Bevin Cohen - Guest Writer

Bevin Cohen is an author, herbalist, seed saver and owner of Small House Farm in Michigan. He offers workshops and lectures nationwide on the benefits of living closer to the land through seeds, herbs and locally-grown food. Bevin is a freelance writer and videographer whose work has appeared in numerous publications including Mother Earth News, Hobby Farms, Grit Magazine, and the Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation. He is the author of four books, including the best-selling Saving Our Seeds and The Artisan Herbalist. Bevin serves on the boards of the International Herb Association, and the Michigan Seed Library Network, and the advisory council for the Community Seed Network. You can learn more about Bevin’s work at
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Organic Garden Design: The Benefits of Companion Planting with Herbs

Gardening is truly a year-round activity. Each season presents us with unique tasks, opportunities, and challenges. Just like the plants that we lovingly tend, every garden and its respective gardener has its own life cycle; in the spring we bloom, followed quickly by the abundant harvests of summer and autumn. In the winter, both garden and gardener retreat into the season of rest, the final stage of the cycle before we return to the beginning to do it all again.

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Bevin Cohen - Guest Writer

Bevin Cohen is an author, herbalist, seed saver and owner of Small House Farm in Michigan. He offers workshops and lectures nationwide on the benefits of living closer to the land through seeds, herbs and locally-grown food. Bevin is a freelance writer and videographer whose work has appeared in numerous publications including Mother Earth News, Hobby Farms, Grit Magazine, and the Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation. He is the author of four books, including the best-selling Saving Our Seeds and The Artisan Herbalist. Bevin serves on the boards of the International Herb Association, and the Michigan Seed Library Network, and the advisory council for the Community Seed Network. You can learn more about Bevin’s work at
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Recent Posts

Organic Garden Design: The Benefits of Companion Planting with Herbs

How to use companion planting for natural pest management and to grow a bountiful garden in any size space.
WRITTEN BY Bevin Cohen - Guest Writer

November 9, 2021