Sultry Essential Oil Perfume Recipe With Tonka Beans

Alcohol-based perfumes never sounded attractive to me. I always thought using them would make me smell like I just came from the bar, which is generally not the vibe I am going for. This aversion persisted until I discovered tonka beans (Dipteryx odorata) and learned that alcohol extraction is the best way to bring out their dreamy aroma! Tonka beans are an excellent alternative to vanilla beans in aromatherapy creations and are roughly five times less expensive than vanilla, so you can save your true vanilla for cooking and use tonka beans to get those highly coveted notes for perfumery.

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Posted by Jessicka

Guide to Green Tea: How to Determine Quality and Flavor Expectations

Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. On average, 600,000 tons are consumed each year! It is predominantly enjoyed in China, Japan, and surrounding countries where many cups are poured throughout the day. Pretty remarkable for one plant, right?

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Posted by Georgina

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap with Soap Nuts

I have to admit, it was really difficult for me to believe that soap nuts could actually work. My skepticism caused me to walk by them at my local natural grocery store for years. I liked the idea of an all-natural laundry solution, but I figured soap nuts would not be effective enough to take on the heavily soiled laundry from homesteading and an overall active lifestyle. 

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Posted by Jessicka

Living in the Legacy of African American Healers

There is no way to fully know all the accomplishments and contributions people of color have made in the healing arts. Throughout my American herbal studies, I heard people sing songs to the plants and listened to their stories about herbalism. While these stories were helpful, they didn’t resonate as deeply for me because they did not represent people of color. Many times, when teachers could tell a story about someone in the BIPOC community who influenced their path to herbalism, they had forgotten those long-ago educators’ names. I began a quest to speak the names of my ancestors, to collect the stories of the powerful women who wove a patchwork quilt of herbal knowledge that was passed down to them from lands most had never felt a sunrise in.

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Posted by Lucretia VanDyke

The Importance of Sustainable Landscaping for Businesses

Rain had been falling for the better part of the last week but on the morning of Wednesday, December 7th, with the skies partially clear, the Mountain Rose Herbs Green Team was working to enhance the landscape at our new campus. By midday, we had carefully planted two Aspen, 24 Kinnikinnick, 34 Ponderosa, and 250 Camas bulbs into the expanding green space that makes up the western border of the property. Five staff members, working for a total of 10 hours, completed this work as part of our effort to build a vibrant landscape that blurs the lines between the commercial/industrial use of the facilities and an ecosystem that is representative of the southern Willamette Valley.

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Posted by Buck

The Many Roles of An Herbalist

The first time I ever helped someone’s sleeplessness and stress with a simple tisane blend, I felt such a strong sense of familiarity, rightness, and resonance that I knew that something in my life had irrevocably changed. Stepping from curiosity into active involvement in herbalism was a form of initiation for me, a door opening into a world I’d always wanted to be a part of, but wasn’t sure I was good enough for. This transition also shifted my role in my community, and I became a person that others came to for help, advice, support, and information much more often than previously.

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Posted by Kiva- Guest Writer

Hot Oil Treatment for Hair

When it comes to hair care, a routine of deep conditioning can make a huge difference in the health and appearance of your hair and scalp. Choosing the right oils is one of the key parts of this process, so I have broken down some of my favorite oils for hair care and shared a luscious hot oil treatment that I formulated for weekly use. 

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Posted by Jessicka

Citrus Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Citrus Oil

Citrus essential oils are bright, sweet, and sour and are known to bring a smile to your face. They are energetically uplifting and engaging and pack a punch in DIY cleaning products. But which one should you use?

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Posted by Christine

Mountain Rose Herbs Is Furthering Its Commitment to Sustainability In 2023

People often assume that sustainability is not compatible with the tenets of successful business management. However, Mountain Rose Herbs is an excellent example of how a company can be guided by the principle of putting people, plants, and planet before profit and how business decisions can successfully consider both the environmental and social impact of operational choices and costs. Keeping sustainability at the core of our business practices means we are aware of the full cost of doing business and we make decisions consciously to minimize any negative impact that our company might have on our community, ecosystems, and ultimately the planet. With a history rooted in environmental and social activism, we cannot imagine operating a business any other way.

