How to Upcycle Herbs After Making Infusions, Oils, Tinctures, and More

If you’re like me, you aim to not waste any of your herbal ingredients—you understand that hard-working pollinators and farmers put a lot of love and care into getting the finest organic botanicals into your cupboard. This is why I began exploring ways to reuse my herbs after making herbal preparations. Through years of making tea, infused oils, tinctures, vinegars, and honeys, I’ve tinkered up some fun ways to upcycle the remaining plant material, often called the “marc,” into other fine uses and crafts.

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Posted by Jessicka

Loose Leaf Tea vs. Tea Bags

I love a good cup of tea and I love that there is literally a tea for any circumstance I may find myself in. Thus, my tea collection is just as varied as the many different experiences that I go through each day. When I first began drinking tea, I knew it mainly as something to ease my cold symptoms. I remember standing in the tea aisle in the grocery store, all stuffed up, staring blearily (and somewhat blankly) at the various tea boxes. Since then, I have learned a lot about the wonderful world of tea. I have tried them all bright and fruity, deep and sultry, and nutritive and soothing, each offering something uniquely wonderful. My biggest tea lesson to date came when I tried loose leaf tea for the first time. There was no comparison in flavor. After that, it was not long before the boxed teas disappeared from my shelves at home and were replaced by meticulously hand-labeled jars filled with all my favorite teas.

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Posted by Maia

Bilberry and Hawthorn Berry Syrup

I am a fan of Lynn Rosseto Kasper’s public radio cooking show The Splendid Table. I was particularly intrigued with a 2020 episode in which she talked about a recipe for butternut squash roasted with a cider reduction syrup that she made by simply reducing sweet apple cider from four parts down to one part. I thought—as I am wont to do—“What if I put herbs in that delicious syrup?”

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How to Soothe a Bee Sting at Home & in the Wild

We’re getting to the time of year when some species of bees, wasps, and hornets get more aggressive, so we’re more likely to get stung. In late summer and fall, these stinging insects start to prepare for winter at the same time that their natural food sources are depleted. They’re hungry and their instinct to protect their hive and, particularly, their queen becomes more intense. I sometimes get “hangry” too, so at some level I get it, but being on the receiving end of a yellow jacket’s misplaced fury is a big drag. Fortunately—so long as you are not allergic to bees and wasps—there are a number of very effective natural and herbal remedies if you’ve been stung.

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Posted by Heidi

3 Healthy Chia Seed Pudding Recipes

Chia pudding is one of those foods that people often have very clear feelings about. They are either fully “Team Chia!” or are squicked out by the texture. The texture of chia pudding is all about proportions—a tiny change can make or break it. When you dial it in correctly, chia seed pudding gives you a delicious, high-fiber snack or topping that is beneficial for your gut, rich in Omega-3s, and provides protein and a number of essential minerals and antioxidants. Chia pudding is also a perfect vehicle for herbal powders which means you can easily customize the flavors and add herbal support!

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Posted by Heidi

Mountain Rose Herbs Awarded Gold Stevie® Award!

Longtime friends of Mountain Rose Herbs know we thrive on creating unique experiences. In 2021, it was no surprise to the people who know us best when we announced we were developing a first-of-its-kind essential oil marketplace. The Mountain Rose Aroma Bar is intended to engage the senses through high-quality, ethically sourced essential oils and personal aromatherapy products. So, we mindfully designed the Aroma Bar to provide shoppers with a sumptuous setting in which to experience some of the world’s most captivating pure essential oils. We are incredibly honored to announce that the branding and design of the Aroma Bar has just been awarded a Gold Stevie® Award and selected as the Marketing Campaign of the Year in the retail category of The 2022 American Business Awards®!

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Posted by Heidi

9 Herbal Activities for Kids

Giving children a good herbal foundation will stay with them for their lifetime. Knowledge is power, and when we are young, we are especially open and eager to learn new things about the natural world. In the same way that learning another language is especially helpful in earlier development stages, so is sharing the language of plants. No matter what career and lifestyle children grow into, exploring plants as a child will give them a solid foundation of wisdom that will help them in their day-to-day lives. They will have the ability to take control of their own health and teach others to do the same. 

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Posted by Jessicka

Ethical Issues in the Herb Industry: Wildharvesting vs. Cultivation

At Mountain Rose Herbs, we have been in a years-long process of shifting our procurement policies away from wildharvested herbs in favor of cultivated ones whenever possible. This policy was necessitated by the increasing impact of overharvesting on some of the most popular herbs and spices around the world. In some cases, for instance with white sage (Salvia apiana), we have been able to source excellent organic, cultivated options, which means we can continue to offer this herbal ally with a good conscience. In other cases, however, as with false unicorn (Chamaelirium luteum) and trillium (Trillium spp.), we have chosen to discontinue carrying an herb because we simply cannot find an ethical way to procure it. As we are navigating an increasingly complex procurement reality, I want to give you a peek behind the curtain, as it were, into why and how we determine what we can sell while prioritizing the overall wellbeing of people, plants, and planet.

