Easy Winter Health Formulas

It’s been a long couple of years. Many of us are feeling mental fatigue and existential stress, which negatively impacts our immune systems and overall wellbeing. This year, having some easy winter health formulas on hand feels more important than ever. They can’t cure the state of our world, but they often can help support our immune systems before we get sick and can provide some relief when we’ve caught whatever winter crud is going around. The following formulas have been Mountain Rose Herbs' favorites for a long time and are wonderful additions to your winter care routine. From our home to yours, we wish you a healthy, restful winter!

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Posted by Heidi

Adaptogenic Chai Tea Recipe with Astragalus

If you’ve ever checked the ingredients list on your favorite chai blend, you may have found yourself dizzied by the long list of herbs and spices involved. While such an assortment might take some work to assemble, this variety also makes chai spice recipes a delicious way to enjoy a whole host of beneficial botanicals in a single cup. And one of our favorite additions, from both a flavor and wellness perspective, is sweet and adaptogenic astragulus root.

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Posted by Jessicka

Why Organic Seaweed is Important

In the last couple of years, the global demand for seaweeds has skyrocketed. Its no surprise, as seaweed offers a stunning array of nutritional benefits and packs a unique salty and umami punch due to its high glutamate content. Seaweed is also used in a variety of non-food applications, including cosmetics and beauty products, scientific research, traditional medicinal applications, biofuels, fertilizers, and more. Considering all the uses for these aquatic plants and the increase in demand for such products, it is more important than ever to consider best practices for harvesting and processing these precious materials. It is this consideration that drives Mountain Rose Herbs to work closely with our harvest partners in offering organically certified seaweeds.

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Posted by Katheryn

Mood Booster: An Herbal Extract for the Winter Blues

Here in the Coast Range and Willamette Valley of western Oregon, we know our foggy, rainy winters are responsible for the stunningly gorgeous, green landscapes we love so much. But, wow, it’s been cold and gray this winter! As a born-and-raised Oregonian, I’m one of the weirdos who loves rain, who adds extra blankets to my bed so I can sleep with the windows open to hear and smell the winter weather. I love sloshing around in rubber boots, and taking drizzly forest walks in the fog, and struggling against the cold rain to plant a super-early garden. There is a name for people like me: pluviophile (someone who finds joy and peace of mind on rainy days). However, for most people, the combination of dark, wet, and cold is incredibly challenging. It grieves me to watch my sun-loving, light-deprived friends and family sink into annual winter doldrums, which is why I love to make this mood-boosting herbal extract with its blend of warming, uplifting, relaxing herbs to help alleviate those seasonal blues and give a little relief to my favorite people.

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Posted by Heidi

Herbs for Sports: Natural Support for Performance & Recovery

Modern athletes seeking to support health and performance have no shortage of high-tech, lab-synthesized supplement options at their disposal. However, many active individuals are seeking out more natural options to power their active pursuits, and herbalists have plenty to contribute to the conversation!

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Posted by Chris

Vegan Poke Bowl Recipe with Seaweed and Sesame

This vegan poke bowl recipe is healthy, filling, and makes the perfect addition to your weekly meal plan. It takes a bit of planning, but sure does pay off. Cook the rice and tempeh, make the sauce, and chop the veggies ahead of time in preparation for the work week. Then, simply combine the ingredients for protein-rich lunches or dinners sprinkled with organic nori flakes and organic sesame seeds. You can also assemble these bowls in individual containers and have premade delicious meals throughout the week. In my house, high-vitamin, protein-packed, easy-to-digest poke bowls are a perfect vegetarian option for meatless Mondays.

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Posted by Alyssa

East Asian Herbal Liniment + Poultice Recipe

My acupuncture clinic is perhaps similar to a martial arts studio. Nobody punches or kicks in my clinic, at least not on purpose, but I support people as they fight through aches and pains from injuries both acute and chronic. After treating pain-related conditions with acupuncture, I often aid recovery by rubbing a liniment, or Die Da Jiu (跌打酒), into achy joints and tissues. The aromatic herbs and precious resins in this formula scent my treatment room like an ancient apothecary, while moving stuck traumas, helping tissues release their stored issues, and lending a golden glow to affected areas.

