Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Winter Wellness

In Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) Five Element theory, water is the element of winter and it governs the kidney and bladder meridian channels. Welcome to the north, place of coldness, the Great Mystery, that liminal place between birth and death, hibernation, and gentle yet powerful underground transformation. Miles and miles of infinite expansive water flows, seen and unseen, across the planet. 60% of our bodies are water. 

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10 Essential Oils for Clarity and Focus

When life gets a bit madhouse, it can significantly impact our ability to process information efficiently. With so much “noise” all around us, it becomes hard to create a space where we can focus and nurture mental and emotional clarity. The folks who are home-schooling or working from home these days know this all too well! Many of us are turning to our favorite herbal allies as we negotiate these challenging days, and here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we’re seeing more questions from people who are exploring aromatherapy as part of the actions they are taking to create a calm in the storm. With that in mind, we put together this list of ten essential oils that have long-established reputations for supporting clarity and focus.

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Posted by Christine

Protein & Energy Balls with Maqui Berries

As herbalists, we regularly combine a variety of healthful, supportive botanicals in infusions, extracts, elixirs, etc. With each herb bringing its own superpower to the mix and working in unison with the other ingredients, we ideally end up with a product that is greater than the sum of its parts. We use this wisdom in herb-based foods as well, stirring in a bit of herbal goodness here and supportive botanicals there to create a dish full to the brim with flavor, health, and healing. Homemade protein balls (or maybe we should call them energy balls? They’re both!) are a perfect example of this. With a base of healthy oats (which also happen to be gluten-free) and packed with nut-butter protein, they provide a good mix of protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats, and are a perfect, oh-so-delicious vehicle in which to add the extra benefits of high quality herbal powders.

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Posted by Heidi

Gluten-Free Crepes + Sweet and Savory Ways to Enjoy Them

I’ve been eating gluten free for nine months now and I’ve got to say it has been a serpentine journey to figure out how to meet my admittedly snooty standards for baked goods. Mediocre desserts are just not worth the calories if you ask me, but dessert is one of my two favorite “meals” (the other one being breakfast), and I refuse to give up the experience of a perfectly baked treat. I’ve taken the tactic of choosing a grain-based recipe that I love and reworking that recipe over and over again until I create a new gluten-free version that is at least as delicious. I’m lucky my husband and kids are good sports because sometimes this has meant days and days of eating slightly different versions of the same recipe. Lately it’s been crepes. Many batches of crepes later, the family and I agree that these coconut buckwheat crepes are so delicious, you would never guess they’re gluten free.

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Posted by Heidi

Organic Farming in the “Off Season”

There’s no denying the enchanting lure of harvest time. The plants soak up long stretches of sunlight and integrate the photons via complex biological mechanisms into helpful and radiant biomass, until that splendid moment in which they are gathered and thoughtfully prepared for your cabinet.     

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Posted by Katheryn

EarthShare: Putting Passion to Work through Workplace Giving

Mountain Rose Herbs is proud to be an EarthShare Oregon Business Member. EarthShare is a national network that connects environmental organizations across the United States using businesses as fundraising platforms. In 2011, we launched our very first EarthShare Oregon campaign by organizing an employee giving program that connects our staff with like-minded environmental organizations working to protect and defend the places we hold dear. Through this program, we have successfully connected our employees with over 100 environmental organizations that they are passionate about supporting. That is nearly $100,000 given the past 8 years! Read on to learn more about EarthShare Oregon.

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Posted by Shawn

Solid Perfume Recipes (Calming & Revitalizing Blends)

 Over the years, I’ve noticed that many natural fragrances don’t last quite as long as their chemical-laden counterparts. So, what is one to do when you don’t want to compromise a natural lifestyle to achieve an enjoyable, long-lasting fragrance? In my years-long journey of creating and testing homemade skincare and aromatherapy products, I’ve learned that not only are solid perfumes incredibly handy, but their texture also helps them stay on the skin longer.

