Mountain Rose Herbs Blog

4 Ways To Help Pollinators!

Written by Our Products | June 14, 2017

Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we are so grateful for all of the pollinators in our lives, globally and locally. Our business literally exists on the backs of the bees and other lesser-known pollinators. And as suppliers of herbs, spices, and other botanical goods, we intimately understand that 75% of the world’s agricultural products depend on at least one pollinator, which is one reason why we're passionately committed to organic agriculture. June is Pollinator Month, and we’re honored to celebrate and raise awareness about the plight of the pollinators.

You Can Help Save Our Pollinators!

Beyond supporting organic agriculture whenever possible, here are four things you can do to help protect the bees and other pollinators in your area:

  1. Ditch those synthetic pesticides! Chemical pesticides are extremely harmful to bee populations as well as other pollinating insects. The widespread use of neonicotinoid pesticides as well as fungicides can reduce foraging, impair navigational ability, reduce fertility and reproductive success, impair healthy development, and can be lethal to bee populations. These same chemicals are also harmful to your children and pets. Neem Oil has been traditionally used as a natural pesticide. Learn more about alternatives by contacting the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

  2. Be a beacon of light in your community, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same. Check out these cool garden signs in order to provide a gentle reminder to passersby where you stand on pesticide use (25% of annual sales of the signs is donated to the Pesticide Action Network).

  3. Think like a bee! Bees need to be enticed by food. Their food comes from plants in the form of pollen and nectar. To maximize your local pollinator population, plant in swaths and drifts rather than just a couple of plants. Get children involved with a Kidzerbs Gift Set.

  4. Flower color matters. Bees have excellent color vision especially when it comes to seeing ultraviolet. Plant flowers that are sure to attract bees, such as: sunflowers, yarrow, phacelias, or California poppy. Bees find it difficult to see red, so it’s a good rule of thumb to stick with flowers that are closer to the ultraviolet end of the spectrum.

About Our Pollinator Tea

A couple years ago, we unveiled our delicious Pollinator Tea. Since we are a mission-driven company, we thought this would be an excellent way to draw attention to our pollinating friends, raise money for a local nonprofits addressing these critical issues, and offer another tasty herbal tea for our beloved customers to enjoy. Our Pollinator Tea consists of organically grown herbs found in our home bioregion of Cascadia that are loved by bees and other pollinators. This floral tea can be enjoyed both hot and iced, a favorite even with children. We suggest adding a bit of local honey to show your support for the bees and beekeepers in your area.

Want to be a Pollinator Pro?