How to Make Your Own Soap with Herbs

Besides being a practical skill to know, making your own soap from scratch is a fun way to express yourself creatively while producing something that's useful and great for your skin. By following this simple recipe, you can make basic unscented bars of soap, or customize them by adding organic herbs, flowers, essential oils, and other skin-loving ingredients.

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Posted by Jan- Guest Writer

Easy Ayurvedic Face Mask

Growing up, I had the unique opportunity to embrace herbal wisdom through the ancient Indian philosophy of Ayurveda. For a number of years, my family hosted Ayurvedic physicians who traveled around the world to spread this beautiful knowledge of wellness and balance. It was through this incredible learning experience that I began to understand that the best tools for facial care came from the herbal pantry. Triphala, one of the most common and versatile Ayurvedic herbal formulations, was used for this refreshing facial mask.

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

Guide to Plant-Based Body Butters for Skin & Hair Care

High quality botanical butters are incredible assets for body care. These luscious plant fats make exceptional moisturizers on their own and also as ingredients in a wide array of skin and hair care recipes. They give your creations a beautifully creamy, smooth, and substantial viscosity. Pressed from the inner kernels, nuts, or seeds of many different plants, these butters are solid at room temperature, making them ideal for thickening up body care formulations for lotion bars, lip balms, deodorants, hair conditioners, and more! All of the butters we offer may be used interchangeably depending on your preference, allowing for endless versatility.

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Posted by Kendle

Crave-Worthy Rose Orange Shortbread Madeleines

I’m hardly being hyperbolic when I state that I think world peace could be negotiated over a plate of shortbread cookies and a cup of organic Earl Grey tea. In fact, I think I have solved some of my own most pressing concerns with just that combination. Now, this may all be owing to my Scottish heritage and my penchant for all things old-fashioned and steeped in tradition—I am, after all, just an antique girl living in a modern world—but I am not alone in my belief in the power of a good shortbread cookie!

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Posted by Devon

Just Breathe Diffuser Blend Featuring Spanish Marjoram

Organic Spanish marjoram is a bright and camphoraceous essential oil that is distilled from the blooming aerial portions of Thymus mastichina. With a 1,8-cineole content around 50%, this oil can be used in similar ways to other camphorish oils like eucalyptus and rosemary. In addition to 1,8-Cineole, Spanish marjoram also contains camphor, α- and β-pinene, camphene, and borneol.

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Posted by Christine

Farming with Wild Birds: Practicing Coexistence

In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed March 3 as UN World Wildlife Day, in an effort to raise awareness about the world’s wild animals and plants. Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we’re dedicated to doing everything we can to further this important work. That’s why we build relationships with exceptional nonprofit partners like Wild Farm Alliance (WFA).

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Posted by Jo Ann

Best Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy

In aromatherapy, we are constantly talking about diluting essential oils in a carrier. But what is a carrier, and which should you choose? Here we’re going to cover the organic carrier oils that are most commonly used for topical recipes and massage.

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Posted by Christine

Harvesting Seaweeds off the Coast of the Atlantic

Seaweeds, also known as “sea vegetables,” are widely prized for their rich supply of minerals and their unique umami-packed flavor. Bladderwrack, dulse, and nori are some of the healthful certified organic seaweeds that thrive off the beautiful coast of Maine's Atlantic waters. I took a trip across the country to visit with our skilled harvesters who devote their life to these flavorful ocean treasures.

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Posted by Jacob

2017 Sustainability Report Sneak Peek

Here at Mountain Rose Herbs, we work hard to do business in a way that leaves the lightest possible footprint on this earth. Each year we publish a detailed report to measure and monitor our sustainability efforts and provide our customers the transparency they deserve. We're still working on our 2017 report but couldn't help ourselves from sharing some initial results with you!

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Posted by Alyssa

Crafted From Roses: Essential Oils, Absolutes, and Hydrosols

As a sensual scent, rose is associated with love and the heart. It promotes closeness and emotional balance, and its sweet, floral notes can be found in an array of scented products. From luscious lotions and skin care, to sweet perfumes and warming diffuser blends, this versatile ingredient makes a regular appearance. Use this helpful guide to sort out the subtle differences between the natural rose essential oils and hydrosols we offer, so you can find the perfect rosy ingredients for you and your budget.

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Posted by Christine

What is Kava and 3 Recipes

I was first introduced to
kava (technically called “kava kava”) while visiting Hawaii’s Big Island. After getting back to the mainland, I began to notice kava everywhere. Kava bars were now easy to find on my travels coast-to-coast, from Asheville, North Carolina to Portland, Oregon. Articles in publications like The New York Times extolled its increasing popularity as an alternative to caffeine-fueled coffee shops or alcohol-centric drinking establishments.

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Posted by Raychel


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Make Your Own Soap with Herbs

Making your own soap from scratch is a fun way to express yourself creatively while producing something that's useful and great for your skin.
WRITTEN BY Jan- Guest Writer

March 12, 2018

Easy Ayurvedic Face Mask

Looking for an Ayurvedic approach to facial care? Learn common botanicals used for skin, and how to make your own Ayurvedic face mask.

March 6, 2018

Guide to Plant-Based Body Butters for Skin & Hair Care

High quality botanical butters make luscious moisturizers and are key ingredients in a variety of body care recipes. Get to know shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, and kokum butter to choose the best one for you.

March 1, 2018

Crave-Worthy Rose Orange Shortbread Madeleines

Learn how whipping up a batch of buttery rose and orange shortbread cookies might help negotiate world peace (or at least help you enjoy a cup of tea!)

March 1, 2018

Just Breathe Diffuser Blend Featuring Spanish Marjoram

Learn how to use and blend with bright and camphoraceous certified organic Spanish marjoram essential oil.
WRITTEN BY Christine

February 28, 2018

Farming with Wild Birds: Practicing Coexistence

Learn how to support and practice coexistence with wild birds on farms, in gardens, and in other open spaces.

February 22, 2018

Best Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy

Don't know which oil to pick for your next aromatic creation? Check out this guide to the best carrier oils for aromatherapy and which one to use when!
WRITTEN BY Christine

February 20, 2018

Harvesting Seaweeds off the Coast of the Atlantic

Curious about our certified organic seaweed? We tagged along with our skilled collectors as they hand-harvested bladderwrack off the coast of the Atlantic.

February 15, 2018

2017 Sustainability Report Sneak Peek

Curious about our sustainable business practices? Here's a sneak peak of what we accomplished in 2017!

February 9, 2018

Crafted From Roses: Essential Oils, Absolutes, and Hydrosols

Looking for a rosy aroma? There are many rose essential oils and floral waters to choose from! Figure out which are best for you with this info-packed guide!
WRITTEN BY Christine

February 8, 2018

What is Kava and 3 Recipes

Curious about Kava Kava? This relaxing and earthy herb has a variety of uses and preparations. Learn about what kava is and how to drink it!

February 7, 2018