Making Green Dreams a Reality

We’re serious about sustainability at Mountain Rose Herbs. So serious that, for the first time, we’ve decided to enlist a policy expert to help make all our green dreams a reality. We recently sat down with that expert, Jonathan Manton, to find out how he’ll be engaging community leaders to help our farmers grow (and customers get access to) organic, plant-based offerings for generations to come.

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Posted by Raychel

The Origins of Our Organic Herbal Tea Blends


While leading women’s backpacking trips into northern California’s wilderness areas in the late 1980s, Mountain Rose Herbs’ co-owner Julie wanted to create a tea blend that would help hikers relax at the end of an active day. That’s how “Sleeping on Rocks” (now dubbed Fidnemed Nighttime Tea) was born.

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Posted by Raychel

Elder Flower Simple Syrup and Cocktail Recipes

Recently, Mountain Rose Herbs visited Devon Young of the Nitty Gritty Life homesteading blog on her beautiful property in Amity, Oregon. Nestled between the rolling green hills of wine country, her charming old-fashioned farmhouse bustles with eight children, a host of farm animals, and some friendly furry pets. Devon truly homesteads (“doing things the hard way”), which means she practices subsistence agriculture as much as possible.

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Posted by Nicole

We Are a Bike-Friendly Workplace

The sun was shining and the bicycle wheels were spinning during the 2018 Mountain Rose Herbs Earth Day Celebration. Employees were in an especially festive mood because they were getting free, professional bike tune-ups as a gift from Mountain Rose Herbs!

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Posted by Alyssa

Tips for Self-Care: Simple Ways to Start and End Your Day

I developed my work ethic at the knee of my single father, who regularly worked 12-hour days and then, like every good single parent, came home and cooked dinner, went to teacher conferences, and helped me with homework. I learned to think of “self-care” as something one did as a reward, those minutes you might give yourself only after all the work is done.

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Posted by Heidi

Relaxing DIY Lavender Eye Pillow with Buckwheat

If you’re anything like me, your schedule is often a little too crowded. And the struggle of trying to balance our always-on culture against some quality “me” time is real. While I haven’t been great at saying no to as many things I would like to this year, I have been better about finding those quiet moments of me time. One of the things that helps me to quickly find a moment of tranquility is to eliminate the distractions of technology and enjoy a little aromatherapy. These buckwheat and lavender eye pillows check both of those boxes, plus they’re easy to transport and they’re adorable! 

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Posted by Kiley

Creating Your Home Herbal Apothecary

I’ve written at length about my childhood aspirations to be an herbalist. These early fantasies dreamed up from the embrace of a favorite apple tree were no doubt romantic and in some ways impractical. But they also held a seed of long-lasting truth that continues to inform how I shape my path as an herbalist and lifelong lover of plants.

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Posted by Kiva- Guest Writer

Why Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Are Cultivated in China

Organic panax ginseng plants thrive under shade cloth.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been in existence for thousands of years. Although there are a variety of theories and different applications in TCM, they are based on the same principle—in order to have good health, people must cultivate and balance their Qi (ch’i). Qi, which translates to “life force” or “vital energy,” is thought to circulate through channels or meridians in the body in a dynamic manner. Practitioners of TCM believe that particular herbs are a powerful tool in creating “life force” balance.

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Posted by David

Why You Should Try Ayurvedic Triphala (and How to Take It!)

“Take your triphala,” may as well be the slogan of my household. After a questionable restaurant meal or a heavy dinner, my mom is always the first to say, “Better take your triphala!” And for good reason too. This Ayurvedic herb is one of the most famous, multi-use herbs for general wellness and maintaining healthy digestion. Because of this, even guests who stay at our house are not spared the suggestion to give triphala a try. Although it’s an acquired taste, I’m proud to say that I buy it by the pound and have benefited from its gentle herbal support over the years.

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Posted by Ek Ongkar

Stinging Nettle Pesto Recipe

I spent my childhood in Iowa trying to avoid the nettle’s sting. This bright green plant was plentiful on the land adjacent to the farm ponds and creek beds there. I had no idea this “weed” was something so desirable until I visited my local farmers market as an adult living in Oregon, where it goes for $16 a pound! Once I learned how easy it was to identify and harvest in the nearby woods, I got hooked on nettle “hunting” (taking care to only collect what I need, of course)!

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Posted by Raychel

Organic vs. Non-GMO: What's the Difference?

One of the most powerful ways to promote a healthful life is taking ownership of what we put in (and on) our bodies. That's why we work so hard to offer our customers organic and non-GMO botanicals they can trust!  

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Posted by Alyssa


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Making Green Dreams a Reality

Learn why we hired a public policy guru to help support our organic farmers and customers' interests for generations to come, and how he'll work for change on our behalf.

May 18, 2018

The Origins of Our Organic Herbal Tea Blends

Get the inside scoop on our handcrafted teas, which infuse ancient wisdom with our team’s personal experiences into each organic herbal tea blend!

May 16, 2018

Elder Flower Simple Syrup and Cocktail Recipes

Take a peek into the homesteading life of the Nitty Gritty Mama, and learn how she transforms fresh elder flowers into a tasty simple syrup for a light, delicious spring cocktail recipe!

May 15, 2018

We Are a Bike-Friendly Workplace

Learn how Mountain Rose Herbs promotes bike commuting and other sustainable transportation alternatives, including an Earth Day celebration with free, professional bike tune-ups!

May 15, 2018

Tips for Self-Care: Simple Ways to Start and End Your Day

Here are simple ways to start and end your day right, because when you’re the one taking care of everybody else, you’ve got to prioritize self-care.

May 14, 2018

Relaxing DIY Lavender Eye Pillow with Buckwheat

Crafting a relaxing buckwheat and lavender eye pillow is a breeze with our step-by-step directions and downloadable pattern.

May 9, 2018

Creating Your Home Herbal Apothecary

Find out how herbalist Kiva Rose stocks and organizes the herbal remedies in her home apothecary.
WRITTEN BY Kiva- Guest Writer

May 9, 2018

Why Our Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs Are Cultivated in China

Learn more about why we grow our Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbs in China and the rigorous testing employed to ensure all of our imported herbs meet stringent quality and safety guidelines.

May 3, 2018

Why You Should Try Ayurvedic Triphala (and How to Take It!)

Explore the benefits of triphala and why you should give it a try! From capsules, to a spoonful of honey, to an Ayurvedic face mask, there are many ways to add this tummy-friendly herb to your daily routine.

May 2, 2018

Stinging Nettle Pesto Recipe

Pesto isn’t just for basil season any more. Nettle leaves, combined with luscious organic olive oil and toasted hemp seeds, make for a nutritious dip or sauce to liven up any meal.

April 25, 2018

Organic vs. Non-GMO: What's the Difference?

Get informed about the differences between Organic Certification and Non-GMO Project verification, and learn how we use both of these standards to help deliver trustworthy botanicals to our customers!

April 24, 2018