How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

When we make body care formulations, we choose specific oils and butters based on our final goals: consistency, absorption rate, skin type, etc. The same is true for cooking. Fats, like those in culinary oils, are integral to our dishes, not just to keep food from sticking to a pan, but also to affect the final flavor, consistency, texture, and more. Every cooking oil has a unique chemical composition that makes it better at some things than others. This is why one oil might be amazing in a salad dressing or for a lightly sautéed protein, but is a poor choice for grilling or deep-frying. To achieve your cooking goals, it’s important to understand culinary oils and fats. And an important element of that understanding is the smoke point.

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Posted by Heidi

The Benefits and Botany of Amla

I would like to introduce a lovely tree that many people reading this may not have had the opportunity to see in real life. It is one whose medicine is often referenced and shared among herbalists of all levels. Many know this tree and its fruit from its role in some of the most beloved herbal formulas hailing from the Indian sub-continent and the traditional medicine cultural heritage known as Ayurveda.

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Phytochemistry For Beginners: Constituent Groups and the Menstrua That Love Them

Phytochemistry is the study of the constituents in plants that cause physiological changes (aka health benefits) in the human body. These changes are what herbalists are attempting to achieve when creating herbal remedies. We call that herbal medicine. Knowing the actions and needs of constituents and which menstrua will extract and preserve them gives the medicine maker a clear view on pairing constituents with the correct menstrua to create effective remedies. 
Menstruum, or plural menstrua, is the extractor and preserver of plant medicine. The most common menstrua are water, alcohol, honey, glycerine, and apple cider vinegar.

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Trillium Plant: An Age-Old Ally That Needs Our Help

Mountain girl that I am, trillium is one of my favorite flowers. TechnicallyTrillium ovatum, also known as Pacific trillium, is what I think of when I think “trillium” because it’s the one I grew up with in the Coast Range of Oregon. Trillium plants look simple (just three petals and three sepals), but they are actually a complex little botanical. They live for decades, so you can form long-term relationships with them and welcome them back year after year. Unfortunately, however, they are slow to develop and spread, which is a serious weakness in the face of habitat loss and rampant wildharvesting. Between land use issues, trillium collectors who dig up wild varieties, deer who love to munch its leaves, and herbalists who seek out the rhizomes to make potent formulations, wild trillium is now in trouble. Let’s take a look at an age-old herbal ally and what we can do to preserve this beautiful, fragile plant.

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Posted by Heidi

Free & Easy Wanderer Incense Recipe


I love small rituals. Having lived out of a backpack for most of my twenties and still traveling a lot in my thirties, small yet potent packages of transportable sweetness help me create a sense of belonging no matter where I land. On most adventures, I commune with the landscape of my inner and outer terrain with my traveling trifecta of tea, journal, and incense.

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Bath Bomb Recipe with Flowers

For me, the spring and summer months are filled with gardening, landscaping, hiking, camping, bicycling, and swimming, which is why I often find myself in need of something beyond a shower. Ahh, a relaxing and muscle-soothing bathing experience is really what the "Doctor ordered". As silly as it seems now, I used to think that baths were only for the fall and winter months. However, when I started incorporating more seasonal elements into this precious self-care time , it opened up a fun new way to bring the power of plants to bath time while helping my body recover from the exertion of warm-weather activities. Read More
Posted by Jessicka

The Art and Science of Blending Essential Oils

I am often asked questions about how to create essential oil blends, both in regard to how we develop new aroma combinations and how to consistently recreate old favorites to be perfect each time. Blending aromas is a rewarding and relaxing experience that can be done in minutes or can be stretched out for a luxurious day of crafting. Really you just follow your nose; there are no right or wrong oils to blend together. I have found that the satisfaction of creating personalized scent combinations are endless. I hope this beginner’s guide to essential oil blending inspires you!

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Posted by Christine

How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

It is mighty cliché to start a health and wellness blog with a Hippocrates quote, but I am willing to sacrifice originality for truth. The old adage “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” is still worthy of repeating some 2,400 years after it was first uttered and despite centuries of medical and health advances, it is still relevant today. In this modern age, especially in America, many of us are living with nutritional deficiencies and are at a higher risk of experiencing food-related illnesses.

