How to Make a Mushroom Double Extraction

As more and more people discover the benefits of adding mushrooms to their herbal practice and culinary explorations, they are increasingly interested in how to best prepare and consume these fascinating fungi. Some mushrooms, like shiitakes, are well known and widely used in both cooking and herbalism. Others, like reishichaga and maitake, may be new to you. Some are wonderful culinary additions, while others have amazing health benefits, but less-than-amazing flavor. Making a decoction with some of these mushrooms is often preferable. However, to get all of the beneficial constituents from mushrooms, a “double extraction” is the way to go.

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Posted by Mason

How to Use TCM Herbs for Nourishing Soups

As the days shorten, plants send their energy to their roots and go to seed, while deciduous trees shed their leaves. We cozy up in warmer clothes, stack firewood, and start storing up our food and energy reserves for the winter. In autumn, we transition from the more active yang seasons of spring and summer into the more restful yin seasons of autumn and winter. We too send our energies underground, sleeping and eating more, and moving and doing less. In autumn, we bundle, store, and prepare for the more fallow winter season ahead, when the world rests.

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DIY Herbal Bath for Babies

Baby bath time can be a wonderful bonding experience that offers both parent and child the opportunity to relax and focus on the circle of love between them. Adding gentle, skin-nourishing herbs to baby’s bathwater is a beautiful way to bring not just the soothing comfort of warm hydrotherapy to bath time but can also add scents that your child will come to associate with safety and peace. Organic calendula and chamomile are gentle and skin-nourishing, and when combined with the aromatics of soothing, calming lavender or roses, they make a perfect herbal bath for your precious child.

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Posted by Heidi

Sprouted Chocolate Dessert Hummus

Before you beat me to it, I know dessert hummus is not “real hummus.” Traditional Middle Eastern hummus is a savory dish made with a specific set of ingredients. So why call this sweet treat hummus at all? Well, its base is mashed garbanzo beans, and it is a type of dip, so the masses started calling it chocolate hummus or dessert hummus. For the sake of helping people find this recipe, I stuck with that name, but know you can call it vegan chocolate mousse, and it will still be as delicious.

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Posted by Jessicka

Bath Bomb Recipe for Grounding

There is great intention behind the drawing and taking of a bath. The sound of water filling the basin sets the scene for the softening of energy that is about to happen. These moments of anticipated tranquility build for me as the tone of the filling tub changes pitch, declaring it’s time for my first toe-dip into the inviting warmth. Slipping into the water has a way of melting away tension and initiating a sigh of relief, which seems to be more of an involuntary reflex than something I ever mean to do. After a few moments of settling in, I call on one of my favorite bath enhancements to create an even deeper therapeutic experience. Bath bombs are helpful vehicles for aromatherapy and because they are crafted in advance, they are easy to enjoy after a long day.

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Posted by Jessicka

Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp. This body part is often overlooked as we wash our face or shampoo our hair. Taking good care of your scalp by keeping it clean and full of moisture will benefit hair growth, eliminate dry skin issues such as dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Your scalp is an extension of your face so using products such as masks, scrubs, and conditioners that you can easily create at home should be part of your healthy hair and skin regime.

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How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Taking care of your mouth does a lot more for your health than simply preserving your bright smile—a healthy mouth is an important part of a healthy body! There are more and more studies showing how good oral hygiene helps to improve your overall wellness, yet the majority of mainstream oral care products contain a slew of synthetic, and sometimes even harmful, ingredients.

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Posted by Kendle

10 Tips for Starting and Running a Natural Products Business

As a bulk supplier of organic ingredients, we work with many businesses in the natural products industry. Part of our business relationship with these other organizations includes an exchange of tips and insights about running a company in an always-changing landscape. I want to share with you some of what I have learned about business development in my years with Mountain Rose Herbs. Whether you are considering starting a business, want to grow the one you have, or you’re simply interested in how successful companies thrive, these are some of the most helpful tips I have learned along the way.

