10 Best Herbs & Spices for Brewing Beer

Humans have been brewing beer for millennia, and in that time, we have incorporated countless ingredients into our ferments. From bright, citrusy witbiers to rich herbal gruits, there’s a flavor profile to suit most any taste—and many of the ingredients to achieve it can be found in your home apothecary or kitchen spice rack!

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Posted by Kiley

Eucalyptus Oil Uses + Deep Breaths Facial Steam Recipe

Eucalyptus essential oil has become a staple in the collections of aromatherapy dabblers and experts alike. Steam distilled from the leaves and twigs of the Eucalyptus globulus tree, this oil is well known for its cleaning properties and ability to support open breathing. With a little practice, this distinctive essence may easily become one of the most versatile oils in your aromatherapy and green living toolkit!

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Posted by Christine

How to Make Flavored Ghee with Italian Herbs

My husband got a job as a short-order breakfast cook when he was in high school. It was in that restaurant that he learned how to make ghee. I didn’t know this about him until one day, as I was making some herbal ghee, he said, “Oh yeah, ghee makes everything taste better!” He then proceeded to tell me the story of why he was such a master at throwing together a great breakfast. He dished out thousands of meals in that restaurant job, and all the egg dishes were cooked in ghee.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer

Natural Gifts for New Moms & Dads

Many a parent will vow that the arrival of their child was the greatest gift they’ve ever received—and also the most demanding! As the proud keeper of a tiny new human myself, I am deeply immersed in the difficult but rewarding work of merging pre-baby life with parenthood, and one truth that’s never been clearer to me is that families need the support of their village to thrive. Since we can’t always be there physically for the ones we love, we often look for ways to pass on that love and assistance through a thoughtful gift, be it lovingly selected or lovingly made.

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Posted by Jana

Organically Grown Stinging Nettle + Nutritious Infusion Recipe

In our neighboring state of Washington lies one of our organic farms—650,000 acres of herbal splendor amidst an otherwise desert landscape. Thanks to the pristine Columbia River, this region has an unlimited supply of the highest quality water any agricultural operation could desire. Here, head farmer Phil has the space and resources to grow one of our most popular herbs: stinging nettle.

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Posted by Raychel

Wildcrafted Dandelion Tea & Cake Recipes

Dandelions tell us that spring is here! Often among the first flowers to emerge, especially in northern climates, dandelions bring important early nectar to honeybees and lift the hearts of all who anticipate longer days and warmer temperatures. The golden orbs fill lawns and meadows and even appear between the cracks in concrete. Dandelion is both tenacious and generous, and is one of our most-needed plant medicines.

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Support Spring Immunity with Traditional Chinese Medicine

In spring, buds burst with potential energy, flowers push up from under the snow, and, according to Chinese medicine, the Wind blows change, energy, and wellness disturbances hither and thither. Spring is associated with the Wood element, in its upward, outward expansion and infinite possibilities.

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Homemade Mama & Baby Massage Oil Recipe

Selecting the best products and ingredients for skincare can be daunting, and baby’s skin is even more delicate and sensitive than our own. The lists of ingredients on baby care products are often a mile-long and contain hard-to-read and unrecognizable ingredient names. Many commercial baby care products even include chemicals that may have harmful side effects. No thanks! Luckily, there are plenty of natural baby care offerings available these days, and many baby basics are easy enough for even a busy parent to make—like this simple massage oil recipe!

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Posted by Irene

Zero-Waste Natural Makeup Remover Recipe


Choosing natural body care products whenever possible has been a priority of mine for a long time, both for my health and the health of the environment. I started by buying more eco-friendly versions of the pre-made products I was already using, but over time, I started to wonder if this was the best way to achieve my goals. After all, these “greener” versions may not have contained the worrisome ingredients of more conventional cosmetics, but they almost always came in single-use packaging that definitely wasn’t helping the planet…and they didn’t do much for the health of my budget, either! That’s what sparked my interest in creating my own beauty products—and I’ve never looked back.

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Posted by Jessicka

Spring Nettle & Garlic Buttermilk Biscuits

It’s nettle harvest time! How humans came to figure out that nettles are a powerhouse of goodness is beyond me. They contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and a treasure trove of other vitamins and minerals. But as a kid growing up in the Coast Range of western Oregon, my entire relationship with nettles involved trying not to get stung by those wicked trichomes while romping through the woods. So, kudos to the first brave nettle-harvesting souls, because they figured out (as I now know) that harvesting nettles without getting stung is actually easy, and this puts urtica dioica on my list as a versatile and delicious herb.

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Posted by Heidi

3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

 As we move into spring and summer, along come the parties and feasts—and thus your chance to surprise and delight your family and friends with the herbal deliciousness and digestive effectiveness of your homemade cordials. There is nothing that signifies a celebration quite like topping off a meal with a round of your own handcrafted herbal liquor.

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Posted by Kami- Guest Writer


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

10 Best Herbs & Spices for Brewing Beer

Brewing beer requires patience and creativity. Here are 10 unique ingredients to inspire your next recipe from an award-winning homebrewer.

April 17, 2020

Eucalyptus Oil Uses + Deep Breaths Facial Steam Recipe

Try this simple eucalyptus essential oil blend to inspire awareness and deep breaths! Use as a refreshing facial steam or in your essential oil diffuser.
WRITTEN BY Christine

April 17, 2020

How to Make Flavored Ghee with Italian Herbs

Learn how to create herb-infused ghee to flavor any dish with the help of author and herbalist Kami McBride! Great as a cooking oil or finishing sauce.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

April 14, 2020

Natural Gifts for New Moms & Dads

Show expectant parents some love with these natural care products for baby and mom (or DIY with one of our recipes!), great for Mother's or Father's Day.

April 13, 2020

Organically Grown Stinging Nettle + Nutritious Infusion Recipe

Meet the Pacific Northwest farmers who grow our organic nettle leaf, an herbal powerhouse perfect for nourishing infusions and more!

April 9, 2020

Wildcrafted Dandelion Tea & Cake Recipes

Learn how to forage for dandelion flowers and make them into a delicious dandelion maple syrup cake (and brew a healthful root decoction to match!).
WRITTEN BY Emily Han & Rosalee de la Forêt

April 7, 2020

Support Spring Immunity with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bolster your body's defenses with Jade Windscreen, a Traditional Chinese Medicine formula with astragalus to ward off spring's Wind-based health woes.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

April 6, 2020

Homemade Mama & Baby Massage Oil Recipe

Gentle massage promotes wellness and closeness for new humans and new mothers alike, so try this nourishing herb-infused oil for some hands-on TLC!

April 3, 2020

Zero-Waste Natural Makeup Remover Recipe

Cut waste and harmful chemicals out of your beauty routine with this easy and nourishing eye makeup remover recipe.

April 2, 2020

Spring Nettle & Garlic Buttermilk Biscuits

Enjoy nutritious and delicious stinging nettles in these scrumptious buttermilk garlic biscuits. Use fresh or dried nettles to enjoy year-round!

April 1, 2020

3-Seed Herbal Cordial Recipe for Digestion

Learn how to make a delicious herbal digestif with fennel, coriander, and celery seeds from The Herbal Kitchen by author and herbalist Kami McBride.
WRITTEN BY Kami- Guest Writer

March 31, 2020