can slow down and do some cold weather nesting. Now I have the time to pull luscious dried rosehips from my apothecary closet to make rosehip jelly for my family. However, said family firmly believes that rosehip jelly season also means cookie season, because homemade jellies and jams are the best for thumbprint and/or frosted sugar cookies.

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Posted by Heidi

Holiday Appetizers: Seed Crackers with Cashew "Sour Cream” Dip

Festive holiday gatherings can be tricky when you have family members and friends with dietary restrictions. In my circle of favorite people, one person is a vegetarian and is also lactose intolerant, several of us don’t eat gluten, another person is allergic to almonds and hazelnuts, a couple people are trying to lose weight, and another is in serious training for a national martial arts championship and is on a weight gain and muscle building plan. It’s hard to come up with foods that please us all! We’ve found that an appetizers and cocktails/mocktails party is sometimes the way to go! It’s easier to create small bites that people can choose from rather than a single sit-down meal that requires different options for everyone. Great appetizers are where these remarkably healthy and delicious seed crackers come in. They check everyone’s boxes and also make a fantastic vehicle for a healthful, festive herbal dip that you can customize to your palate.

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Posted by Heidi

A Midwinter Cordial to Support Your Digestive System

In the United States, ‘cordial' and ‘liqueur’ are two words for the same thing; they are sweetened distilled spirits. Although many people know them as cocktail ingredients, cordials can also be potent digestifs. This digestive-aid version of cordials is generally more bitter and less sweet than its cocktail-focused brethren and is loaded with herbs, spices, and other natural flavorings that support the digestive tract. A cordial-digestif can be as simple and delicious as a 3-seed herbal cordial for digestion, or you can make them more complex with layers of herbal flavors and aromas to delight the nose and the palate. Either way, they are ridiculously easy to make. This festive midwinter version with its blend of aromatics and bitters is the perfect finish to a holiday meal, when you have a moment to sit down and enjoy the company of your favorite people.

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Posted by Heidi

Ayurvedic Kitchari Recipe for Seasonal Support

We are “microcosms of the macrocosm” according to Ayurvedic philosophy—an eloquent way of describing our interconnectedness with the natural world. While technology and other changes in our society have created a separation between us and nature’s rhythms, the body’s incredible intelligence easily “remembers” its synchronicity with the macrocosm when we give it a chance. One way of creating this opportunity is by honoring the changes of the season, which Ayurveda describes as a moment in time when the system (micro- and macrocosm) is more vulnerable to illness because of the shifts in dominant energies and elements. Most of us naturally do this in some form or another—changing our wardrobe, adjusting to a new schedule for work or school, etc.—but we can take our seasonal self-care one step further by giving our digestive system some space and ease with a seasonal reset.

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3 Healthy Chia Seed Pudding Recipes

Chia pudding is one of those foods that people often have very clear feelings about. They are either fully “Team Chia!” or are squicked out by the texture. The texture of chia pudding is all about proportions—a tiny change can make or break it. When you dial it in correctly, chia seed pudding gives you a delicious, high-fiber snack or topping that is beneficial for your gut, rich in Omega-3s, and provides protein and a number of essential minerals and antioxidants. Chia pudding is also a perfect vehicle for herbal powders which means you can easily customize the flavors and add herbal support!

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Herbs for Health: 11 Superfood Powders to Sprinkle Into Your Diet

Powdered herbs are nutritious, versatile, and convenient. Check out these 11 herbal powders that make it easy to add health-supporting benefits to your life.

April 4, 2023

Herb-Infused Simple Syrup Recipe Using Dried Herbs

Herb-infused simple syrups are perfect for drizzling on yogurt or pancakes, using in baked goods, and adding to bubbly water, mocktails, and cocktails! They are also a great herbal preparation for children or those who do not wish to have alcohol.

March 16, 2023

Mushroom Bouillon Powder and Paste + Homemade Seasoning Salt Recipe

If you love the convenience of instant noodles, but want to avoid unhealthy additives, homemade mushroom bouillon is great to have on hand!

March 4, 2023

Ashwagandha: Uses and Benefits + Tasty Recipes

Learn the many benefits of ashwagandha root and try a tasty whipped cream and elixir recipe!
WRITTEN BY Suzanne Tabert- Guest Writer

March 1, 2023

Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Are you looking for easy meal prep ideas for the morning? Look no further than these simple and healthy breakfast recipes, and mix up a batch of herbal powders to add variation, and beat meal prep fatigue! Cheers to getting your day started the right way.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

January 10, 2023

Small Gifts & Stocking Stuffers Under $20

If you are looking for budget-friendly gift ideas for the health enthusiast, foodie, tea lover, or fragrance connoisseur in your life, then look no further than our 2023 small gift guide. All items are between 3 and 20 dollars, making them ideal for small gifts or stocking stuffers!

December 2, 2022

Homemade Rosehip Jelly Using Dried Rosehips + Vintage Thumbprint Cookie Recipe

Winter is the perfect time to get out your stash of dried rosehips out and make delicious rosehip jelly. And if you’re in a holiday-prep mood, consider adding jelly to sugar cookies!

December 2, 2022

Holiday Appetizers: Seed Crackers with Cashew "Sour Cream” Dip

Holiday gathering can get complicated when you have loved ones with dietary restrictions. This seed cracker and herb dip combination is an appetizer win!

November 14, 2022

A Midwinter Cordial to Support Your Digestive System

This festive midwinter cordial brings together bitter and aromatic herbs for a delicious digestion-supporting finish to a bountiful meal.

November 10, 2022

Ayurvedic Kitchari Recipe for Seasonal Support

Traditionally, an Ayurvedic seasonal reset is based on a dish called kitchari, which is eaten as a monodiet for one or several days. This tasty dish is easy on the digestive system and offers vital nutrients to carry you through the seasonal shift.
WRITTEN BY Jennifer Kurdyla- Guest Writer

September 30, 2022

3 Healthy Chia Seed Pudding Recipes

Chia seed pudding is a perfect vehicle for herbal powders, so you can customize the flavor and the herbal support in a delicious snack or breakfast bowl.

August 28, 2022