Homemade Caramel Apple Slices with Herbal Chocolate Glaze

Caramel apples have always been one of those mixed-feelings food experiences for me. I love good caramel and I love apples, and when the two things come together in a perfect synergy, it is one of my favorite flavor combinations. Unfortunately, a typical caramel apple falls short. First, the caramel is often too sweet rather than buttery-delicious. Second, I want caramel and apple in every bite, and once I work my way around the caramel-y outside, I’m left with a lot of apple and no more caramel. Finally, I don’t like that I end up with caramel all over my face and in my hair every time I eat a caramel apple on a stick. Recently, however, I found the solution: caramel apple slices! So, of course, down the caramel apple rabbit hole I went and I’m so glad I did!

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Posted by Heidi

Elderberry Gummies Made with Agar

There are a number of effective and delicious ways to bring the nutrition and immune benefits of elderberries into our diets.* Tincture, tonic, syrup, tea, and culinary recipes abound. And, of course, there are gummies! I’m a big believer in putting fun into our lives when and where we can, and an elderberry gummy is a morsel of fun that also provides support for our immune systems. Most gummies, however, contain gelatin, which is a hard no for vegans and followers of some religious faiths. We set out to create an elderberry gummy that anyone can enjoy. How do you get a gelatin-type gummy without the gelatin? It all comes down to agar-agar powder.

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Posted by Heidi

Roasted Squash Seeds Recipe: A Tasty Way to Upcycle Squash Seeds

If I had a quarter for every time I’ve found myself guiltily staring down at the seed-speckled mushy remnants of a squash I freshly gutted, I’d be retired and roaming somewhere around the Oregon Coast by now. “What in the world am I supposed to do with all these seeds?,” I’d grumble to myself as the seeds seemingly stared back up at me with a desperate look of maybe, just maybe, this will be the day I use them to their full potential. Repurposing seeds that would otherwise be destined for the compost bin can feel intimidating, time-consuming, and messy (full disclosure – the messy part is true!).

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Posted by Hailey

Taco Bowl with Roasted Butternut Squash and Black Beans

I love taco bowls. These deconstructed tacos are packed with nutrition, big on flavor, and easy to customize for a variety of palates, even on a weeknight when you don’t have much time. I generally look to my garden for what to include, so they change by the seasons in our home. This autumn-inspired taco bowl is an annual favorite, combining winter squash or sweet potatoes with black beans for a hearty protein- and fiber-rich bowl that pleases everyone in the family.

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Posted by Heidi

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Pumpkin Spice

I will admit that I was a latecomer to the pumpkin pie spice trend. I still have not had a pumpkin spice latte, for instance. I have been starting to come around though. My turning point came after I tried one of our very own blog recipes, pumpkin pie spice roasted mixed nuts. Ever since that day, I have felt the undeniable pull towards this seasonal favorite. As the days grow shorter and cooler, the warming spices seem to offer the perfect comfort and sense of wellbeing. Naturally, I wanted to celebrate the arrival of pumpkin spice season this year with a recipe variation!

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Posted by Maia

Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

As a child, I remember delighting in the hot days of August. My brother and I could spend an entire day in the yard leaping through the sprinkler, having rowdy water fights, and just causing general (damp) mayhem. However, the real highlight of any summer day was the moment that the sing-song tones of the ice cream truck floated to us. In my memory, the ice cream truck has an almost mythical quality to it. It would appear with a burst of song at the perfect moment, with an endless bounty of colorful, frozen treats. I recently learned that national creamsicle day is August 14 and I was immediately flooded with countless (sticky) memories from my youth. Pairing my new awareness of the upcoming occasion with the fact that our fearless leader, Shawn Donnille, is an avid Creamsicle® fan, I decided to try my hand at an herbal adaptation of this beloved summer treat that would win over even the most diehard admirers.


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Posted by Maia

Organic Spinach Powder Benefits + Pizza Crust Recipe

Spinach has been providing humans with bountiful nutrition for more than 2,000 years. By the time this cool-season annual reached western Europe in the 11th - 15th centuries, it was already an established crop and widely cultivated in the Middle East and Asia. It has long been considered the Captain of Leafy Greens,” which is an apt title for this vitamin- and mineral-packed veggie. However, because our bodies cannot metabolize spinach quickly, it can produce gas, bloating, and stomach cramps. This is not to say we shouldn’t eat raw spinach; we absolutely should because it’s loaded with all kinds of other essential nutrients like vitamin C, niacin, potassium, etc. that are more available to our bodies when eaten raw. But to capture all of the benefits of spinach, it behooves us to eat it in other ways as well. Dried spinach is a delicious, high-nutrition option!

