New in the Shop: Lemon Thyme Hydrosol

We are excited to offer Lemon Thyme hydrosol  as the newest addition to our line of certified organic, steam-distilled hydrosols !

This is a bright hydrosol with an herbaceous citrusy scent and a dry thyme-like undertone. Lemon Thyme hydrosol makes an excellent single ingredient spray, and can also be incorporated into your favorite skin care recipes. It is often used as a base for botanical perfumes and will add a fresh scent to your homemade cleaning products. This hydrosol blends well with bay laurel, calendula, and Douglas fir hydrosols.

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Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference: Sky-Island Gathering

The path of herbalism is in many ways a journey, endless and winding, each turn on the way a chance for discovery for even the most experienced traveler. For many of us, it feels not like a hobby or business so much as a calling, beckoned forward by a sense of purpose, by the possibilities of healing, by the entreaties of plants whose voices and abilities we could give a lifetime to understanding. 

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DIY Body Sprays with Essential Oils

I love the feeling of cool mist on my skin, especially when scented with flowers and citrus and earth. As a teenager, I collected bottles of perfume and reveled in the transformative magic that aroma inspires. Soft honeyed amber, light fruity florals, and spicy evergreen woods set the mood each morning before I adventured out into the world.

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New in the Shop: Organic Horseradish Extract

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Posted by Our Products

Herb Stories: How We Protect Trillium

We are so excited to share this post from our upcoming Free Herbalism Project speaker Susan Leopold, PhD!

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Posted by Susan

Labor Day Sale - Get 30% Off Aromatherapy!

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New Forest Grown American Ginseng Whole Plant Extract!

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New in the Shop: Organic Vitex Essential Oil

This powerful essential oil comes from the distilled fruit of the vitex or chaste tree. Vitex is considered a balancing herb for women. In fact, it is said to support physical and emotional health during a woman’s menstrual cycle and in the transition into menopause, relieving mild mood changes, occasional cramps, water retention, and hot flashes.*

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Posted by Our Products

2015 Sustainability Report!

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Posted by Alyssa

New in the Shop: Lily Electric Diffuser

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Posted by Our Products

Double Your Donation: Safeguard Salmon from Suction Dredge Mining

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We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

New in the Shop: Lemon Thyme Hydrosol

New in the Shop: Lemon Thyme Hydrosol
WRITTEN BY Our Products

September 2, 2016

Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference: Sky-Island Gathering

Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference: Sky-Island Gathering
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

September 1, 2016

DIY Body Sprays with Essential Oils

Learn how to make your own body sprays using 100% botanical ingredients including essential oils.
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

August 30, 2016

New in the Shop: Organic Horseradish Extract

New in the Shop: Organic Horseradish Extract
WRITTEN BY Our Products

August 26, 2016

Herb Stories: How We Protect Trillium

Herb Stories: How We Protect Trillium

August 25, 2016

Labor Day Sale - Get 30% Off Aromatherapy!

Labor Day Sale - Get 30% Off Aromatherapy!
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

August 23, 2016

New Forest Grown American Ginseng Whole Plant Extract!

New Forest Grown American Ginseng Whole Plant Extract!
WRITTEN BY Our Products

August 18, 2016

New in the Shop: Organic Vitex Essential Oil

New in the Shop: Organic Vitex Essential Oil
WRITTEN BY Our Products

August 12, 2016

2015 Sustainability Report!

2015 Sustainability Report!

August 10, 2016

New in the Shop: Lily Electric Diffuser

New in the Shop: Lily Electric Diffuser
WRITTEN BY Our Products

August 5, 2016

Double Your Donation: Safeguard Salmon from Suction Dredge Mining

Double Your Donation: Safeguard Salmon from Suction Dredge Mining
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

August 3, 2016