Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Many of us experience busy mornings, juggling personal preparations with the needs of our children and other responsibilities. But it’s important to make time for breakfast, to give your body something substantial to solidly start your day. By making blends ahead of time, you can quickly and easily nourish yourself with either a hearty oatmeal blend or a lighter chia blend, topped with nuts. You

can also mix and match my “power powder” herbal blends according to your seasonal needs and individual constitution. Have fun, create something delicious in bulk, and store it in a big jar to easily and quickly satisfy your daily breakfast needs! 

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Herbal Tea Blend Recipe For Meditation


I am not known for my ability to sit still. I am always moving, shaking, and thinking of all of the things that need to get done. This is the main reason that meditation has always been a bit of a struggle for me. I really enjoy it and see its vast benefits, but this act of slowing down does not come easily to me. So, I was delighted to discover that I could reach for some trusted herbal allies to help me slow down, break the cycle of an overactive mind, and sit still for longer than five minutes.

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Posted by Jessicka

Why Mountain Rose Herbs Chooses Oregon Tilth as Its Organic Certifier

In 2001, when we moved Mountain Rose Herbs from California to Pleasant Hill, Oregon, we made the move to be closer to our farm partners, wildharvesters, and processors. But another key factor in our decision was Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO), a Corvallis, Oregon nonprofit that was reimagining how the world’s food systems could work better for people and the planet. Founded on the fundamental belief that our food and agricultural systems should be sustainable and equitable, Oregon Tilth has spent nearly fifty years workingfororganic food and farming. 

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Posted by Shawn

New Year Reflections & Journal Prompts of an Herbalist

Photos courtesy of Kiva Rose Hardin

Our botanical sanctuary and primitive homestead in the mountains of New Mexico runs on solar power, and during these shortest days of the year, solar can be in short supply. While this can make keeping up with online work more challenging, it also means we’re more likely to take advantage of the quiet and dark to reflect and reset. As I write this, our usually calf-deep river is raging through the narrow mountain canyon, too deep and fast to cross even in a kayak, much less on foot. The clouds are thick overhead and freezing rain pelts the gray skeletons of the cottonwoods.

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Posted by Kiva- Guest Writer

Tips and Recipes for a Fresh-Smelling Home

When throwing a party, the bulk of my planning revolves around three main things: the tasty foods and craft cocktails/mocktails I will be serving; the parts of my home that need deep cleaning before the big day; and how to make the space smell and feel fresh and inviting. On this list, my favorite part is choosing my home fragrance! People often underestimate the power of scent or just don’t know where to start. With that in mind, I'm sharing some of my favorite tricks and recipes for freshening up a space.

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Posted by Jessicka

Cookies and Cream Lip Balm Recipe

Each year around the holidays, I create a new lip balm recipe to share on both the Mountain Rose Herbs blog and with my friends and family. They make a great stocking stuffer and the people in my life enjoy seeing what I’ve come up with for the season. I love that lip balms can be made in bulk for sharing, and I love this fun and useful expression of my craft.

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Posted by Jessicka

Chocolate Chip Mint Bath Truffles

A few months back, our friend Janice Cox shared a luscious bath truffle recipe from her book, Beautiful Flowers. After making it several times, I embarked on a journey to create other fun variations from the base recipe. Historically, I have loved making bath bombs, and they make exceptional gifts, but they can also be finicky, even for the well-trained bath bomber. Bath truffles, on the other hand, are a bit easier to work with and contain more rich and hydrating oils and butters. Like bath bombs, bath truffles still fizz and can be customized with different scents, but they hold their shape easier.

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Posted by Jessicka

Boot and Shoe Deodorizer: Baking Soda, Sage, & Rosemary to the Rescue


My mother used to tie dried lavender flowers into squares of cloth to make little lavender pouches and then she tucked them into her shoes. Not only did this freshen her footwear, it also meant that every time anyone opened her closet door, the lovely, calming scent of lavender drifted out into the room. This botanical shoe-freshening method was a charming fix for her professional office shoes, but wouldn’t have been enough for the boots and shoes I wear to work in my yard or to go hiking in. At the end of a long winter day outside in the Western Oregon rain and mud, my rubber homestead boots and hearty hiking boots need more than a freshener; they need a deodorizer. That’s where this time-tested, natural boot and shoe deodorizer is a godsend. It works on the same principle as the lovely lavender packets my mother used, but brings the deodorizing power of baking soda, rosemary, and sage to the task.

