Guide to Seaweed: How to Choose Which Seaweed is Best

Seaweeds are one of the best foods to keep stocked in your pantry. Not only are they incredibly shelf-stable, but they add complex flavors to many kinds of meals, including soups, savory breakfasts, and stir-fries. Their nutrient density, however, is really where they shine. Seaweed is packed with necessary vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain almost all of the essential amino acids, minerals, and trace elements the human body needs.

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Posted by Jessicka

Floral Lip Balm Recipe

When it comes to lip balm, I’m a girl who likes to have options. Different aromas and hydration levels enhance my self-care in different ways. When I am going camping or will be spending a lot of time in the sun, I reach for a summer lip gloss recipe that gives me light coverage, but won’t melt in the sun. When I’m still feeling the summer vibes but want some more hydration than the gloss can offer, I craft ones that are more hydrating and that have longer staying power.

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Posted by Jessicka

Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Ask anyone who knows me, and they will confirm my long-standing reputation for being experimental in the kitchen. Since I was old enough to hold a spatula and use my mom’s stand mixer, there aren’t many recipes I haven’t tried from the stacks of cookbooks scattered throughout my childhood home. One of the earliest culinary experiments I can recall was attempting to make gnocchi from scratch, and let's just say, the result was not the most palatable or even edible. The idea struck my developing brain when I forgot about a boiling pot of pasta on the stove, leaving me with mushy, unappetizing noodles. Scratching my head as I tried to think of an innovative way to salvage my overcooked pasta, I remembered a new food I had recently discovered on a grocery store trip with my family: gnocchi. At the time, my assumption of gnocchi was that they were oddly shaped pasta balls, so I decided to blend up the mushy pasta and shape the mixture into gnocchi balls. Fool-proof and ingenious, right? Wrong. My “gnocchi” turned out to be anything but gnocchi, and I nearly broke our cheap blender in the process. Unsurprisingly, my family and I wound up digging through the depths of our freezer for dinner that night.

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Posted by Hailey

DIY Roll-On Lip Gloss for Summer

When I’m about to embark on a summer adventure, I always do the final check before walking out the door—keys, wallet, water, and lip balm. Being ill-equipped with any of these staples puts a real damper on my ability to take impromptu diversions on the roads less traveled.

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Posted by Jessicka

Seaweed Bouillon Recipe

During a video shoot in Portland, Maine, I had the opportunity to explore the world of wild-harvested organic seaweed. The pristine coastline and sustainable harvesting practices showcased by local foragers deeply impressed me. Witnessing the care and respect given to these marine plants inspired me to incorporate more seaweed into my cooking. The versatility and rich umami flavor of seaweed made it an exciting ingredient to experiment with in various recipes.

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Posted by Thomas

Homemade Muscle Rub with Cayenne and St. John’s Wort


If I’m doing summer correctly—which is to say, getting out into the mountains and down to the river, hiking, swimming, and sucking up some of that vitamin D-boosting sunlight—I inevitably end up with bumps, bruises, and achy muscles from pushing the limits on how much fun I can pack into one season. I learned a long time ago to keep a tin of classic herbal muscle rub at the ready. This easy-to-make old-school salve brings together the muscle-supporting properties of St. John’s wort and the time-tested, warming qualities of capsaicin to ease the occasional aches and discomforts that come from living life to the fullest.

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Posted by Heidi

Cultivating Consciousness with Oshala Farm

Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to visit Oshala Farm for their annual Herb Camp – a weekend brimming with educational workshops, nourishing food, and remote camping in the lush Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. This beautiful event united plant lovers from all walks of life to delve deeper into herbalism and farming, spark inspiration, and engage in hands-on experiences with the plants. As the sun reached its peak, we gathered beneath an ancient and weathered oak tree for a powerful opening circle, where we honored the Indigenous peoples of this land, and we were reminded of the need to listen to the earth's stories and its age-old wisdom.

