A Beginner's Guide to Herbalism

Are you interested in learning about herbalism, but aren’t sure where to begin? Many of us grew up learning more on this subject than we realized; we drank teas when we didnt feel well, or we put our head over a bowl of steaming vapor, or we ate a dish with curry for digestion, things that our parents or grandparents told us to do without ever saying the words herb” or herbalism.” When I was growing up, my father decocted ginger root for an upset stomach and pulled out chamomile tea for sleeplessness. He gave me raw honey for a scratchy throat and sour cranberry juice for bladder health. And yet, ironically enough, years later, when I developed a huge interest in this new thing—herbalism—I thought I was clueless on the subject. A lot of people have stories like mine; they don’t have any idea how much they know, or if what they know is correct or helpful, or how to begin to find out. If you’re ready to jump in, but aren’t sure how or what direction to aim, here is some helpful information.

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Posted by Heidi

Botanical Fixatives in Natural Perfumes

When you first start wearing botanical perfumes, you may notice how brief the aromatic lifespan of some blends are. Sometimes this is the desired effect or is simply the result of formulations that are restricted primarily to top notes. Other times, it’s preferable to have the perfume linger so as to enjoy the shapeshifting nature of the aromatic dry down, as each layer of scent molecules is revealed and then evaporates at varying speeds. Done well, this creates a complex symphony of aroma that leaves one marveling at the multi-faceted nature of the fragrance.

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Posted by Kiva- Guest Writer

How to Season Cast Iron + Cast Iron Conditioner Recipe


Many of us who are cast iron cooks have read reams of advice about the proper way to season our cast iron pots and pans. To use soap or not when washing, which oils to choose, using a burner vs. the oven, whether or not to add salt—this is one of those topics that people have strong feelings about. I get it, because two of my cast iron skillets were handed down to me from my grandmother, who received them as a wedding gift in 1917. She spent decades perfecting their seasoning. Those skillets came to me in mint condition and they arrived with the stipulation that I maintain their perfection for all the years of my life and teach the next generation how to continue on in the same vein. No pressure or anything!

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Posted by Heidi

Stinging Nettle Identification, Benefits, & Recipes

It’s late winter in the Pacific Northwest and signs of spring are already starting to show themselves. I’ve always enjoyed this time of year, the excitement of witnessing the Earth waking up from her wintertime slumber and the feelings of hope that brings. But despite the heartfelt joy, I often find myself struggling to move from the slower pace of winter hibernation to the quickening energy and longer days full of garden prep, housework, and other to-dos that piled up. Thankfully, I need to look no further than my trusty green ally, nettle, for support during this transition.

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Posted by Elise

Osha: A Supportive, but At-Risk Plant Ally

Photo courtesy of Susan Leopold, PhD, Executive Director at United Plant Savers.

Osha root (Ligusticum porteri) has been in use as an herbal medicine, incense, food, and for ceremonial purposes for thousands of years. When European colonists arrived in North America, osha was already being widely used by First Nations People in the American Southwest and Mexico to treat a variety of conditions, particularly those involving the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The Zuni people chewed the root in healing rituals and the Tarahumara people used it ritualistically in protection ceremonies. This herbal ally has been generously gifting itself to humans on our continent for millennia, and its renown has spread to other parts of the world. Unfortunately, this increasing popularity has shined a light on osha’s one significant problem—virtually all commercial osha is wildharvested because this independent herb doesn’t do well as a cultivated crop. This limitation combined with the ever-increasing demand for osha has many herbalists concerned about the viability and long-term sustainability of this precious botanical. Let’s take a deeper dive into osha.

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Posted by Heidi

Cozy Cabin Diffuser Blend Recipe


Not many people take me for an essential oil guy, and I must admit I was a little hesitant at first to start exploring aromatherapy. However, my decades-long time at Mountain Rose Herbs means I’ve had the opportunity to try hundreds of pure essential oils and I began to develop a true fondness for them in spite of myself. Partly this is because I really value ambiance and the art of creating experiences. I’ve learned over the years that aroma plays a key role in creating the mood of a space.

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Posted by Shawn

Dandelion and Cacao Bitters for Digestion

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Thousands of years ago, humans discovered the wellness-supporting qualities of bitter herbs. Presumably we started out eating them, but soon enough we were refining them into tonics, digestive aids, and extracts. In folklore, it was Mithridates, king of Pontus, who formulated the first bitters while trying to make an antidote for poisons and venoms. I suppose if I’d spent years trying to make a universal poison antidote and ended up with a really excellent digestive aid, I might be disappointed. But looking at it now, that antidote still doesn’t exist and bitters have come to the aid of millions of people throughout time. So, chin up Mithridates, you did good.