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Posted by Heidi

Frosted Gingerbread Essential Oil Blend + Wax Melt Recipe

Gingerbread is a nostalgic aroma for me. It takes me back to my childhood in New Jersey, where I grew up appreciating our family holiday celebrations and traditions. One of the many fun memories of my childhood was decorating gingerbread houses and people. I even carried that seasonal practice into college, where my best friend and I crafted some pretty over-the-top gingerbread houses. Now, being three thousand miles away from my family and my closest friends can be difficult, especially around the holidays. But bringing in nostalgic elements of these precious childhood memories helps me to feel closer to them. One of the most transformative ways I have found to do this is through aromatherapy

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Posted by Jessicka

Best Winter Essential Oils & Winter Diffuser Blend

By the time winter rolls around, I usually find myself seeking cozy comfort, uplifting cheer, and robust wellness support. While fuzzy blankets, social gatherings, and immune-boosting herbal teas are tried and true, I also look to aromatherapy as an essential wintertime ally.

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Posted by Elise

Gentle Floral Skin Cream Recipe

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Are you looking for easy meal prep ideas for the morning? Look no further than these simple and healthy breakfast recipes, and mix up a batch of herbal powders to add variation, and beat meal prep fatigue! Cheers to getting your day started the right way.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

January 10, 2023

Herbal Tea Blend Recipe For Meditation

If you are looking to slow down, break the cycle of an overactive mind, and sit still for longer than five minutes, this DIY herbal tea blend can help you get there. Whether you want to prepare for a lengthy meditation practice, or just need some help unwinding after a stressful day, this easy recipe is a great one to reach for in times of need.

January 7, 2023

Why Mountain Rose Herbs Chooses Oregon Tilth as Its Organic Certifier

Sustainable, equitable food systems require alliances and healthy working relationships. We invite you to learn more about Oregon Tilth Certified Organic.

January 5, 2023

New Year Reflections & Journal Prompts of an Herbalist

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by commitments and obligations that build up over time and the New Year is the perfect spot at which to stop and examine what we can sustain, and where we’re headed on our path.
WRITTEN BY Kiva- Guest Writer

December 30, 2022

Tips and Recipes for a Fresh-Smelling Home

If you are looking to learn some new ways to freshen up the smell of your home, these tips are recipes will be a handy resource for years to come! Discover new ways to make your home smell warm and inviting; or fresh and invigorating.

December 28, 2022

Cookies and Cream Lip Balm Recipe

This hydrating lip balm pairs the emollient qualities of shea butter with the intoxicating aromas of “Cookies and Cream.” Stock up for the winter or make some fun gifts for your favorite humans!

December 20, 2022

Chocolate Chip Mint Bath Truffles

Make up a batch of these chocolate chip mint bath truffles for some uplifting self-care. These cute little scoops of skin-loving goodness make fun gifts and provide aromatherapy support from the winter blues.

December 16, 2022

Boot and Shoe Deodorizer: Baking Soda, Sage, & Rosemary to the Rescue

This easy, natural boot and shoe deodorizer brings the power of baking soda, rosemary, and sage to the task of freshening your boots and shoes!

December 12, 2022

Frosted Gingerbread Essential Oil Blend + Wax Melt Recipe

Bring natural fragrance to your holiday celebration! This essential oil blend smells like a fresh batch of frosted gingerbread and can be used in a diffuser or made into homemade wax melts.

December 9, 2022

Best Winter Essential Oils & Winter Diffuser Blend

Aromatherapy can be a wonderful ally during the cooler months. Discover our favorite winter essential oils along with an uplifting Winter Diffuser Blend recipe.

December 8, 2022

Gentle Floral Skin Cream Recipe

This gentle floral skin cream is one of our favorite recipes for providing radiant and dewy skin while being gentle enough for those with sensitive skin. Learn how to make your own luscious herbal skin cream at home!
WRITTEN BY The Herbal Academy- Guest Writer

December 5, 2022