Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

Working With Beyond Toxics to Protect Pollinators

Written by Alyssa | September 3, 2015


Mountain Rose Herbs is incredibly proud to bee a supporter of Beyond Toxics

Beyond Toxics represents the finest culmination of hard-working individuals that produce the results we can all live by. Our industry, livelihoods and communities are dependent upon a healthy landscape, and our prospects would be very bleak indeed if we did not have the steadfast commitment of Beyond Toxics.

 – Shawn Donnille, Vice President, Mountain Rose Herbs

We would like to congratulate this small, tenacious non-profit organization for their many accomplishments of late. Thanks to their tireless work, the City of Eugene and the City of Portland both passed ordinances banning harmful neonictinoid pesticide use on city property. This momentous accomplishment is part of the Save Oregon’s Bees campaign!

Mountain Rose Herbs will donate 5% of annual sales from the Pollinator Tea to Save the Bees!



Beyond Toxics’ supporters and volunteers came together to celebrate the Oregon Governor’s recent proclamation to declare August 15th Oregon Native Bee Conservation Awareness Day. They were inspired by Mountain Rose’s Herbal Seed Bomb recipe made from Bentonite Clay , a variety of seeds, organic compost, and water - so, they made their own!



Dozens of kids and parents shaped balls of compost, clay and wild flower seeds to throw into gardens, open spaces and empty lots. Attendees learned about the importance of native bees and many fun bee facts from Brian Dykstra, local native bee expert and educator at the University of Oregon and Nearby Nature. Seed bombs are a fun and easy way to distribute native wild flowers that help feed bees. Learn more about guerrilla herb gardening here!


Cornucopia Restaurant in Eugene also helped make the August 15th Native Bee celebration memorable by mixing delicious beverages made from Mountain Rose Herbs’ Pollinator Tea, and serving up dishes made of honey, lavender, rosemary and other bee-friendly foods. 

This year Mountain Rose also sponsored Beyond Toxics’ first ever “Love Your West Eugene Wetlands Bike Tour,” to highlight the natural beauty and sustainable businesses located in this part of our community. On a bright Saturday morning, 25 cyclists ranging from 6 to 60 years old came to Mountain Rose Herbs’ main facility located in West Eugene where Shawn Donnille talked about organic landscaping, no-spray practices, and the importance of planting native species. Everyone received a free bike helmet and bike route map that day! You can learn more about our facility and sustainable business practices on our website!



Our partnership with Beyond Toxics continues to grow and blossom, helping to protect our native pollinators!