We are so excited that Ann will be joining us at Rootstalk to teach about the production, history, and use of botanical hydrosols. She's even bringing her copper still for a flower water distillation demo during the festival! These unique classes are not to be missed!
We hope you enjoy our interview with Ann...
Ann Harman is a botanist, herbalist, and artisan distiller. She studied Botany at Colorado State University in Ft Collins, CO. She has been making herbal products for decades and distilling hydrosols for over 15 years. She enjoys teaching the art of distillation and offers workshops at her farm and other venues. When not distilling, she is a guest lecturer at Bastyr University and contributes articles to several aromatherapy publications including Aromascents, Aromatherapy Today, Aromatherapy Thymes, and the NAHA Aromatherapy Journal. When funding permits, she continues to research the many aspects of the world of hydrosols. Ann is the owner of Morning Myst Botanics, a certified organic business located in Washington State. www.morningmystbotanics.com
I will demonstrate how a hydrosol is made using a beautiful Copper Alembic still. These stills date back hundreds of years. I will also have a class on the History of Aromatic Waters and their uses.
Rootstalk Classes
Hydrosol Distillation Demonstration
Join Ann for this exciting demonstration as she shows us how to distill an exquisite fresh hydrosol using her beautiful copper Alembic Still.
Hydrosols ~ History and Modern Uses
We will explore the ancient world of these aromatic waters, where they came from, and how they were used. We will demonstrate the many ways they can be employed in modern Herbalism and Aromatherapy.
Discovering that plants communicate if we will just listen. They are our allies.
Keeping the term "organic" meaningful. Growing organically is imperative if we are to heal this Earth.
Educate themselves, read labels and support their local farms.
I hope to have my book on Distillation finished soon. That is a big project, but it is the book I wish I would have had when I started distilling. I currently have several self-funded research projects underway that focus on Hydrosols. I am studying their composition, microbiology and shelf-life.
Whenever I connect with plant people I feel renewed and full of hope. "Plant People" have a love of the Earth and each other which is a great feeling to be around!
All of them, as Emerson said, "A weed is a plant whose virtues are as yet undiscovered."
For more information about Ann's amazing work and to connect with her on Facebook, visit the Rootstalk website: http://www.rootstalkfest.com/page/ann-harman