Spring & Summer 2014 Catalog!


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Photo Thursday

The 2014-15 AHPA Board of Trustees (from left to right): Marc Allen, David Morrison, Staci Eisner, Edward Fletcher, P.K. Dave, Mitchell Coven, Steven Yeager, Steve Holmes, Michael Lelah, Daniel Gagnon, Elan Sudberg, Richard Kaufman, Wilson Lau, Travis Borchardt, Steven Dentali, Rupa Das, Graham Rigby, Jaclyn Chasse, Doug Brandmeir (proxy for Kay Wright), Cindy Angerhofer, Beth Lambert. Not pictured: Garry Pay, Jackie Greenfield, Richard Enticott, Katie Huggins, Beth Curtin, Joel Berry, Kay Wright.
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Exploring Yarrow with Rosemary Gladstar

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Declare Your Support with this Pesticide-Free Garden Sign!

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Posted by Alieta

Photo Thursday!

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Herbal Honey Spreads

These tasty Herbal Honey Spreads from our friends at Mockingbird Meadows are back in stock!

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Posted by Christine

Photo Thursday!

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Posted by Alieta

Growing Our Relationships with Farms and Farmers

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Earth Aroma Balm

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Photo Thursday!

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Posted by Alieta

Aroma News: Oakwood Absolute

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Posted by Christine


We offer one of the most thorough selections of certified organic herbs, spices, and botanical products and are commited to responsible sourcing.

Spring & Summer 2014 Catalog!

Spring & Summer 2014 Catalog!
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

March 18, 2014

Photo Thursday

Photo Thursday
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

March 13, 2014

Exploring Yarrow with Rosemary Gladstar

New Video: Yarrow with Rosemary Gladstar
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

March 10, 2014

Declare Your Support with this Pesticide-Free Garden Sign!

Declare Your Support with this Pesticide-Free Garden Sign!

March 7, 2014

Photo Thursday!

Photo Thursday!
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

March 7, 2014

Herbal Honey Spreads

Herbal Honey Spreads
WRITTEN BY Christine

February 28, 2014

Photo Thursday!

Photo Thursday!

February 27, 2014

Growing Our Relationships with Farms and Farmers

Growing Our Relationships with Farms and Farmers
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

February 26, 2014

Earth Aroma Balm

Earth Aroma Balm
WRITTEN BY The Mountain Rose Herbs Team

February 24, 2014

Photo Thursday!

Photo Thursday!

February 20, 2014

Aroma News: Oakwood Absolute

Aroma News: Oakwood Absolute
WRITTEN BY Christine

February 14, 2014