7 Best Herbs for Natural Hair Care

Since time immemorial, people have looked to herbs to support healthy, beautiful hair. In the modern world, however, mainstream haircare products are typically made from chemicals: including sulfates, parabens, synthetic fragrances, formaldehyde, phthalates like DEHP, and other toxic ingredients. When we use these products, we increase our exposure to potentially harmful chemicals every time we wash and/or style our hair. It behooves us to take a look at natural herbal haircare practices. As well as being chemical-free, the best haircare herbs are time-tested; they have been used by humans for thousands of years. Herbal blends, infusions, extracts, and other botanical formulations bring the power of nature to nourish and stimulate the scalp, strengthen and moisturize follicles, soften hair, restore shine and bounce, help with manageability, and more.

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Posted by Heidi

Homemade Lotion with Organic Sweetgrass Hydrosol


Perhaps every herbalist or skincare formulator has a recipe that once wholly intimidated them. Homemade lotion was one of those for me. I had a pretty epic and expensive DIY lotion fail once, and it took me a long time to build up enough confidence to try blending water and oil into something usable again. Mountain Roses organic sweetgrass hydrosol was the impetus to suck up my courage and try again. Its subtle, honeyed aroma has a wonderfully green-earth undertone that makes it a perfect base for a variety of skincare formulations, from facial toners to body sprays to lotions. In this simple lotion recipe, I love it with just a touch of vanilla in the form of organic benzoin resin.

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Posted by Heidi

Guasha Massage Tutorial

Guasha” (刮痧) translates as “scraping petechiae.” Gua () is scraping, the act of pulling a guasha tool across the skin. Sha () is petechiae: pinkness or redness on the skin that can arise from scraping, a result of increased blood circulation to the area. Guasha is one of the many tools in our East Asian medicine toolkit, which also includes acupuncture, herbs, massage, moxibustion, energy work, lifestyle medicine, and more.

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3 Refreshing Functional Fizzy Drinks With Herbal Extracts and Syrups

When the thermometer starts pushing up into the 90s, my good attitude takes a corresponding nosedive. As a Western Oregon pluviophile, I prefer my summer heat in small doses, preferably bookended by big cooling rain storms. So here we are in the annual dog days of summer when the days and nights are too hot, there do not appear to be any rainstorms on the horizon, and my whole self is on a 24/7 quest to pretty much always have something cold, hydrating, and nourishing in my hand to refresh my body and soul. Not only does this wonder-beverage need to be a delicious vehicle to support deep hydration and body and mind wellness, but it also has to be easy to whip up at a moment's notice. Fortunately, I am married to a talented mixologist. When the weather gets hot, he makes sure to have all the ingredients on hand for easy beat-the-heat carbonated drinks that include herbal extracts and syrups for an added wellness boost.

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Posted by Heidi

Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

As a child, I remember delighting in the hot days of August. My brother and I could spend an entire day in the yard leaping through the sprinkler, having rowdy water fights, and just causing general (damp) mayhem. However, the real highlight of any summer day was the moment that the sing-song tones of the ice cream truck floated to us. In my memory, the ice cream truck has an almost mythical quality to it. It would appear with a burst of song at the perfect moment, with an endless bounty of colorful, frozen treats. I recently learned that national creamsicle day is August 14 and I was immediately flooded with countless (sticky) memories from my youth. Pairing my new awareness of the upcoming occasion with the fact that our fearless leader, Shawn Donnille, is an avid Creamsicle® fan, I decided to try my hand at an herbal adaptation of this beloved summer treat that would win over even the most diehard admirers.


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Posted by Maia

Did You Know That We Are an Oregon Benefit Company?

You already know that Mountain Rose Herbs is a purveyor of organic herbs, essential oils, teas, and exceptional botanical offerings. And you've probably read that we are serious about putting people, plants, and planet before profit with everything we do: from supporting sustainable agriculture to encouraging employee volunteerism. What you may not have known is that in 2018 these values led us to become an Oregon Benefit Company.

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Posted by Maia

Herbalist Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

With the heat and sun come sunburn, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. There are things we can do to prevent these from happening and natural remedies for when they do.

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Cornucopia Institute: Raising the Bar on Organic Standards

With so many options on the shelf at the grocery store, not to mention the enormous number of food selections from online sources, it is difficult to know that the food we eat is nutritious, delicious, and free of unwanted pesticides or preservatives. We see a lot of hype around one certification or another, with new standards being presented to us all the time. How do we know that the food we put on the table supports the health of our families, communities, and the planet?

