Paleo Mixed Nuts (3 Ways)

When I go to the store, hankering for a delicious and healthy snack, mixed roasted nuts always seem like a good call. That is, until I look at the exorbitant price tag and I settle for whatever plain nut is available (preferably on sale). I discovered something though; you can get that wonderful mixed nut experience without the hefty price tag. All it takes is about 20 minutes of your time. The bonus is you get to flex those creative culinary muscles, should you choose to get fancy with it.

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Posted by Mason

A Still Life: Hydrosol Distillation with Our Organic Growers

Hydrosols are pure botanical extracts produced by distilling fresh leaves, fruits, flowers, and other plant material to create aromatic waters. Although they have similar properties to their essential oil counterparts, they are more delicately scented. These high-quality flower waters are loved for their ease of use and versatility in aromatherapy and body care formulations. Recently, we had the opportunity to speak with the husband-wife team who craft our certified organic hydrosols. During a brief lull in the harvest season, they graciously took a moment to tell us more about how they create these delightfully fragrant waters.

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Posted by Jana

Homemade Organic Hummus Recipe

Hummus is yet another of those kitchen staples that is worth taking the time to learn how to make. It’s versatile, economical, tasty, quick and simple to produce, and keeps in the fridge for at least a week. Look online and you’ll find countless variations on hummus, but there seems to be some consistent ingredients across the board: chickpeas, tahini, lemon, garlic, cumin, salt, and olive oil.

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Posted by Mason

Awakening Our Relationship to Nature: The Need to Belong


I sat tucked beneath the juniper tree, my head resting on the pillow of her fibrous bark. I was absently twisting and wrapping the aromatic leaves of a sagebrush around my fingers, each crush igniting fragrant oils into the air. My eyes gazed out across the vast stark white lakebed of the Alvord Desert. The air had begun to cool as the sun migrated closer to the mountain’s edge, preparing for the freezing starlit night. It was here on my very first solo camping trip that I began to contemplate what it means to ‘belong’ and to question why I felt so inextricably disconnected and foreign sitting upon the Earth.

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Posted by Anna

How to Substitute Fresh Herbs for Dried Herbs, with Seasoning Recipe

One of the questions that often pops up here on the Mountain Rose Herbs blog is how to make substitutions between dried and fresh herbs. What if your garden bounty is begging to be enjoyed but your recipe calls for dried herbs? Or if you find yourself in the middle of holiday meal prep and forgot to get an ingredient or two?

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Posted by Jessicka

9 Best Essential Oils for Stress Management

Stress impacts the human body and behavior in predictable ways. Chronic stress increases heart rate, elevates stress hormones, raises blood pressure, and causes a rash of affects that can include headaches, body pain, fatigue, nausea, sleep issues, emotional distress, etc., all of which, when left unchecked, contribute to serious health issues. We know that a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and rest, mindfulness, and relaxation are all key to long term stress-relief strategies. Together, they lower cortisol, increase endorphins, promote sleep, reduce negative effects of stress, and improve mood. The devil, of course, is in the details. Trying to carve out the time to exercise, cook a healthy meal, get more sleep, or do something we enjoy can be… well, stressful. Sometimes we just have time for something small and meaningful. And that, in a nutshell, is the beauty of incorporating essential oils into our lives; aromatherapy doesn’t require us to carve out extra time. Like firelight and relaxing music, these oils can gently boost contentment and relaxation while working quietly in the background of our days.

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Posted by Christine

Fall Cocktails: Elder Bellini Recipe with a Mocktail Option

As autumn is now officially here, my mind has turned to the supportive power of elder berries. Elderberry syrup is obviously a tried and true ally for immune system support*, but elder berries also make an excellent base for cocktails and mocktails. My Elder Bellini recipe is one such fall cocktail that provides both remarkable flavor and immune system support*. I must admit that it isn’t exactly an “herbal cocktail” per se—because it is made with herb-infused spirits, it is ostensibly an extract that is added to juice to impart a slight herbal flavor in a full-bodied cocktail. The beauty of this method is that you can make the infusion ahead of time, so you have your elderberry-infused base on hand whenever you get the urge for a remarkably beautiful, delicious cocktail.

