How to Make Homemade Chocolate Bars + 2 Herb-Inspired Variations

I’ve never had much of a sweet tooth. I’ll take an entrée over a dessert any day of the week. Thus, I’ve never understood people’s obsession with chocolate. I mean, sure, I enjoy a bite every now and then if an organic, small batch, artisan-made piece of a chocolate bar is offered to me, but I don’t seek it out. Recently, however, as tends to happen for me, an idea and inspiration struck. I could make my own chocolate! Better yet, I could make a chocolate bar sans refined white sugar, which is my main repulsion to most sweets. I declared to my household that I would make a chocolate bar with maple syrup as the sweetener. My daughter found this to be a less than revolutionary statement. “Dad, that’s what you always use.” Hey, sometimes I use honey…

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Posted by Mason

Aromatherapy Blend for Grief

No matter how fulfilling or joyful our lives are, experiencing sadness and grief is a natural part of our being. When we have the blues, it shows us that we care enough about something to give it our energy. Experiencing this also exercises our ability to navigate through the full range of feelings that we are lucky to possess as humans. As a wise woman once told me, “Not everything is rainbows and unicorns all the time.” At first sound, the statement sounded cynical but the more I pondered it, the more I realized that I was wrong. What it really means is that sometimes it’s okay for things not to be okay. And while the blues can be unpleasant, there are ways to naturally work through them.

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Posted by Jessicka

Natural Sensory Play for Children: Hearing

While some people may be naturally born with heightened senses, most of us must hone and practice these skills throughout our lifetime, and particularly when we are children.

During my years of mentoring in environmental nature immersion, I’ve seen countless children develop “super senses” (hear, see, feel, smell, intuit) that astounds their parents. I love stories like the one when a father was flabbergasted by his seven-year-old daughter. “She could hear the sound of an owl hooting way off in the distance,” he excitedly said, “long before I even could sense it and her observation skills are through the roof – I can’t keep up!”

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Posted by Anna

Valentine’s Day Breakfast: Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Keto-Friendly Recipes

I have to admit that I have a fairly one-track mind about holidays—I really like festive food. Whatever else happens, fine, so long as the food is good. This works for the big holidays as well as ones hardly anyone knows about. For instance, in my house we are practically religious about Lemon Meringue Pie Day. Over the years, certain things have become tradition, and I’ve grown to really enjoy Valentine breakfast. Other people call this Valentine’s Day breakfast, but my husband and I celebrate our anniversary in mid-February, so Valentine’s Day has never meant much for us… except for Valentine breakfast. In our house, this is a time for sharing nurturing food and laughter with the people we love and who love us. Whether or not they are romantic partners is immaterial. Lovers, family, friends, your favorite four-leggers—this is a day for just feeling the love.

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Posted by Heidi

Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

Moon milk is one of my favorite beverages for eliciting feelings of peacefulness and serenity. Each sip of this herb-filled heated milk fills my belly with warmth and contentment and acts as the perfect vehicle for me to work in the herbs and spices my body craves. Over the years, I’ve created many moon milk recipes, and have also found some wonderful gems from other genius content creators. One of my favorite moon milk mavens is Stephanie from MyTinyLagunaKitchen. She even has a free ebook with some of her amazing adaptogenic creations that I highly recommend!

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Posted by Jessicka

8 Essential Oils for Love and Romance

The olfactory magic of essential oils is a very personal journey. In many ways, the power of scent and the power of devotion are bound inextricably together. They can illicit passionate and intoxicating sensations, pure comfort and relaxation, or a feeling of deep connection. Each of these oils celebrates this communion of the senses with earthy, sensual essential oils that have been crafted to inspire closeness and affection. We invite you to relax your hard-working mind, envelop your senses, enhance your self-appreciation, and create memorable moments through scent.

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Posted by Christine

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

I am a self-proclaimed coffee lover. Unfortunately, however, stimulants don’t work well for me. I can have a 12-ounce cup of coffee at 10 a.m. and still be wide awake at 10 p.m. Over the years, I have gone back and forth between regular coffee and decaf, but then I discovered the enjoyable benefits of herbal coffee substitutes and found a new warm beverage to love–chicory and dandelion root coffee!

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Posted by Anna

DIY Menthol Eucalyptus Rub: A Balm to Soothe You

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on a store-bought chest rub? When you’re congested, bleary-eyed, and feeling like death warmed over, reading ingredients is not high on the priority list, but it’s also not comforting to find out that you just rubbed a semisolid soup of petroleum products onto your skin in order to give your respiratory passages some relief. The classic over-the-counter chest rubs are often less than 10% herbal ingredients, and approximately 90% petrolatum in the form of petroleum jelly, which is generally combined with turpentine. When petrolatum is not refined properly or entirely, as is sometimes the case in the U.S., it can be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens particularly when used over a period of time. There are of course excellent petrolatum-free chest rubs on the market with all the herbal benefits and no carcinogenic ingredients. But why purchase something that you can easily make at home in 15 minutes and for less money?