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Posted by Buck

Nourishing Herbal Infusion Recipe—A Tea With Purpose

Over the years, I’ve fallen in love with many herbs. Some come and go, others stick with me day after day once they’ve become part of my life. This nourishing infusion blend weaves together four of my long-term herbal allies. As a go-to for drinking daily, it is beloved by many in my extended community.

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What Are Alkaloids in Plants & How to Extract Them

In our quest to unravel the tangled strings of phytochemistry, it’s important to understand that it takes time and practice to grasp the ins and outs. Taking it slowly, leaning into one constituent group at a time, can help the herbalist fully embrace their actions and needs. While studying the constituents in plants and the menstrua that extract and preserve them seems a bit too “science-y” for some, remember that is what the alchemists of yesterday were all about.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Sultry Essential Oil Perfume Recipe With Tonka Beans

This simple three-ingredient perfume recipe features the vanilla and tobacco notes of tonka beans, earthy vetiver, and sultry sandalwood.

February 20, 2023

Guide to Green Tea: How to Determine Quality and Flavor Expectations

Similar to wines, there is a wide array of flavor profiles found in green tea. From the region it is grown, to its harvest season and drying techniques, there are many factors that contribute to the flavor and balance of a tea. This helpful guide will help you choose tea based on your personal preferences.

February 16, 2023

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap with Soap Nuts

This DIY soap nut liquid laundry soap is an inexpensive and zero-waste alternative to conventional laundry detergent. Great to have on hand, soap nuts are a multi-functional ingredient for the frugal and toxin-free household.

February 10, 2023

Living in the Legacy of African American Healers

There is no way to fully know all the accomplishments and contributions people of color have made in the healing arts. This account of three folk herbalists of color from Appalachia only begins to account for the importance of healers of colors and the impact they have had on herbalism.
WRITTEN BY Lucretia VanDyke

February 9, 2023

The Importance of Sustainable Landscaping for Businesses

The landscaping at all Mountain Rose Herbs facilities focuses on three critical areas: native restoration, ecosystem impact mitigation and remediation, and aesthetic enhancement for the staff and community. Learn how we are incorporating this model into our new campus.

February 8, 2023

The Many Roles of An Herbalist

In cultures all over the world, herbalists have served many different social and cultural roles. In this article, you will learn about 7 ways you can practice and share herbalism within your community.
WRITTEN BY Kiva- Guest Writer

February 2, 2023

Hot Oil Treatment for Hair

For those looking for natural hair care solutions, a simple hot oil hair treatment can make a huge difference in the health and appearance of your hair and scalp. This easy hot oil treatment is easy to make and uses many common oils you may already have.

January 27, 2023

Citrus Essential Oils: How to Choose the Right Citrus Oil

Citrus essential oils are liquid sunshine with uplifting, bright aromas, and they bring extra power to DIY cleaning recipes. But which one(s) do you use?
WRITTEN BY Christine

January 26, 2023

Mountain Rose Herbs Is Furthering Its Commitment to Sustainability In 2023

Learn more about how we are expanding the Mountain Rose River Project, how we’re consolidating operations to further reduce our carbon footprint, and how we are investing in our employee wellness plans.

January 21, 2023

Nourishing Herbal Infusion Recipe—A Tea With Purpose

When it comes to nutritive plants like the ones found in this recipe, opting for a long infusion method will allow you to extract the most water-soluble constituents. Read more to learn how to make strong infusions and find Corinna Wood's nutritive tea blend.
WRITTEN BY Corinna Wood- Guest Writer

January 20, 2023

What Are Alkaloids in Plants & How to Extract Them

Having a basic understanding of phytochemistry is vital to herbalists. In this article, you'll learn about the alkaloids found in herbs like Oregon Grape, California poppy, and motherwort.
WRITTEN BY Suzanne Tabert- Guest Writer

January 11, 2023