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Posted by Ashley

Essential Oil Blends for Naptime

For many of us, naptime can feel like a luxury reserved solely for responsibility-free toddlers. As adults, the complexities and pressures of everyday life (aka “adulting”) all too often drive a hard wedge between staying afloat and being well-rested. When we do find those rare moments of peace and quiet, the rambling chatter in our brains can make a power nap feel more like a worry session. With the seemingly endless obligations and expectations that arise from work, relationships, and life in general, it’s no wonder that restlessness is an all-too-familiar theme in the modern human experience.

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Posted by Hailey

Zesty Herbal Salad Dressing with Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has become a beloved ingredient in many kitchens and is often celebrated for its distinct tangy flavor, versatility, and wellness properties. Originating from fermented apple juice, this golden liquid has a rich history in culinary and household applications. Its sharp taste complements a variety of dishes, and in my household, is a staple for homemade salad dressings. 

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Posted by Thomas

Deodorizing & Cleansing Armpit Mask Recipe

As the warmer weather hits, many of us rely more heavily on deodorant. It’s one of the personal care products that even those who live an overall healthy lifestyle still can’t give up. Truthfully, I have been one of those people. Commercially purchased deodorants simply work more reliably and for a longer period of time—but at what cost?

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Posted by Jessicka

Partnering to Preserve our Wild Lands

Nature is a powerful ally when it comes to our health and wellness. She is a vibrant living entity deserving of our respect and protection. That's why we're proud to partner with Cascadia Wildlands, an active force among environmental conservation nonprofits working to protect wild ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest. Together, we share a vision of restored old-growth forests, rivers full of wild salmon, flourishing wolf populations, and communities enriched by biodiversity and sustainable practices within the Cascadian bioregion. 

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Posted by Ashley


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Guide to Seaweed: How to Choose Which Seaweed is Best

Learning more about seaweed can help you choose the ones that best fit your nutritional goals and flavor palate.

July 31, 2024

Floral Lip Balm Recipe

This softening summer lip balm has a divine aroma and offers long-lasting hydration. It's also simple to craft and makes lovely gifts!

July 31, 2024

Potato Gnocchi with Herbal Powders

Learn how to make herbal gnocchi from scratch and discover the endless possibilities of incorporating herbal powders into your favorite recipes.

July 25, 2024

DIY Roll-On Lip Gloss for Summer

Looking for an easy, inexpensive, DIY lip gloss that is perfect for summer adventure? Hot days mean it's time to make this gloss that thrives when warm.

July 22, 2024

Seaweed Bouillon Recipe

The versatility and rich umami flavor of seaweed make it an exciting ingredient to have in your pantry. This easy shelf-stable seaweed bouillon recipe brings a nutritional boost to mealtime.

July 19, 2024

Homemade Muscle Rub with Cayenne and St. John’s Wort

Outdoor fun can lead to the occasional bump, bruise, and achy muscle. Keep a homemade St. John’s Cayenne salve on hand for warm and comforting relief.

July 18, 2024

Cultivating Consciousness with Oshala Farm

The commitment to cultivating with consciousness ensures that every herb is grown with care, dedication, and a profound love for the land. Learn how Oshala Farm grows herbs that support community health, and well-being.

July 12, 2024

Essential Oil Blends for Naptime

Taking naps can be great for your health, but many of us find it hard to turn off the mental chatter. Try these 3 essential oil blends to help settle a stressed mind and help you drift off to a rejuvenating mid-day rest.

July 10, 2024

Zesty Herbal Salad Dressing with Apple Cider Vinegar

This summer salad dressing combines zesty apple cider vinegar with aromatic herbs like basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and marjoram. It's the perfect compliment to your fresh summer greens!

July 3, 2024

Deodorizing & Cleansing Armpit Mask Recipe

If you're looking for a helpful way to switch to natural deodorant or want to improve the effectiveness of your natural deodorant, this simple deep cleansing mask may be your answer!

July 1, 2024

Partnering to Preserve our Wild Lands

Nature is a powerful ally when it comes to our health and wellness. That's why we are proud to partner with environmental nonprofits working to protect wild ecosystems.

July 1, 2024