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Posted by Jessicka

Essential Oil Blend for Focus + Room Spray for Studying

In the fast-paced world we often find ourselves in, it can be hard to get in the right headspace to study or concentrate on what I call “sit-down tasks.” When I’m experiencing circular thoughts or find myself reading the same paragraph several times over, I know I need to reset my mind and body. I’ve learned that for me, stepping away from my desk, diffusing an invigorating essential oil blend, and stretching my body improves my mood and brings freshly oxygenated blood for more energy.

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Posted by Jessicka

Herbal Blend for Circular Thoughts

Circular thinking is pretty common with stress. Circular thinking starts out as if there is a linear process going on, but there’s no real end. If a problem is settled, the person may go right back to the beginning and start all over again. It’s part of that cycle of starting to question why you did or said that stupid thing, and how it could have been different. Sometimes it can be one particular instance, but in really intense periods, it can involve almost every cringe-inducing interaction that’s ever taken place. It can be pretty awful.

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Posted by Tina- Guest Writer

10 Underused Herbs for Wellness

As a reader of our blog, you may be somewhat familiar with a plant or two (or maybe a lot more than that). Herbal allies like echinacea and lavender have become household names, but what about some of the more uncommon herbs in circulation? While Mountain Rose Herbs is a purveyor of many familiar spices, we are also proud to provide an assortment of lesser-known organic herbs. Many of these underused herbs make effective substitutes for popular staples and are a fun and unique addition to the home apothecary. As always, we recommend consulting a qualified healthcare practitioner and conducting your own research before using new or unfamiliar herbs. Read More
Posted by Elise


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Choose the Best Cooking Oil + Oil Smoke Point Chart

Every cooking oil has a unique composition that makes it better at some things than others. Learn how to choose the best oils for all of your culinary masterpieces.

May 13, 2022

The Benefits and Botany of Amla

Learn about the mighty amla tree and how its superfood status makes it a must-have staple for your home apothecary.
WRITTEN BY Sarah Wu - Guest Writer

May 11, 2022

Phytochemistry For Beginners: Constituent Groups and the Menstrua That Love Them

Knowing the actions and needs of constituents and which menstrua will extract and preserve them gives herbalists a clear view on pairing constituents with the correct medium to create effective remedies
WRITTEN BY Suzanne Tabert- Guest Writer

May 4, 2022

Trillium Plant: An Age-Old Ally That Needs Our Help

Trillium plants are an age-old herbal ally and one of the most overharvested plants in the wild. Learn what you can do to preserve this beautiful plant so it can flower for many more years to come.

April 28, 2022

Free & Easy Wanderer Incense Recipe

When mixing and shaping incense by hand, we reconnect with our indigenous roots of shaping the earth, building rituals, and serenading our ancestors with songs carried on spiraling smoke. 
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

April 22, 2022

Bath Bomb Recipe with Flowers

When your hard-working body is in need of some comfort, reach for these easy DIY bath bombs with flowers for a self-care treat. Their beautiful aesthetic also makes for a practical and useful DIY gifts!

April 19, 2022

The Art and Science of Blending Essential Oils

Create your own essential oil blends for diffusers, perfumes, and more. We hope this beginner’s guide to essential oil blending inspires you!
WRITTEN BY Christine

April 15, 2022

How to Make Herbal Salt Blends + 4 Recipes

Learn how to add more herbs to your diet with these easy-to-make herbal salt recipes.

April 7, 2022

Essential Oil Blend for Focus + Room Spray for Studying

When you're having trouble focusing, this easy essential oil blend paired with gentle movement can be just the trick to get your mind back on track.

April 6, 2022

Herbal Blend for Circular Thoughts

Try this herbal remedy made with passionflower, lavender, and valerian when you have circular thoughts and you need a way to rebalance your mind and body.
WRITTEN BY Tina- Guest Writer

April 1, 2022

10 Underused Herbs for Wellness

Explore 10 underused herbs that are little-known but wonderful substitutes for more popular herbal allies. These uncommon herbs are sure to spark your herbal curiosity.

March 28, 2022