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Posted by Shawn

Bloodroot: How We Can Create a Bountiful Future for an At-Risk Herb

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is one of those herbal allies that has been with North Americans for as long as anyone can remember. For thousands of years, First Nations Peoples used different parts of the plant for a wide variety of issues ranging from skin problems to respiratory and gastrointestinal complaints, and also used it to make dyes. European immigrants, eclectic medicine practitioners, and others learned from the local indigenous peoples and by the early 19th century, bloodroot was officially listed in the United States Pharmacopeia. Today, literally tons of bloodroot are wildharvested every year. Lets talk about the challenges this herbal ally is facing and how we can support its bountiful future.

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Posted by Heidi

How to Make Instant Herbal Tea Cubes

I’m always looking for new and convenient ways to add herbs to my diet. As you may have learned from my blog on how to make herbal salt blends, I believe it is the small daily habits that truly add up to the biggest changes in our overall health and wellness. This is one of the reasons I started making herbal ice cubes. This simple preparation is easy, fast, and offers some wonderful benefits for our hard-working bodies and minds. Simply adding a few herbal ice cubes to my water allows me to harness the power of herbs without tacking on any extra time or effort. These “instant iced tea cubes” turn a plain glass of water into flavorful tea in seconds and offer the opportunity to incrementally add extra vitamins, minerals, and functional herbs to your daily routine. 

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Posted by Jessicka

10 Zero-Waste Wedding and Party Favors

When you are planning an event, especially one as large as a wedding, there are many things to consider: budget, theme, comfort and, hopefully, sustainability. When it comes to party favors, I’m a big fan of gifting homemade things that are clean, green, and most importantly, useful!

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Posted by Jessicka


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

How to Upcycle Herbs After Making Infusions, Oils, Tinctures, and More

Have you ever asked yourself what you can do with herbs after you've made tea, infused oils, tinctures, vinegars, and honeys? Here are some fun ways to upcycle the remaining plant material, often called the “marc,” into other fine uses and crafts.

September 12, 2022

Loose Leaf Tea vs. Tea Bags

The world of loose leaf tea is a magical and herbaceous place, find out why we prefer loose leaf when it comes to tea brewing.

September 9, 2022

Bilberry and Hawthorn Berry Syrup

Adding herbs and spices to an apple cider reduction syrup is a delicious way to bring more botanical support into your diet. Join us as jim mcdonald shares his special recipe with cardiovascular-supporting berries.*
WRITTEN BY jim mcdonald- Guest Herbalist

September 7, 2022

How to Soothe a Bee Sting at Home & in the Wild

While we love our pollinator friends, getting stung is a total drag! These simple natural remedies will help soothe the burning and itching associated with a sting. Included are ways to address a bee sting at home or in the wild!

September 6, 2022

3 Healthy Chia Seed Pudding Recipes

Chia seed pudding is a perfect vehicle for herbal powders, so you can customize the flavor and the herbal support in a delicious snack or breakfast bowl.

August 28, 2022

Mountain Rose Herbs Awarded Gold Stevie® Award!

We are honored to announce that Mountain Rose Herbs has earned a Gold Stevie® Award for the Marketing Campaign of the Year in the retail category of The 2022 American Business Awards®!

August 27, 2022

9 Herbal Activities for Kids

Learning a new language is easiest for children which is why teaching future generations the language of plants is especially important. These 9 activities will help the herbal explorers in your life connect, learn, and grow with the natural world around them.

August 17, 2022

Ethical Issues in the Herb Industry: Wildharvesting vs. Cultivation

Learn more about why we are in the process of shifting our procurement policies away from wild-harvested herbs in favor of cultivated ones whenever possible.

August 16, 2022

Bloodroot: How We Can Create a Bountiful Future for an At-Risk Herb

Bloodroot is an herbal ally that has been with us for as long as anyone can remember. Learn how you can help support its bountiful future.

August 3, 2022

How to Make Instant Herbal Tea Cubes

It is the small daily habits that truly add up to the biggest changes in our overall health and wellness. These “instant iced tea cubes” turn a plain glass of water into flavorful cold tea in seconds and offer the opportunity to add vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds to your daily routine.

August 1, 2022

10 Zero-Waste Wedding and Party Favors

If you are looking for some unique wedding and party favor ideas that are affordable, easy to make in bulk, and error-proof, then you will enjoy these 10 sustainable gift ideas.

July 30, 2022