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Posted by Jessicka

How to Make Homemade Potpourri + Winter Blend Recipe

Olfactory memories are powerful things. The other day I was at the feed store picking up cat food, and as I walked out, I caught a waft of chewing tobacco. Even before I could identify what I was smelling, my feet stopped walking and my Grandpa Albert—who is many years gone—popped into my head. There in my mind’s eye, he was in his overalls, with a plug of tobacco in his pocket, snuggling small-me in his lap, playing the penny counting game we used to play. This relationship between scent, emotion, and memory is hardwired in our brains—our olfactory bulb routes the smell information it receives to the limbic system, including the areas of our brain directly related to emotion and memory. This is why just a whiff of scent took me back decades and flooded me with the same warmth and comfort I experienced playing games with my beloved grandpa. These powerful connections are a fundamental factor in why aromatherapy can be supportive in managing mood and stress because what we smell literally impacts our brains… all of which brings me in a roundabout fashion to potpourri.

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Posted by Heidi

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

With the holidays soon upon us, it’s time to start preparing for my seasonal lycii (goji) berry winter cocktail. As I mentioned in the fall, my adventures with herb-infused spirits started with a remarkable hibiscus-infused martini that I had at one of my favorite local brewpubs. I was so inspired; I now have a stock of mason jars full of herb-infused liquors ready for whatever mood my friends and family might be in. For the holiday season, I wanted to create an herb-infused cocktail that would have a brilliantly red, festive color and a delicious sweet-tart flavor profile. Healthful lycii berries turned out to be the perfect answer!

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Posted by Shawn

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

Looking for holiday gift ideas and activities for at-home kids? Me too! As a mother of a five-year-old I am constantly on the prowl for engaging, fun, and educational activities. After years of teaching nature education, I have found some useful tips to engage kids of all ages, abilities, and group sizes! 

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Posted by Anna

The Importance of Continuous Blooms Amidst Changing Climate

As days get shorter and temperatures sink, it’s an ideal time to take a look at your home garden and start thinking about ways you can increase bloom times next growing season. Growing a pollinator-friendly garden is easy and planning ahead can give you plenty of time to ponder which plants you want to introduce next year and think up new, creative ways to increase blooms to feed next year’s hungry pollinators. Early winter is a great time to reflect on which blooms you had in your home garden throughout the past year and identify any times when blooms could have been increased to support more bees. 

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Formula for Winter Wellness

Learn wellness tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to stay healthy during the winter months. There are many tonic herbs that you can take to fortify your immune system and thrive during these restful months.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

December 24, 2020

10 Essential Oils for Clarity and Focus

Finding it hard to focus lately? Check out 10 essential oils that have long-established reputations for supporting clarity and focus in difficult times.
WRITTEN BY Christine

December 23, 2020

Protein & Energy Balls with Maqui Berries

Protein balls are easy, delicious, healthy energy bites that make a perfect, portable snack. Include these power-packed balls in your healthy eating plan.

December 22, 2020

Gluten-Free Crepes + Sweet and Savory Ways to Enjoy Them

These gluten-free coconut buckwheat crepes are so delicious you’d never know they're nongluten. They're the perfect vehicle for sweet or savory breakfasts.

December 18, 2020

Organic Farming in the “Off Season”

We all love the magic of harvest time, but farmers don’t get to rest when the crops are done. Learn what it takes to get your herbs from the farm to you.

December 17, 2020

EarthShare: Putting Passion to Work through Workplace Giving

How does your workplace give? Discover how you can invest in environmental causes through workplace giving campaigns.

December 16, 2020

Solid Perfume Recipes (Calming & Revitalizing Blends)

Learn how to make solid perfume that is ideal for creating a long-lasting scent. You can also make perfume into DIY perfume sticks on-the-go application.

December 15, 2020

How to Make Homemade Potpourri + Winter Blend Recipe

Homemade potpourri is a fun, easy project that's perfect for winter nesting. Customize the scents to make Christmas potpourri or a wonderful winter blend.

December 15, 2020

Goji Berry Holiday Cocktail Recipe with Rum

Goji berries bring healthful properties and brilliant, festive color to holiday cocktails. Learn how to infuse spirits and make craft beverages to share in good company.

December 12, 2020

Herbal Holiday Crafts for Kids

It’s time for DIY holiday crafts! Looking for ways to engage your kids and need holiday gifts? These fun holiday crafts for kids will check both boxes.

December 9, 2020

The Importance of Continuous Blooms Amidst Changing Climate

Discover how you can grow flowers with continuous blooms throughout the year to ensure the survival of your local pollinators.
WRITTEN BY Krystal- Guest Writer

December 8, 2020