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Posted by Shawn

Hibiscus Flower Hot Pepper Jelly with Homemade Pectin

If you’ve scoured the pandemic-hit canning section at your local store for supplies this year, you know the pickings are slim. My favorite low sugar dry pectin, which was readily available and selling for just a couple dollars a box six months ago, is currently impossible to find here in Eugene, and when I finally turned to online options, I discovered it selling for between $8 and $15 a box…that is madness! And it’s terrible timing, too, because I was recently gifted with a whole pound of organic, dried hibiscus flowers, and I really wanted to make hibiscus hot pepper jelly. What’s a girl to do? Hearken back to the old days!

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Posted by Heidi

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Autumn Wellness

In autumn, seeds drop to the earth and lie still. Similarly, we prepare to hibernate for the winter by drawing inward and consolidating our energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Metal element is associated with autumn. Metal governs the Lung and Large Intestine meridians, with their functions of inspiration and excretion, appropriate storage and release.

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Organizing Your Home Apothecary

We’ve all seen the romanticized apothecary photos of beautiful glass bottles filled with vibrant herbs and spices. Often as I hone in on the unique tones of color in each jar, I’m reminded of each plant’s complexities, their character, and their purpose. It’s a true gift to have that same feeling when you open your cupboard or medicine cabinet. But with my busy lifestyle, my collection can sometimes become less than tidy or orderly. What I’ve learned is that keeping this area of my life organized provides me with a sense of peace and allows me to enjoy my herbal practice with more fluidity. It’s also a good way to keep an eye on my herbal inventory. Here are some tips to help you organize your botanical goods and ensure that you are making the most of your herbal allies.

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Posted by Jessicka

6 Supportive Essential Oil Blends and When to Use Them

One of my favorite things about working with essential oils, besides their amazing properties, is blending them together. So, when it came time to craft our line of pure essential oil blends I was thrilled! Looking to the little bottles of oil filled with inspiration in my office, thinking about a Mountain Rose Herbs line of functional blends, I was able to focus not only on their aromas and how they work together, but also on their purpose. There are six inspirational blends in this line, each of which focuses on a specific need.

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Posted by Christine


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Paleo Mixed Nuts (3 Ways)

Learn how to make roasted mixed nuts. A paleo-friendly and healthy, delicious snack.

November 2, 2020

A Still Life: Hydrosol Distillation with Our Organic Growers

Learn how one of our family farms honors its heritage, natural environment, and future generations by crafting hydrosols from local, organically-grown herbs.

November 2, 2020

Homemade Organic Hummus Recipe

Organic hummus is delicious, protein-rich, and easy to make at home. Try this simple DIY hummus recipe and customize the flavors to match your palate.

October 28, 2020

Awakening Our Relationship to Nature: The Need to Belong

Feeling disconnected or lacking a sense of belonging? Learn how nature connection awakens our relationship to nature, ourselves, and our community.

October 22, 2020

How to Substitute Fresh Herbs for Dried Herbs, with Seasoning Recipe

This simple trick will help you easily swap dried herbs for fresh herbs, and fresh herbs to dried herbs.

October 21, 2020

9 Best Essential Oils for Stress Management

In these difficult times, we need all the wellness tools we can get! Explore the 9 best essential oils for stress management.
WRITTEN BY Christine

October 21, 2020

Fall Cocktails: Elder Bellini Recipe with a Mocktail Option

An elderberry bellini or mocktail brings immune system support to the fall cocktail hour. Learn an easy DIY way to infuse vodka or juice with elderberries and lemon peel.

October 20, 2020

Hibiscus Flower Hot Pepper Jelly with Homemade Pectin

Want a hot pepper jelly recipe without pectin? Make your own DIY apple pectin and combine it with hibiscus tea for a tart, sweet, fiery-hot jelly.

October 15, 2020

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Autumn Wellness

In autumn, we prepare to consolidate our energy for winter. Learn about Traditional Chinese Medicine’s popular qi tonic, Shi Quan Da Bu Tang, and its use in TCM to build strength and resilience for the coming cold season.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

October 9, 2020

Organizing Your Home Apothecary

Organization is key to a successful and useful home apothecary. Here are herb storage tips and ideas to help you get the most out of your herbal allies

October 4, 2020

6 Supportive Essential Oil Blends and When to Use Them

Our new essential oil blends were crafted to help with all of life's moments. These specialty blends will help to add some pep in your step, or soothe your nerves after a long day.
WRITTEN BY Christine

October 2, 2020