Organic Chaga From the North Woods of Canada

Mountain Rose Herbs farm liaisons travel into Canada's north woods to visit the harvest sites of our certified organic, wildharvested chaga mushrooms.

The late January landscape of northeastern Canada is stunning, but brutal. This snow-covered expanse presents an imposing front that challenges all who would enter its wild recesses, but our local harvesters know this ground and hike on, undeterred. We follow behind, spurred onward by the promise of encountering an elusive and treasured resident of this hibernating land: Inonotus obliquus, the chaga mushroom.

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Posted by Jacob

Organic Passionflowers on the Adriatic: An Italian Love Story

Verdant fields of our certified organic passionflower flourish on our Italian farm partner's land. Gianfranco's family has passed down its agricultural wisdom through the generations while inspiring other farmers to embrace organic growing practices.

Gianfranco's kind eyes gaze lovingly at the single passionflower blossom he clutches in his hands. He buries his nose deep in its vibrant purple petals and inhales. “I could have made more money growing other crops,” Gianfranco says through a translator, “But I have a big love—I am in love—with passionflower.”

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Posted by Raychel

Scent Stories from the European Countryside

Our Mountain Rose Herbs farm liaisons regularly travel to visit our family farmers. On a recent trip to Europe, David (one of our farm liaisons) met Frank (a fourth-generation farmer) and got to see his fields first-hand.

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Posted by Raychel

Why Our Pacific Northwest Farms Grow Organic

Near the snow-capped peaks and pristine glacial streams of Cascadia lies a Pacific Northwest family farm. A gravel road winding up an arid canyon leads to the small plot of land where our certified organic milky oat tops are grown, harvested, and dried.

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Posted by Raychel

Supporting Heritage Herbalism in Appalachia

Overlooking the ancient and herb-rich landscape of the Appalachian Mountains.

From the hills of eastern Kentucky to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, there exists an ancient yet vibrant tradition of folk herbalism. The mountains of Appalachia are among the oldest in the world, and their immense botanical diversity hosts an astounding number of useful plants, hundreds of which are found nowhere else on earth. Read More
Posted by Jana

Why We Go Out of Stock

We know there’s nothing more inspiring for our customers than a fully-stocked apothecary or spice cabinet. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we pride ourselves on providing herbal enthusiasts with a veritable buffet of botanical bounty. Our organic farmers across the world do their very best to support us in that mission, and we are constantly inspired by their ability to provide harvests of such exceptional quantity and quality.

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Posted by Jana

Why Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Are Cultivated in China

Organic panax ginseng plants thrive under shade cloth.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been in existence for thousands of years. Although there are a variety of theories and different applications in TCM, they are based on the same principle—in order to have good health, people must cultivate and balance their Qi (ch’i). Qi, which translates to “life force” or “vital energy,” is thought to circulate through channels or meridians in the body in a dynamic manner. Practitioners of TCM believe that particular herbs are a powerful tool in creating “life force” balance.

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Posted by David

Sustainable Cultivation and Wildcrafting in Europe

In Eastern Europe, herbs are a place where two worlds come together. Practices handed down through the generations collide with the realities of the modern world. In the five countries I visited on a three-week trip in June, this juxtaposition was unavoidable.

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Posted by David

Harvesting Seaweeds off the Coast of the Atlantic

Seaweeds, also known as “sea vegetables,” are widely prized for their rich supply of minerals and their unique umami-packed flavor. Bladderwrack, dulse, and nori are some of the healthful certified organic seaweeds that thrive off the beautiful coast of Maine's Atlantic waters. I took a trip across the country to visit with our skilled harvesters who devote their life to these flavorful ocean treasures.

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Posted by Jacob

Into the Peruvian Mountains for Fair Trade Cacao

Cacao has a long and colorful history beginning in Central and South America. At Mountain Rose Herbs, our fair trade organic cacao powder, nibs, and butter are sourced from an area known as the Cordillera Azul in Peru. There, cacao thrives in fields nourished by seven mighty rivers and abundant rainfall. No irrigation needed! We had the pleasure of traveling to this beautiful region to meet our hardworking farmers who nurture and harvest this beloved botanical.

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Posted by Farms

Cultivating Organic Ashwagandha in India

Ashwagandha is to Ayurveda what Ginseng is to Traditional Chinese Medicine. It’s a cornerstone root used through the ages as a part of daily life. A root so treasured that its popularity has spread globally and its use is common.

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Posted by Jennifer


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Organic Chaga From the North Woods of Canada

Join our farm liaisons in the wintry Canadian woods to visit the trained wildharvesters working to ensure a sustainable future for our certified organic chaga mushrooms.

December 3, 2018

Organic Passionflowers on the Adriatic: An Italian Love Story

Meet an Italian passionflower grower whose family has passed down its agricultural wisdom through the generations while inspiring other farmers to embrace organic growing practices. Stories like his inspire Mountain Rose Herbs to develop lifelong relationships with our extraordinary farm partners.

October 25, 2018

Scent Stories from the European Countryside

Looking for fragrance that inspires? Visit a family farm in the European countryside where sage and other local herbs are lovingly grown, harvested, and distilled into organic essential oils.

September 7, 2018

Why Our Pacific Northwest Farms Grow Organic

We passionately promote sustainable agriculture everywhere we grow, but especially in our Pacific Northwest backyard. Hear our local farmers explain why they’re so proud of their organic practices!

August 23, 2018

Supporting Heritage Herbalism in Appalachia

The folk herbalists of Southern Appalachia maintain centuries-old relationships with their region’s rare and wonderful herbs. Learn what has kept these traditions alive and how the herbal community can help preserve them in the modern age.

August 3, 2018

Why We Go Out of Stock

Ever wondered why one of your favorite herbal goodies isn’t available? Here are the main reasons our botanicals go out of stock (hint: we put quality over quantity).

June 13, 2018

Why Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Are Cultivated in China

Learn more about why we grow our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbs in China and the rigorous testing employed to ensure all of our imported herbs meet stringent quality and safety guidelines.

May 3, 2018

Sustainable Cultivation and Wildcrafting in Europe

Venture to Eastern Europe to tour the farms and collection sites where we harvest traditional organic herbs like nettle and red clover blossoms.

April 2, 2018

Harvesting Seaweeds off the Coast of the Atlantic

Curious about our certified organic seaweed? We tagged along with our skilled collectors as they hand-harvested bladderwrack off the coast of the Atlantic.

February 15, 2018

Into the Peruvian Mountains for Fair Trade Cacao

Want to learn how we get our fair trade cacao? Read about our visit to the beautiful Peruvian Sierras to meet the farmers who harvest our flavorful cacao.

January 20, 2018

Cultivating Organic Ashwagandha in India

Curious about where we get this popular herb? See pictures of our organic farm in India where our farmers are cultivating adaptogenic ashwagandha by hand!

December 30, 2017