
Hailey grew up on a small rural farm in Oregon surrounded by trees and more animals than you could count on your fingers and toes, and she has always had a strong passion for exploration, art, biology, and animals. These passions have led her through various career paths including veterinary medicine, neurodiverse healthcare, and teaching glazing at a local pottery studio. These accumulated skills brought her to the front steps of Mountain Rose Herbs, where she holds the position of Marketing Coordinator. When she isn’t planning community events, you can find her cooking up nourishing plant-based food, snuggling with her beloved kitty, Indigo, or wandering around mossy creek beds looking for agates and animal bones to breathe new life into her jewelry creations.

Recent Posts

How to Make Natural Botanical Dyes for Cotton

Stumbling upon a pristinely white piece of fabric is an uncommon, likely even nonexistent occurrence around my household. White tea towels, clothes, bed sheets, and just about every milky-toned fabric in between has, somewhere down the line, fallen victim to my highly mess-prone and creativity-hungry hands. Whether it be my unintentionally stained coffee tie dye” kitchen towels or my most beloved DIY indigo-dyed pants, altering the original hue of fabrics is one of my favorite ways to express myself creatively.

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Posted by Hailey

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

As the springtime sun begins to shine through the clouds and blossom-speckled botanicals make their annual debut, there is no better time of year to celebrate the profoundly magical flora that surrounds us. Each year, the first Saturday of May we celebrate Herb Day. This holiday is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Throughout existence, plants have served as a lifeline of oxygen, energy, food, and medicine that play a crucial role in the future and longevity of Earth’s living creatures. For thousands of years, plants have been utilized around the globe as an integral healing resource that has shaped the world of herbal wellness we know today.

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Posted by Hailey

Understanding Aroma Notes For Essential Oil Blending: Top Notes

First impressions play an important role in shaping our perception of the world around us. Although lasting a mere few moments, our initial encounters with a new person, place, or thing, can leave a lasting impact that sets the tone for how we make decisions in our day-to-day interactions. First impressions are particularly persuasive when our sense of smell is involved, as our emotions and memories are tied closely to our olfactory system.  

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Posted by Hailey

Understanding Aroma Notes For Essential Oil Blending: Middle Notes

In my last blog on understanding aroma notes for essential oil blending, I dove into the foundation of a blended fragrance, known as the base note or fixative note. In this article, Ill be delving deeper into what is considered the heart of a fragrance, commonly referred to as the middle note or mid-note.

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Posted by Hailey

Understanding Aroma Notes for Essential Oil Blending: Base Notes

The art of essential oil blending is a delicate and thoughtful process that I often compare to the individual layers added to a painting. Just as each brush stroke on a canvas gradually builds on the layer of paint underneath to create a harmonious result, crafting essential oil blends applies the same principle. In the world of perfumery and essential oil blending, the three commonly recognized “paint” layers are known as fragrance notes, which encompass top notes, middle notes, and base notes. At the foundation of these blended layers, you will find base notes.

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Posted by Hailey

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Whether your unique mane coils into bouncy ringlets, twists into wild waves, or cascades down as straight as a pin, you’ve undoubtably experienced bad hair days. On too many occasions to count in my life, I’ve stumbled out of bed in the morning and glanced into the mirror to find a sight only explainable by a bird crafting a nest out of my frazzled locks overnight. After reaching for every fancy spritz and spray buried in my cabinets, I’d more often than not be left with relatively tamed frizz, greasy roots, and a wafting heavy perfume fragrance that was less than desirable. Inevitably, I would succumb to the classic slicked-back ponytail or throwing my mop of hair under a big hat on days such as these.

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Posted by Hailey

2024 Herbal Events Calendar by Mountain Rose Herbs

All of us here at Mountain Rose Herbs are thrilled to embark on another year of exciting herbal event endeavors! Last year, we had the much-anticipated opportunity to reunite through in-person gatherings, along with continuing our virtual events to ensure herbal education remains accessible to those out of arms reach in the PNW. In 2024, we're looking forward to watching the blossoming return of herbal events and strengthening the bond of the ever-expanding herbalism community.

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Posted by Hailey

"Sea Moss" Benefits + Irish Moss Gel Recipe

There are over 12,000 species of seaweed drifting in synchrony with our ocean currents, but one type of these uniquely diverse sea botanicals has taken wellness communities by storm in recent years. Recipes and advertisements highlighting the nutritional benefits of “sea moss gel” have been buzzing around just about every corner of the wellness world, and for good reason! I first encountered sea moss on a Pinterest blog detailing a vegan “bone broth” recipe, which instantly hooked my attention. As a vegan with over a decade of my life spent experimenting with plant-based foods, replicating a vegan version of such an animal-oriented fare was not something I had considered to be a possibility before. This recipe sparked my interest in uncovering the endless array of creative uses and nutritional benefits the ocean provides for us in the form of aquatic grassy tangles: seaweed!

