Herbal Irish Coffee

I love a good Irish coffee. The conundrum, however, is that I generally limit my daily caffeine consumption to a morning espresso and I don’t want whiskey for breakfast, so it’s hard to figure out when to have said Irish coffee. St. Patricks Day is almost here and I'll be getting together in the afternoon with my coffee-loving friends and family, which will include traditional, festive Irish coffee. Happily, my talented mixologist of a husband recently got inspired by a tin of Mountain Rose Herbs herbal coffee. I wasn’t sure what he was up to tinkering away in the kitchen, and then he came out with this creamy glass of pure ambrosia. Although I am not generally an all-caps kind of woman, this herbal Irish coffee recipe is, OMG SO GOOD. Bonus: I can drink a glass in the evening and still get a good night’s sleep.

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Posted by Heidi

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes for Dark & Light Hair

There has been a lot of buzz lately around DIY and natural hair care. In the previous weeks, we've shared no-poo recipes, DIY hair rinses, and fermented rice water treatments. A perfect pairing to all those homemade hair care products is having a dry shampoo to get you in between "washes."

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Posted by Jessicka

Hasselback Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, & More + Herbal Seasoning Recipes

It’s the time of year when I’m working my way through the last of our stored root vegetables and winter squash looking for ways to extend their lifespan and nutrition. With this in mind, I spent an afternoon last weekend hasselbacking. In its simplest form, hasselbacking is a special cutting method for raw vegetables (also some fruits and even bread) before roasting. The most common version is Hasselback potatoes: the Potato à la Hasselbacken or, in Swedish, hasselbackspotatis. The glory of this cutting/cooking method is that it allows you to get flavorful fats and your favorite herbs and spices down inside the food so all that deliciousness gets roasted in. Plus, hasselbacking makes your food so pretty!

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Posted by Heidi

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Whether your unique mane coils into bouncy ringlets, twists into wild waves, or cascades down as straight as a pin, you’ve undoubtably experienced bad hair days. On too many occasions to count in my life, I’ve stumbled out of bed in the morning and glanced into the mirror to find a sight only explainable by a bird crafting a nest out of my frazzled locks overnight. After reaching for every fancy spritz and spray buried in my cabinets, I’d more often than not be left with relatively tamed frizz, greasy roots, and a wafting heavy perfume fragrance that was less than desirable. Inevitably, I would succumb to the classic slicked-back ponytail or throwing my mop of hair under a big hat on days such as these.

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Posted by Hailey

Sprouts: Growing Sustainable Food On Your Countertop

Eating sprouted seeds is a relatively recent culinary trend in the U.S., even though they are ridiculously easy to grow and can be an excellent source of potassium, magnesium, folate, beta-carotene, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These days, bean sprouts, grain sprouts, and salad sprouts are readily available at farmers markets, natural foods stores, and in the produce section of many grocery stores. But I grow my own because it’s easy to do, saves me money, and I like to keep control over the process to ensure that the sprouts I feed my family are safe and at the peak of flavor and nutrition.

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Posted by Ashley

How to Go "No Poo" with Easy Herbal Hair Rinses

Have you heard of "no 'poo" and scratched your head in wonder about what this means? While the term is definitely not my favorite, the philosophy behind it is worth exploring. It refers to moving away from using expensive commercial shampoos and conditioners, which often contain harsh synthetic fragrances, sodium laureth sulfate, propylene glycol, and other creepy ingredients from mystery labs around the world. Because we trust that such products will make our hair gorgeous, we drench ourselves in weird chemicals without knowing how they affect our overall health. Plus, think of the millions of plastic bottles from all the hair care products we use that end up in recycling bins or landfills.

But we HAVE to use shampoo, right?—Wrong!

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Posted by Jessicka

Nourishing Herbal Broths


I am a firm believer in broths for their gut-supporting, extremely tasty, and nourishing qualities. You can pack so much nutrition in each little sip. Adding a myriad of herbs to our broth base is the perfect vehicle for incorporating wellness into our modern lives.

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Fermented Rice Water Hair Treatment with Herbs

Fermented rice water has a long history of use in Asia as a hair rinse. When we soak or cook rice, we capture the natural inositol from the grain in the water. Inositol is a form of sugar that our bodies naturally produce to provide structure to our cells, and is also found in some foods, including grains and legumes like rice. Inositol-rich rice water, especially when fermented, also carries proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids believed to support a healthy scalp, hair strength, and shine. Want to take it up another notch? Infuse rice water with hair-loving herbs! 