Shop Organic Menthol Crystals

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Posted by Heidi

Mushrooms for Wellness

In herbalism, herb is the root word. Of course, herbalism encompasses much more than herbs such as basil or rosemary. It also includes tree barks, roots, seeds, and even non-plant life such as mushrooms. I know some herbalist friends who are downright repulsed by mushrooms, but there’s another type of herbalist who is entranced and enamored with these fungal friends. I happen to be one of those weirdos. While I'm not a mycologist, I’ve always enjoyed learning about and including mushrooms in my diet and herbal lifestyle because of their health benefits, lore, and mystery. Science confirms that there are a great many benefits to consuming mushrooms. Let’s explore a few of these mushroom allies.

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Posted by Mason

10 Creative Things to do with Old Spices and Herbs

There are two times of year that I feel inspired to do a bit of tidying and organizing—at the turn of a new year and in the first days of spring. These different seasons call for different types of cleaning. I love doing a deep green clean in the spring when I can open my windows and hear the birds serenade me as I reinvigorate my space. But winter inspires more organization and the urge to purge the things that are no longer serving their purpose for me. One of the annual new year traditions I have found beneficial for my herbal practice and happy homestead is refreshing my spice rack and home apothecary. I clean out the older materials so that I can open up space for fresh new ingredients that are better able to serve my body and my mind.

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Posted by Jessicka

Sustainable Living at Home: 5 DIY Kitchen Swaps

A few years ago, my friend gave me the oddest gift. As she handed it to me, she sheepishly said, “I’m not sure how you will like this, but I use them at my house, and I hope you’ll have a use for them too!” Inside the neatly wrapped brown paper package was a roll of cloth squares. I admitted that I was confused by the gift and jokingly asked if it was toilet paper. Turns out I wasn’t too far off – it was a roll of Unpaper® Towels! It turned out her “odd” gift inspired me and seeded my passion to look at my home in a new way, to ask myself, “How sustainable are my household habits?” 

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Posted by Anna


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Make Homemade Chocolate Bars + 2 Herb-Inspired Variations

Learn how to make simple, easy, delicious chocolate bars at home.

February 12, 2021

Aromatherapy Blend for Grief

This homemade aroma spray is an ideal support for life’s challenging moments. With revitalizing citrus and soothing chamomile in your corner, you can help break the cycle of thoughts so you can see outside of your grief to begin repairing.

February 9, 2021

Natural Sensory Play for Children: Hearing

Want to explore the benefits of sensory play for children? Find out how you can use nature for simple and natural sensory play activities for kids of all ages.

February 9, 2021

Valentine’s Day Breakfast: Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Keto-Friendly Recipes

Valentine’s Day breakfast is a wonderful way to nurture the people you love. Enjoy these vegan, gluten-free, and keto-friendly breakfast recipes.

February 3, 2021

Pumpkin Spice Moon Milk with Chamomile

This tasty moon milk recipe is filled with herbs, spice, and everything nice. Each sip of this warm evening milk will take you further into a state of peace and prepare you for a restful sleep.

February 3, 2021

8 Essential Oils for Love and Romance

Explore the eight best essential oils for love. Evoke passion, warmth, and affection for others or yourself!
WRITTEN BY Christine

January 29, 2021

Herbal Coffee Substitute with Roasted Chicory and Dandelion Root

Want the coffee taste and benefits but avoiding caffeine this year? Try making a roasted chicory coffee substitute for a caffeine-free coffee alternative!

January 27, 2021

DIY Menthol Eucalyptus Rub: A Balm to Soothe You

A menthol rub is an effective, gentle way to soothe congestion and respiratory symptoms. Make this easy, DIY, organic vapor rub recipe to have at home.

January 26, 2021

Mushrooms for Wellness

Get an introduction to several of the most well-studied and beneficial mushrooms. Learn about the mushroom’s health benefits as well as the best way to prepare them.

January 19, 2021

10 Creative Things to do with Old Spices and Herbs

Here are 10 ways to use up expired spices and herbs so that you can feel good refreshing your spice rack and apothecary without waste.

January 18, 2021

Sustainable Living at Home: 5 DIY Kitchen Swaps

Want to live more sustainably at home? Check out these 5 DIY kitchen swaps and start your new sustainable lifestyle today!

January 13, 2021