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Posted by Heidi

Energy-Packed Breastfeeding Snacks

Becoming a new parent comes with immense joy and, let’s face it, some pretty stressful stuff too. After nine months of pregnancy—and for some of us, it’s closer to ten months—you get to greet the newest addition to your family, and the journey begins. There is so much that goes into caring for a little human, and motherhood has its unique challenges. Feeding your babe so they thrive is right up there with concerns about postpartum healing, mood swings, sleep deprivation, and what to put on that soft baby skin. For me, breastfeeding was a priority. It was also sort of scary and intimidating.

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Posted by Alyssa

A Story of Earth Medicines

Curanderismo is a 500-year-old traditional healing practice that is still in existence today. It is influenced by Spanish, indigenous Mexican, the Moors, West African, and Native American traditional healing practices, and is a result of the blending of these cultures during colonization. In my community, many of our grandmothers, and grandfathers, and aunties, and mothers are all curanderas. They might not introduce themselves as such, but our community recognizes them, depending on what their area of expertise is. In my culture we have always been taught that you are not a curandera until your community acknowledges you as one. It took me 23 years before my community of elders felt that I was ready. In 2018, after decades of continuous learning, my teachers and elders said, “You know what? We recognize you as a curandera, it’s time for you to address yourself that way.” I was already teaching workshops and working with people as an herbalist, but finally I could say, “I am a curandera.”

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9 Tips for Buying and Using Essential Oils

In November of 2021, Mountain Rose Herbs opened our first Aroma Bar, an essential oil marketplace right here in our hometown of Eugene. The Aroma Bar is designed to engage the senses as people explore the art and science of pure, natural aromatherapy. This boutique shop offers high-quality, ethically sourced essential oils and personal aromatherapy products to provide you with the resources you need to harness the powerful potential of scent in your personal journey. No surprise, our new venture means we are getting a lot of questions from people who are beginning to explore essential oils and aromatherapy as part of their personal wellness plan. With that in mind, I want to share eight of the most frequently asked questions and some of my favorite tips for using and storing essential oils.

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Posted by Christine

How to Make Homemade Tortillas with Nettles

Whenever I am cooking, I am always thinking of ways to add more plants and nutrition. I like to challenge myself to have at least ten different plants represented in every meal. It’s a challenge I learned from Rosalee de la Foret. It is actually trickier than expected. However, in all of our lineages, somewhere we have ancestors who lived more directly with the land. These relatives consumed many more phytonutrients than what we are accustomed to—I am sure many more than ten per meal—so it can be done. Adding nettles to tortillas is a delicious new way to add one more plant to your meals.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

A Beginner's Guide to Herbalism

Interested in herbalism, but don't know where to begin? Build your herbalism starter kit with this guide to beginner-friendly herbs, supplies, and more.

March 17, 2022

Botanical Fixatives in Natural Perfumes

Learn about the most common fixatives for natural perfume and how to use fixatives for DIY aromatherapy blending.
WRITTEN BY Kiva- Guest Writer

March 15, 2022

How to Season Cast Iron + Cast Iron Conditioner Recipe

Learn how to properly season your cast iron skillet, how to choose the best oil to season cast iron, and how to make a DIY cast iron conditioner.

March 5, 2022

Stinging Nettle Identification, Benefits, & Recipes

Explore the benefits of stinging nettle in this herbal deep dive. Learn all there is to know about nettle leaf and nettle root with links to safe harvesting practices and recipes such as nettle tea.

March 2, 2022

Osha: A Supportive, but At-Risk Plant Ally

Learn more about osha and how you can help take pressure off this important, at-risk herbal ally. 

February 23, 2022

Cozy Cabin Diffuser Blend Recipe

Try this uplifting and earthy diffuser blend to recreate the clean and crisp atmosphere of a cabin found deep in the woods.

February 18, 2022

Dandelion and Cacao Bitters for Digestion

People have been utilizing aromatic bitters for thousands of years as digestive aids. Make your own digestive bitters or cocktail bitters with this easy recipe.

February 17, 2022

Energy-Packed Breastfeeding Snacks

This breastfeeding snack recipe is a great source of protein and fiber and has no single-use packaging!

February 14, 2022

A Story of Earth Medicines

Earth Medicines: Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera is now available! Learn more about the author Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz.
WRITTEN BY Felicia - Guest Writer

February 3, 2022

9 Tips for Buying and Using Essential Oils

Eight tips for buying and using essential oils. Covering some of the most frequently asked questions about essential oils.
WRITTEN BY Christine

January 31, 2022

How to Make Homemade Tortillas with Nettles

Learn how to make traditional Mexican tortillas with a nutritious twist!
WRITTEN BY Leslie - Guest Writer

January 17, 2022