How to Make Homemade Potpourri + Winter Blend Recipe

Olfactory memories are powerful things. The other day I was at the feed store picking up cat food, and as I walked out, I caught a waft of chewing tobacco. Even before I could identify what I was smelling, my feet stopped walking and my Grandpa Albert—who is many years gone—popped into my head. There in my mind’s eye, he was in his overalls, with a plug of tobacco in his pocket, snuggling small-me in his lap, playing the penny counting game we used to play. This relationship between scent, emotion, and memory is hardwired in our brains—our olfactory bulb routes the smell information it receives to the limbic system, including the areas of our brain directly related to emotion and memory. This is why just a whiff of scent took me back decades and flooded me with the same warmth and comfort I experienced playing games with my beloved grandpa. These powerful connections are a fundamental factor in why aromatherapy can be supportive in managing mood and stress because what we smell literally impacts our brains… all of which brings me in a roundabout fashion to potpourri.

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Posted by Heidi

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

With the holidays soon upon us, it’s time to start preparing for my seasonal lycii (goji) berry winter cocktail. As I mentioned in the fall, my adventures with herb-infused spirits started with a remarkable hibiscus-infused martini that I had at one of my favorite local brewpubs. I was so inspired; I now have a stock of mason jars full of herb-infused liquors ready for whatever mood my friends and family might be in. For the holiday season, I wanted to create an herb-infused cocktail that would have a brilliantly red, festive color and a delicious sweet-tart flavor profile. Healthful lycii berries turned out to be the perfect answer!

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Posted by Shawn

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

Looking for holiday gift ideas and activities for at-home kids? Me too! As a mother of a five-year-old I am constantly on the prowl for engaging, fun, and educational activities. After years of teaching nature education, I have found some useful tips to engage kids of all ages, abilities, and group sizes! 

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Posted by Anna

The Importance of Continuous Blooms Amidst Changing Climate

As days get shorter and temperatures sink, it’s an ideal time to take a look at your home garden and start thinking about ways you can increase bloom times next growing season. Growing a pollinator-friendly garden is easy and planning ahead can give you plenty of time to ponder which plants you want to introduce next year and think up new, creative ways to increase blooms to feed next year’s hungry pollinators. Early winter is a great time to reflect on which blooms you had in your home garden throughout the past year and identify any times when blooms could have been increased to support more bees. 

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DIY Spiced Cream Candles for the Holidays (with Vegan Option)

Candlelight is an element of winter holidays all over the world. Whether part of someone’s deeply held spiritual or cultural practices—as during Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Diwali—or representative of age-old Winter Solstice and Christmas traditions, candles are, for many of us, a fundamental part of our winter festivities… which means it’s a perfect time to make easy homemade scented candles in preparation for the celebrations, decorating, and gift giving.

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Posted by Heidi

Guarana Seed Benefits & Stimulating Hot Cocoa Recipe

In our modern western culture, caffeine makes our world go round. There is nothing quite like waking up to the gurgling aroma of coffee percolating in a machine while my mouth waters and my brain begs for that bitter taste to fully wake me up. One of my pleasures in working at Mountain Rose Herbs has been finding alternative ways of getting those caffeine boosts, including our organic black, organic white, and green teas, yaupon (the only North American plant to contain caffeine), and organic yerba mate. However, there is one plant that surpasses all of these in its stimulating abilities – guarana seed.

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Posted by Anna

Change is Afoot at Mountain Rose Herbs

In September of this year, after nearly three decades of amazing leadership, longtime Mountain Rose Herbs owner Julie Bailey announced that she was ready to retire and pass on ownership of Mountain Rose to her trusted partner, Mountain Rose Herbs co-owner and CEO Shawn Donnille. “On September 30th, I bought out my partner of 20 years, and most trusted friend, Julie Bailey,” said Shawn on the occasion. “Both Julie and I co-owned and successfully managed the company from 2000-2020 and with fond memories I wish her the best for her retirement.” As we pivot to look ahead at what is next for Mountain Rose Herbs, we want to take this opportunity to share news and let you know more about the direction we are heading as a company.