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Posted by Buck

Homemade Shaving Cream

A good shaving cream can make all the difference in both the quality and comfort of a shave. It’s no wonder then that this homemade shaving cream recipe has been such a longtime favorite of the Mountain Rose Herbs community. Whether youre working on your beard, your head, or a full-body cleanup, the rich texture of this cream feels wonderful on the skin as it nourishes, hydrates, and makes a perfect surface to safely and comfortably shave away unwanted hair.

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Posted by Heidi

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Natural, Herbal, Roll-On Deodorant

Summer being what it is—with all the extra sunshine and outdoor fun—our deodorant choices start to matter in a bigger way. Consumers have become increasingly aware of the potential issues that can come with using deodorants with ingredients like propylene glycol, aluminum, and triclosan, and have been turning more and more to natural deodorants. Unfortunately, while over-the-counter natural deodorants are a safer and more earth-friendly option than those loaded with parabens and chemicals, they are still packaged in mostly non-recyclable plastics that millions of Americans throw away every year. Happily, it’s an easy task to make your own natural, herbal, roll-on deodorant.

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Posted by Heidi

Dream Tea Recipe: Herbs for Lucid Dreaming + Deep Sleep

In modern Western culture, people often disregard dreams as mere fluff that our brains discard as we slumber. But throughout history and cultures, humans have valued dreaming in different ways. Dreams are seen as a door or bridge to the spirit world or the subconscious. They are often full of symbology from our lives, become outlets for our deepest concerns and fears, or offer us tools for self-reflection and a map to our current state of mind and heart. Although we can dream at any stage of sleep, our most vivid dreams occur during our REM (rapid eye movement) sleep cycle, so depending on how well we sleep, we may spend more than two hours each night in some form of dream state. Sleep researchers tell us that deep non-REM sleep rests our bodies and refills our tanks to start another day and REM sleep is crucial for dreaming, memory consolidation, emotional processing, and healthy brain development.

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Posted by Maia


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

7 Best Herbs for Natural Hair Care

Using natural ingredients and herbs empowers us to embrace healthier, sustainable practices and ingredients. Meet our 7 favorite herbs for natural hair care!

August 25, 2023

Homemade Lotion with Organic Sweetgrass Hydrosol

Mountain Rose’s organic sweetgrass hydrosol has a subtle, honeyed aroma that makes a perfect base for this homemade body lotion.

August 24, 2023

Guasha Massage Tutorial

Learn how to do a gentle guasha facial massage to improve your natural skincare regimen.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

August 22, 2023

3 Refreshing Functional Fizzy Drinks With Herbal Extracts and Syrups

Having just a few herbal extracts and syrups on hand means you can make easy, beat-the-heat, delicious drinks in no time!

August 17, 2023

Homemade Creamsicles® With Orange Cream Rooibos (Vegan)

This homemade Creamsicle® recipe is a healthier twist on the classic popsicle. This flavorful version is made with Orange Cream Rooibos Tea and will surely delight the senses.

August 14, 2023

Did You Know That We Are an Oregon Benefit Company?

Imagine a world in which businesses provide a public benefit and a positive impact on society and the environment. Learn how Mountain Rose Herbs is making that world a reality by becoming an Oregon Benefit Company!

August 13, 2023

Herbalist Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

With the heat and sun come sunburn, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. There are things we can do to prevent these from happening and natural ways to support ourselves when they do.
WRITTEN BY Suzanne Tabert- Guest Writer

August 9, 2023

Cornucopia Institute: Raising the Bar on Organic Standards

Learn about the Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit consumer education and watchdog organization helping to ensure a future for organic certification.

August 7, 2023

Homemade Shaving Cream

A good shaving cream is a must for a close, smooth shave. The good news is that it's incredibly easy to make natural shaving cream with organic and nourishing oils and butters!

August 2, 2023

Homemade Deodorant: How to Make Natural, Herbal, Roll-On Deodorant

It’s the time of year—full of sun and outdoor fun—when our deodorant choices matter more than ever. Make your own effective, natural, herbal, roll-on deodorant!

July 31, 2023

Dream Tea Recipe: Herbs for Lucid Dreaming + Deep Sleep

This herbal tea recipe blends mugwort with other balancing herbal allies that support healthful rest and dream recall. Wishing you sweet and memorable dreams!

July 27, 2023