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Organic Herb Sourcing: The Bigger Picture

In 1987 Mountain Rose Herbs was founded on a commitment to sustainably source all of our botanicals, and since then we’ve made every effort to uphold that commitment. One of the most important aspects of keeping that promise is ensuring transparency in the supply chains for each lot of material that we receive in our warehouse. Maintaining this requires a close relationship between Mountain Rose and our farm partners, and this relationship is managed by our Procurement team.

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Posted by Katheryn

Benefits and History of Lemon Balm + Tea Recipes

I’ll admit it, I have some big, sappy feelings about lemon balm. You might even say that I have an herbal crush on the plant, and let’s be honest, I don’t think I’m the only one. This herb tends to evoke that feeling in its fans. We don’t just use lemon balm we also hold a deep and abiding affection for it. When we decided to write blog posts about our favorite herbs, it made me pause and ask myself just what it is about lemon balm that I love so much? I am a creature guided by my gut feelings and intuition. Which can be wonderful, but admittedly, not the most scientific approach. So, I sat down to do some research on my beloved Melissa officinalis.

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Posted by Maia

Homemade Herbal Mouthwash Recipes

The last time I picked up a bottle of generic mouthwash, I couldn’t pronounce most of the ingredients listed. That’s a serious red flag for me. I always tried to take care of my teeth and even though I brush twice a day and floss a few times a week, I felt like something was missing. So, I decided that I didn’t want to skip the swish and spit part of my dental hygiene routine. Natural, homemade mouthwash to the rescue! Organic extracts and teas are wonderful ingredients to help you avoid artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners often found in commercial mouthwash products. There are more than a few herbs you can use as a base to both flavor your mouthwash and lend their herbal superpowers to your DIY creation.

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Posted by Alyssa

BRING Business Program Adds Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Component

You’ve heard us say before that the foundational principle of Mountain Rose Herbs is “people, plants, and planet are more important than profit.” A primary element of how we succeed in keeping that ethic at the core of everything we do is the recognition that no matter how much we strive for excellence as human beings and as a company, it really does “take a village” to create change and to set ourselves always on a path of growth and learning. We have been building working relationships with like-minded companies, organizations, nonprofits, and individuals for more than three decades in order to put strategic action to our principles. One of these longstanding alliances is with BRING, a local nonprofit that has been working to change attitudes and behaviors about waste for 50 years.

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Posted by Shawn


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Easy Winter Health Formulas

Natural remedies for winter wellness are easy to make and handy to keep around for those moments when our immune systems need a little extra support.

January 15, 2022

Adaptogenic Chai Tea Recipe with Astragalus

Sip wellness support with this DIY chai blend with astragalus, an adaptogenic, immuno-supportive root with a sweet flavor to complement warming spices!

January 8, 2022

Why Organic Seaweed is Important

How can seaweed become certified organic, why it's important, and what that process looks like.

January 6, 2022

Mood Booster: An Herbal Extract for the Winter Blues

If you're struggling with seasonal blues, combine this simple herbal extract blend with healthy doses of natural light to make winter a little easier.

January 5, 2022

Herbs for Sports: Natural Support for Performance & Recovery

Learn how herbs can assist athletes in meeting their fitness and training goals. With variations on an herbal endurance blend, including a mushroom spice latte that will give you a morning jumpstart, these herbs can make a difference!

December 29, 2021

Vegan Poke Bowl Recipe with Seaweed and Sesame

Try out this Vegan Sesame Poke Bowl with Seaweed recipe that uses marinade and baked tempeh, a great source of protein.

December 28, 2021

East Asian Herbal Liniment + Poultice Recipe

Make your own East Asian Medicine Die Da Jiu liniment and keep this topical preparation handy to meet the inevitable slings and arrows of an active life.
WRITTEN BY Jiling Lin- Guest Writer

December 17, 2021

Organic Herb Sourcing: The Bigger Picture

Procurement is more than relationship building. A good buyer takes into consideration the whole picture, from geological happenings to the quality of the final product, and everywhere in between.

December 8, 2021

Benefits and History of Lemon Balm + Tea Recipes

Learn about the history, benefits, and uses of one of the most beloved and versatile herbs, lemon balm.

December 5, 2021

Homemade Herbal Mouthwash Recipes

Create homemade natural mouthwashes to avoid the artificial coloring, flavors, preservatives, and harmful ingredients found in commercial mouthwashes.

November 29, 2021

BRING Business Program Adds Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Component

We work with BRING’s Rethink Business Program. They are helping businesses weave justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (J.E.D.I.) into workplaces

November 29, 2021