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Posted by Hailey

Tea Tasting Terminology + Printable Tasting Cards

In the worlds of fine wine or artisanal cheese, you’re likely to encounter terminology that can seem foreign to those who are not waist-deep in the art of vinification or caseiculture. Tea-tasting is similar in that tea connoisseurs use a unique language to describe the subtle nuances that you can find in a quality cup of tea. Fear not tea-enthusiast friends—I'm here to help you decode the descriptive terminology used in professional tea-tasting!

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Posted by Hailey

A Sustainable Company Culture Starts With Employee Wellness

If you’re at all familiar with Mountain Rose Herbs, chances are you’ve heard us proudly shout from the rooftops that sustainability is always on the brain here. The idea that all life can harmoniously co-exist alongside our planet—absent of imbalance between what is taken and what is provided—is a concept woven deeply into our company’s seams. Whether that be our commitment to organic agriculturefair trade relationships, zero-waste innovationplant and river conservation, or community support, we truly keep sustainability at the forefront of our minds.

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Posted by Hailey

Roasted Squash Seeds Recipe: A Tasty Way to Upcycle Squash Seeds

If I had a quarter for every time I’ve found myself guiltily staring down at the seed-speckled mushy remnants of a squash I freshly gutted, I’d be retired and roaming somewhere around the Oregon Coast by now. “What in the world am I supposed to do with all these seeds?,” I’d grumble to myself as the seeds seemingly stared back up at me with a desperate look of maybe, just maybe, this will be the day I use them to their full potential. Repurposing seeds that would otherwise be destined for the compost bin can feel intimidating, time-consuming, and messy (full disclosure – the messy part is true!).

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Posted by Hailey


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.


Hailey grew up on a small rural farm in Oregon surrounded by trees and more animals than you could count on your fingers and toes, and she has always had a strong passion for exploration, art, biology, and animals. These passions have led her through various career paths including veterinary medicine, neurodiverse healthcare, and teaching glazing at a local pottery studio. These accumulated skills brought her to the front steps of Mountain Rose Herbs, where she holds the position of Marketing Coordinator. When she isn’t planning community events, you can find her cooking up nourishing plant-based food, snuggling with her beloved kitty, Indigo, or wandering around mossy creek beds looking for agates and animal bones to breathe new life into her jewelry creations.

Recent Posts

How to Make Natural Botanical Dyes for Cotton

Discover an eco-friendly alternative to dyeing fabric using botanicals and learn how to make herb-dyed cotton sachets.

May 13, 2024

9 Ways to Celebrate Herb Day

Herb Day is an opportunity to bring together herbalists, environmentalists, and plant enthusiasts alike for a day of honoring our planet’s beloved botanicals. Check out these 9 fun ways to celebrate the plants this Herb Day.

May 3, 2024

Understanding Aroma Notes For Essential Oil Blending: Top Notes

Discover the importance of first impressions with top-note essential oils and learn how to use them to make your own perfumes, room sprays, body oils, and more.

April 17, 2024

Understanding Aroma Notes For Essential Oil Blending: Middle Notes

Discover how to blend pure plant magic perfumes and mentally stimulating aromas by learning about the heart of essential oil blends: middle notes!

April 3, 2024

Understanding Aroma Notes for Essential Oil Blending: Base Notes

Learn how to craft well-balanced and long-lasting aroma blends by understanding the foundation of essential oil blending: base notes!

March 18, 2024

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Smooth and detangle your locks with this easy-to-make herbal hair care spray, and discover the endlessly customizable potential of DIY hair care!

February 25, 2024

2024 Herbal Events Calendar by Mountain Rose Herbs

Looking to learn, grow, and connect in 2024? Check out our list of local and national herbalism events that we'll be attending or sponsoring. We can't wait to see you this year!

February 14, 2024

"Sea Moss" Benefits + Irish Moss Gel Recipe

Uncover the common misconceptions about algae varieties popularized as “sea moss” and learn how to make Irish moss gel using three simple ingredients.

December 30, 2023

Tea Tasting Terminology + Printable Tasting Cards

Do you love tea and want to train your palate? Are you looking to articulate the finer aspects of your favorite teas? Check out this helpful guide to enhance your tea-drinking experience.

November 30, 2023

A Sustainable Company Culture Starts With Employee Wellness

Discover the connections between personal wellness and sustainability and how Mountain Rose Herbs promotes a wellness-oriented company culture. 

November 14, 2023

Roasted Squash Seeds Recipe: A Tasty Way to Upcycle Squash Seeds

Learn how to repurpose and roast squash seeds with dulse powder and discover why organic is a favorable choice when using squash for culinary creations.

October 13, 2023