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Posted by Heidi

Stir Fry Sauce: Oyster Sauce & Hoisin Sauce Substitute + Stir-Fry Recipe

We are big stir-fry and Asian food fans at my house, and I love a really good stir-fry sauce. But I struggle with the high fructose corn syrup and the way-too-many-preservatives-and-ingredients-I-can’t-pronounce problem in most bottled sauces. Also, the presence of seafood and/or gluten are issues for my vegetarian and gluten-free family members. And finally, for many households like mine, it’s hard to get through an entire bottle before the contents spoil. All of this means I refuse to purchase pre-made stir-fry sauces and the oyster or hoisin sauce that is so common (and delicious) in my favorite Asian sauces. I wanted to create an easy-to-use substitute that packs in the umami goodness I love about these sauces.

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Posted by Heidi

Natural Ways to Support Menstruation + Tea Blend


When your moontime calls, listen to your body. She’s calling for nourishment and rest. Calling you back to yourself and your wise woman within. Back to the cycle of the moon within you—your womb, your hormonal cycle, your psyche. Give yourself permission to find a little quiet time to yourself. Soak in some extra self-care. Sip herbal infusions.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Made with Agar

I like inclusivity in food, and my friends and family group includes omnivores and vegetarians/vegans, as well as people with food allergies, autoimmune diseases, religious restrictions, etc. I love to feed my people, so I’m always experimenting, which is how I found myself going down this agar-agar as a replacement for gelatin rabbit hole, and then one thing led to another, and I got curious to know how much agar is the right amount for the best mouthfeel in vegan gummies (welcome to my brain). I made elderberry juice gummies, which were tasty and a fun way to get an extra boost of vitamins and minerals. Then I discovered apple cider vinegar gummies—I love these little ACV morsels!

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Posted by Heidi


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Herbal Irish Coffee

If you love Irish coffee but don’t want the heavy caffeine dose that comes with it, try this delicious cocktail with Mountain Rose Herbs herbal coffee.

March 11, 2024

DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes for Dark & Light Hair

Learn how easy it is to make and use natural dry shampoo to freshen up oily hair with no single-use cans required! Our shampoo powder recipes are just a stir and a shake away.

March 8, 2024

Hasselback Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, & More + Herbal Seasoning Recipes

If you’ve ever eaten a Hasselback potato, you know how delicious they are! Up your cooking game by learning how to hasselback with herbal salts & blends.

March 4, 2024

DIY Detangler & Anti-Frizz Spray Recipe with Marshmallow Root

Smooth and detangle your locks with this easy-to-make herbal hair care spray, and discover the endlessly customizable potential of DIY hair care!

February 25, 2024

Sprouts: Growing Sustainable Food On Your Countertop

Eating sprouts is an easy, delicious way to capture nutrients, minerals, and vitamins at their peak. Learn how to sprout seeds on your countertop!

February 16, 2024

How to Go "No Poo" with Easy Herbal Hair Rinses

Trying to ditch the shampoo as part of a healthier hair care routine? Try these three easy herbal hair rinse recipes!

February 15, 2024

Nourishing Herbal Broths

Homemade herbal broths are easy to make and offer a flavorful way the enhance the flavor and nutritional value of soups, stews, sauces, and more.
WRITTEN BY Alex Queathem Payne- Guest Author

February 7, 2024

Fermented Rice Water Hair Treatment with Herbs

Infusing rice water with hair-loving herbs adds herbal goodness to an age-old hair rinse recipe. Here’s how to make a fermented rice water hair rinse!

February 2, 2024

Stir Fry Sauce: Oyster Sauce & Hoisin Sauce Substitute + Stir-Fry Recipe

This gluten-free and vegetarian-friendly stir fry sauce is a perfect substitute for oyster sauce or hoisin in your favorite Asian dishes.

January 31, 2024

Natural Ways to Support Menstruation + Tea Blend

These supportive herbs and wellness practices can help ease the way during that time of the month.
WRITTEN BY Corinna Wood- Guest Writer

January 24, 2024

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Made with Agar

Want the gut-supporting benefits of apple cider vinegar but don’t like the taste? Try these DIY apple cider vinegar gummies made with agar-agar.

January 20, 2024