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Posted by Shawn

How to Make Smreka: A Fermented Juniper Berry Drink

I’m always looking to expand my palate and learn new recipes from across the globe. Bonus points if they’re simple, and extra bonus points if they’re fermented. I was beyond delighted to discover a recipe for the Bosnian fermented beverage “smreka” which fits both of those specs. I first learned about this recipe from Sandor Katz’s classic (and must have) book The Art of Fermentation. Fermented foods are known to have a beneficial effect on your gut health, and thus, your overall health. In short, the good bacteria found in fermented food assists in the digestion process. As they say, “You aren’t what you eat, you’re what you digest."

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Posted by Mason

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Immune System Support

Each year as winter approaches, I reliably find my patients asking me about the best herbal remedies to use during the cold weather months. One of the most common questions I encounter is, “What nutritional preparations can I use to help keep my family strong and healthy throughout the sniffle season?”. There's a wide array of herbs well-suited to addressing specific and general winter wellness goals, but one of my favorite, tried-and-true choices for general immune support is the elderberry.

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Summer Cocktail: A Refreshing Herbal Highball

It’s hot in Oregon this summer. Really, really hot. Which means it’s time for my favorite cooling herbal cocktail. When the thermometer is pushing uncomfortably into the 90s (and just don’t even get me started on our recent 111 day here in Eugene), I start thinking about a good hibiscus highball. The beauty of this highball is that it uses ingredients I always have on hand and gives me easy options to customize flavors for different people with my choices of tea and ginger beer. I like to use our Hibiscus High Tea because it is full of some of my favorite herbal allies and I love the cooling power and gorgeous, deep red of hibiscus. Sometimes I also brew up a Lemon Tea or Vanilla Rooibos for a delicious change of pace. Enjoy!

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Posted by Shawn


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Make a Mushroom Double Extraction

Get the best mushroom extract benefits by doing an easy double extraction to capture both water soluble and alcohol soluble constituents.

October 4, 2021

How to Use TCM Herbs for Nourishing Soups

Enjoy warm nourishing soups loaded with hearty Traditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) herbs to transition into the restful yin seasons of autumn and winter
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

September 27, 2021

DIY Herbal Bath for Babies

Add gentle, soothing herbs to your baby’s bathwater to offers skin nourishing comfort and scents your baby will associate with safety and peace.

September 27, 2021

Sprouted Chocolate Dessert Hummus

This vegan and gluten-free dessert hummus is a healthy option for those looking for a tasty treat or snack.

September 21, 2021

Bath Bomb Recipe for Grounding

Enhance bath time with this grounding forest-themed bath bomb recipe, it’s a great way to practice self-care.

September 20, 2021

Natural Scalp Treatments and Recipes

Find tips and recipes to help you condition your scalp and prevent dry, flaky skin and dandruff.
WRITTEN BY Janice Cox, Guest Writer

September 13, 2021

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste (2 Ways)

Studies show that good oral hygiene improves overall wellness. Check out some easy recipes and extra tips for creating your very own DIY toothpaste and natural mouthwash!

September 9, 2021

10 Tips for Starting and Running a Natural Products Business

Learn 10 tips for starting and running a business in the natural products sector.

September 3, 2021

How to Make Smreka: A Fermented Juniper Berry Drink

Learn how to make Smreka, a traditional Bosnian drink made from fermented juniper berries.

September 3, 2021

How to Make Elderberry Syrup for Immune System Support

Get Dr. Tieraona Low Dog's pro tips for making elderberry syrup, a popular herbal folk remedy for supporting immune health during the sniffle season.
WRITTEN BY Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., R.H.

August 25, 2021

Summer Cocktail: A Refreshing Herbal Highball

When the weather turns hot, a refreshing highball cocktail made with cooling herbal tea is our summer drink of choice.

August 19, 2021