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Posted by Heidi

Uplifting Coffee Cardamom Lip Balm Recipe

There’s nothing that puts pep in my step quite the way my morning coffee does. The earthy, roasted aroma and flavor sends signals to my brain that it’s time to “perk” up and get into productivity mode. Knowing what amazing things aromatherapy is capable of doing for our bodies, I wanted to create a way to enjoy this feeling without having that second or third cup of roasted goodness. Lip balm seemed like the perfect candidate as it’s a self-care product that I use often, and I’m always looking for fun and creative lip balm recipes to try. I also appreciate that I can use it as often as I like with no risk of the coffee jitters! This unique lip balm also makes a great gift for your favorite coffee lover.

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Posted by Jessicka

Philanthropic Giving from the Inside Out

Author Timothy Pina once said, “Philanthropy is not about money…it’s about feeling the pain of others and caring enough about their needs to help.” In other words, philanthropy, to effect real change, must go deeper than throwing funds at the surface of a problem; it must attempt to address the roots of an issue. But how does someone—whether an individual, a small business, or a corporation—find the act of giving that makes sense for them and effects the kind of change they would like to see in the world? 

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Posted by Heidi

Pumpkin Spice Banana Pancakes + Chaga Maple Syrup

Remember that cute ditty “Banana Pancakes” by Jack Johnson? That was the jam back in the day. I always presumed the banana pancakes he was referring to were just plain ol’ pancakes with sliced bananas on top. Or perhaps some chunks of bananas thrown into the batter. Well, a couple of years ago after being prompted by the Jack Johnson tune, my co-worker told me how she makes banana pancakes. One banana, two eggs. That’s it. So simple, easy and delicious. And an additional bonus: grain-free (if you care about that sort of thing). I’ve been making these pancakes for my family ever since, with a couple of additional ingredients, my current favorite being pumpkin pie spice!

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Posted by Mason

Farming as a Labor of Love

Foster Farm Botanicals has been a valued partner of Mountain Rose Herbs since 2016. They make it easy to supply our customers with a wide array of the high-quality organically certified botanicals that people have come to expect from us season after season. In August of 2019, a few of our team members had an opportunity to visit this special farm and get to know more about its history and the inspiration behind the operation.

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Posted by Katheryn


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Make Homemade Potpourri + Winter Blend Recipe

Homemade potpourri is a fun, easy project that's perfect for winter nesting. Customize the scents to make Christmas potpourri or a wonderful winter blend.

December 15, 2020

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

Goji berries bring healthful properties and brilliant, festive color to holiday cocktails. Learn how to infuse spirits and make craft beverages to share in good company.

December 12, 2020

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

It’s time for DIY holiday crafts! Looking for ways to engage your kids and need holiday gifts? These fun holiday crafts for kids will check both boxes.

December 9, 2020

The Importance of Continuous Blooms Amidst Changing Climate

Discover how you can grow flowers with continuous blooms throughout the year to ensure the survival of your local pollinators.
WRITTEN BY Krystal- Guest Writer

December 8, 2020

DIY Spiced Cream Candles for the Holidays (with Vegan Option)

Now is the perfect time to make homemade candles! Add the holiday scent of orange-vanilla cream spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon for a festive and warming DIY candle.

December 6, 2020

Guarana Seed Benefits & Stimulating Hot Cocoa Recipe

What is guarana seed anyway? Learn about the stimulating benefits of guarana seed and how you can use it.

December 2, 2020

Change is Afoot at Mountain Rose Herbs

As we look ahead at 2021, we want to share news about Mountain Rose Herbs and let you know more about the direction our company is heading.

November 30, 2020

Uplifting Coffee Cardamom Lip Balm Recipe

Evoke the uplifting and revitalizing effects of coffee in an earthy and intoxicating lip balm.

November 27, 2020

Philanthropic Giving from the Inside Out

Effective philanthropy addresses the roots of societal pain. Learn how to determine the kinds of charitable giving that make the most sense for you.

November 24, 2020

Pumpkin Spice Banana Pancakes + Chaga Maple Syrup

An easy, delicious, healthy banana pancake is a fantastic recipe to have in your culinary toolkit. These gluten-free, banana, pumpkin spice pancakes are so simple, you can even enjoy them on a busy weekday. Additionally, try out this chaga mushroom-infused maple syrup for immune support.

November 14, 2020

Farming as a Labor of Love

Learn how farmers Annie and Peter work in love and harmony with each other and the local ecosystem to produce its vibrant herbs and spices.

November 9, 2020