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Posted by Heidi

Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Research compiled by Oregon State University has shown that roughly half of the adult population in the United States doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals that leafy greens supply: 52% don’t get the recommended intake of magnesium, 44% don’t get enough calcium, and 43% don’t get enough vitamin C. Although many of us know that we need two to three cups of leafy greens a day to supply our exquisitely complex bodies with the vitamins and minerals needed to carry out cellular processes and repairs, many of us have trouble eating adequate amounts of those greens.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Herb-Inspired Salad Dressings from Around the World: 4 Recipes for Summer Salads

There are a lot of reasons to love summer, but a big one here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon is the wealth of fresh garden and farm produce. We’re heading into salad season, always a good opportunity to explore new flavors and ways to enjoy the freshest greens, ripest tomatoes, crispest cucumbers, sweetest corn, and more. We’ve got four standout salad dressing recipes from around the world for you to enjoy this season, along with ideas about how to best use them: horiatiki from Greece, wafu from Japan, esquites from Mexico, and tahini-lemon from the Middle East. Enjoy!

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Posted by Heidi

Bulk Ingredients That Save Money, Reduce Waste, & Promote Resiliency

I love the peace of knowing that I have both the skills and stock on hand to thrive in most of the situations life throws my way. I can confidently rely on my resourcefulness and forethought to help me whether I can’t get to the grocery store for a bit, need to pinch some pennies, or just ran out of laundry soap. The efforts that I put into this lifestyle are also in line with my sustainability goals and significantly reduce the waste generated from my household.

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Posted by Jessicka

DIY World Spice Blends

All too often it’s easy to use the same spices over and over again. If they work, then why not? I sprinkle Italian seasoning on just about everything. Turmeric powder and smoked salt are two other popular staples in my houshold. But this season I was determined to bring some new flavors into my kitchen. I’m thrilled to say that these blends did just the trick!

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Posted by Ek Ongkar


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Homemade Caramel Apple Slices with Herbal Chocolate Glaze

It’s caramel apple season! Make this once-a-year tradition even better with caramel apple slices, homemade cinnamon caramels, and herb-infused chocolate!

October 26, 2023

Elderberry Gummies Made with Agar

Vegan elderberry gummies are easy to make and work exceptionally well in candy molds. What a fun way to give your body some immune support!

October 24, 2023

Roasted Squash Seeds Recipe: A Tasty Way to Upcycle Squash Seeds

Learn how to repurpose and roast squash seeds with dulse powder and discover why organic is a favorable choice when using squash for culinary creations.

October 13, 2023

Taco Bowl with Roasted Butternut Squash and Black Beans

Eating what is in season makes sense for health, the planet, and our wallets. This fall, try a delicious taco bowl with roasted butternut squash and black beans seasoned with chili lime salt!

October 13, 2023

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe With Pumpkin Spice

Try this decadent chia pudding recipe for a healthful start to your autumn mornings.

September 26, 2023

Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

This homemade Creamsicle® recipe is a healthier twist on the classic popsicle. This flavorful version is made with Orange Cream Rooibos Tea and will surely delight the senses.

August 14, 2023

Organic Spinach Powder Benefits + Pizza Crust Recipe

Organic spinach powder and flakes are a delicious way to capture the bountiful nutrition of spinach without having to eat bowls full of greens.

July 6, 2023

Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Research shows that about half of U.S. adults don't get enough vitamins and minerals. Enter Pesto—an herbally delicious way to get more of what we need!
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

May 24, 2023

Herb-Inspired Salad Dressings from Around the World: 4 Recipes for Summer Salads

It’s almost the best time of year: fresh salad season. We’ve got 4 salads from around the world to make the most of your garden or farmers market bounty!

May 17, 2023

Bulk Ingredients That Save Money, Reduce Waste, & Promote Resiliency

Learn how making simple switches in your lifestyle and buying habits can improve your resiliency, save you money, and reduce waste.

April 19, 2023

DIY World Spice Blends

Looking for new savory flavors to add to your culinary creations? Check out these globally-inspired DIY spice blends!

April 14, 2023